What does slavery have to do with Today?

Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 01:25 pm
Interesting...at first glance, I don't see too much in your answer that I strongly disagree with. I don't have the time to get into a deep discussion about it right now though, so I will have to mull it over for a little while and get back to this thread later. Thank you for your response.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 01:42 pm
I will take the time over the next day or so to read in detail the next 8 pages of commentary on this essay. Well thought out and presented as it is Noah, you have failed to mention the benefit you realize from todays state of slavery in our country. Today, right here in america, I employ slaves in my own business. Wait, what did I say....I employ slaves? Yes, very clearly this is my statement. You see, Noah, without todays mexican population which survies on a meager legal stipen for thier tireless back breaking efforts in my industy (construction), there is no way in hell you (a black man) or I (a white man) could afford to buy a house. We americans won't lift a finger for less than $20.00 an hour to labor for an employer, while the slaves I employ today exist and feed thier families on as little a $0.03 a foot for 8-10 hours per day and most times 6 days a week.
Net paycheck typically $350.00 to $450.00 per week.

In this example I have only presented one industry where we americans realize the benefits of modern slavery. Do you enjoy vegatables with your dinner?Make no mistake slavery is alive and well in our country. And we need it.

Now, to the constant barage of poor me poor me I hear from black americans. One question... When was the last time you heard a chinese guy bitch about the fact that his ancestors built our nations rail system. Noah, Ride the train in your big city much? Bet you do. Think about the benefits you are experiencing from the fruits of thier unrewarded labor? Bet not. Now look around and see how many Chinese got on with thier lives and presently own and operate a very large percentage of our nation.

Slavery is not a question of white dominance. Slavery is a fact of the human race since the beginning of time. There is not a nation on this earth that is what it is today without the conquer and control of another nations people.

Now doesn't this bring up another question entirely?

What would we do without the socio-economic benefits of modern slavery? I will start with the answer.... We will be tomorows slaves.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 02:04 pm
surfdude wrote:
I will take the time over the next day or so to read in detail the next 8 pages of commentary on this essay. Well thought out and presented as it is Noah, you have failed to mention the benefit you realize from todays state of slavery in our country. Today, right here in america, I employ slaves in my own business. Wait, what did I say....I employ slaves? Yes, very clearly this is my statement. You see, Noah, without todays mexican population which survies on a meager legal stipen for thier tireless back breaking efforts in my industy (construction), there is no way in hell you (a black man) or I (a white man) could afford to buy a house. We americans won't lift a finger for less than $20.00 an hour to labor for an employer, while the slaves I employ today exist and feed thier families on as little a $0.03 a foot for 8-10 hours per day and most times 6 days a week.
Net paycheck typically $350.00 to $450.00 per week.

In this example I have only presented one industry where we americans realize the benefits of modern slavery. Do you enjoy vegatables with your dinner?Make no mistake slavery is alive and well in our country. And we need it.

Now, to the constant barage of poor me poor me I hear from black americans. One question... When was the last time you heard a chinese guy bitch about the fact that his ancestors built our nations rail system. Noah, Ride the train in your big city much? Bet you do. Think about the benefits you are experiencing from the fruits of thier unrewarded labor? Bet not. Now look around and see how many Chinese got on with thier lives and presently own and operate a very large percentage of our nation.

Slavery is not a question of white dominance. Slavery is a fact of the human race since the beginning of time. There is not a nation on this earth that is what it is today without the conquer and control of another nations people.

Now doesn't this bring up another question entirely?

What would we do without the socio-economic benefits of modern slavery? I will start with the answer.... We will be tomorows slaves.

People will not work for less than $20 an hour? I assume that is an embellishment in order to make a point, which the truth fails to make for you…hence the need to embellish. I know people in the community that I grew up in that view a $15 an hour job as a "Good Job". This community is nearly all black and children of working class factory workers whose companies have shifted production to cheaper sources of labor over seas. Moreover, the housed in the community that I come from has about a third of the value of the median home price in the Metropolitan area. It is white demand and their larger pockets that bid of the price of housing under the law of supply and demand in the free market. Hence, most poor working class folks are not buying new homes, they are purchasing existing homes or renting where the cost of housing is much cheaper, due to lack of white demand for it. So that statement of yours is simply BS.

What is true, however, is that black people will only work commiserate with the pay. If you pay black people minimum wages, you get minimum work. That is born from the history of black exploitation and black reluctance to be exploited by white folks again.

I receive the benefits of the exploitation of many people, including my own ancestors. However, what makes me different is that I would be willing to REDISTRIBUTE wealth and opportunity to compensate and adjust for this….while a person like you would not.

Furthermore, most Chinese in America are not descendants of the Chinese who were forced into building the railroads. Likely less than 5% of the Chinese in America are descendants of them, while over 90% of blacks are the descendants of slaves.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 02:08 pm

the most intelligent answer i have seen is from JP....

"" I keep wanting to write something on this thread and then realize the futility of it all and just delete it. Reading it is equally futile. I think I'll stop doing both. """"

nuff said
tah - tah
and all that other white english food. ;-)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 02:19 pm
I think I'm going to go have phone sex with Zane.

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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 02:20 pm
shewolfnm wrote:

the most intelligent answer i have seen is from JP....

"" I keep wanting to write something on this thread and then realize the futility of it all and just delete it. Reading it is equally futile. I think I'll stop doing both. """"

nuff said
tah - tah
and all that other white english food. ;-)

Let me explain that intelligent dilemma. First, one has a thought or belief and are ready to put it down. Then, they realize that it may SOUND racist…if they say it, so they don't say it. Thus, people afflicted with this face futility because their goal and expectation is to not be seen as racist, because they do not see themselves as such. Yet, they know when a statement SOUNDS or SEEMS racist on its surface and that is why they don't say it. Well, if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck…..its probably a duck.
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Debra Law
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 02:51 pm
I read through the first three pages . . . and I got tired. Whew.

First. Everyone has to pay taxes. We cannot give people a tax exemption based on the color of their skin.

Second. This is the land of opportunity. The opportunites for obtaining an education and making something of yourself are there -- you just need to grasp those opportunities. If you don't take advantage of the opportunities available, you're engaging in self-repression / oppression.

Third. Your attitude is pathetic and self-defeating. Woe is me. I'm disadvantaged by the color of my skin and 300 years of oppression! Why should I bother to better myself? Why should I work to get an education? Why should I aspire to developing a work ethic?

Society gives you all the opportunties you could possibly need to be successful (to get an education and to make a decent living) if you work at being successful. No one can do the work for you. No one is going to hand you success. You have to earn it. You have to achieve that on your own regardless of your skin color. Get off your pity pot and get to work.

Fourth: You don't grasp the concept of personal responsibility. Government handouts to the poor, the sick, and the needy only go so far. If you are an able-bodied human being capable of learning and working, you cannot expect the Government to give you everything you want simply because of your skin color.

Fifth: The government has done everything it can possibly do to put an end to racial discrimination and to integrate the descendants of the former slaves into society. If you insist on differentiating yourself and segregating yourself from the rest of society based on the color of your own skin, there is nothing more that society can do.

The best helping hand you will ever find is the one at the end of your own wrist. You are not entitled to a free ride and government hand-outs because your ancestors were repressed.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 02:58 pm
You all do not fool me…especially conservative white folks. Show me a white conservative and 9 times out of 10 I will show you a white racist. Show me a white liberal and I will show you a white racist 4 out of 10 times.

Oh. Ok.
What makes you a white supremacist is your advocacy of policy designed to maintain the system of white superiority of condition and privilege.

How is it designed to do that? There are laws and quotas that go AGIANST white people not for them. Your operating from that horrible personal bias of yours (which you rail others from having) that demands the system be biased towards blacks so some sort of (in)equality is reached.
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Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 03:32 pm
Noah said....I receive the benefits of the exploitation of many people, including my own ancestors. However, what makes me different is that I would be willing to REDISTRIBUTE wealth and opportunity to compensate and adjust for this….while a person like you would not.

To the last sentence... You are correct, I would not REDISTRIBUTE wealth or opportunity to compensate for ANYTHING. This reason for this is simple...I have created my own situation, on my own.

I am the son of two very differently econonically endowed families with one common thread... Neither of my sets of parents talked to me about what to do with or how to get and grow money. In addition I went through three years of drug abuse that left me an uneducated, 98 lb, homeless drain on society. So starting from the bottom...

Realizing I was in a place of no hope and no future I made a descion to change my place in the world. I sought out and took advantage of each little opportunity that made sence along the way. Sometimes this moved me forward somtimes a little back. Today, only 7 years later, I am doing my part and being accoutable for the salary I have created for myself using opportunuitys that are availible to ALL americans.

So to clarify both ideas here...1. I live in a Democratic society where each must do for themselves NOT a Socialist republic where all get equal share and have no reason to better anything about thier situation. 2. I am living proof that by keeping ones eyes open and head down EVERY individual, no matter how low on the totem pole, has the chance to get to whaever they would like to be socially or economically.

Have these achievements been easyer because I am white? Hard to say... Like you I live in an area that is mostly comprised of people of my own race. So if things are so difficult for you, or those that you observe around you, does this mean that folks of your own race are holding you back?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 03:42 pm
Noah... I have an addition question. Ok, maybe two.

Why it is wrong to be a - white - racist?

I am VERY proud of the fact that I am white. I do not wear a swastica or have a southern flag in my garage. I do however teach my children to be VERY proud of the fact that they are white.

So my pride, in fact, makes me a racist. Why must I be forced to feel discomfort in displaying my feelings of belonging on my own team?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 03:43 pm
Oh no surfdude you have it all wrong. Noah only wants the cold hard facts none of this personal drabble. He will not have for it. Not unless it's his personal drabble; then it's purposeful and provides a "reason" for his "unbiased" ideas.
0 Replies
Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 04:00 pm
Debra_Law wrote:
I read through the first three pages . . . and I got tired. Whew.

First. Everyone has to pay taxes. We cannot give people a tax exemption based on the color of their skin.

Second. This is the land of opportunity. The opportunites for obtaining an education and making something of yourself are there -- you just need to grasp those opportunities. If you don't take advantage of the opportunities available, you're engaging in self-repression / oppression.

Third. Your attitude is pathetic and self-defeating. Woe is me. I'm disadvantaged by the color of my skin and 300 years of oppression! Why should I bother to better myself? Why should I work to get an education? Why should I aspire to developing a work ethic?

Society gives you all the opportunties you could possibly need to be successful (to get an education and to make a decent living) if you work at being successful. No one can do the work for you. No one is going to hand you success. You have to earn it. You have to achieve that on your own regardless of your skin color. Get off your pity pot and get to work.

Fourth: You don't grasp the concept of personal responsibility. Government handouts to the poor, the sick, and the needy only go so far. If you are an able-bodied human being capable of learning and working, you cannot expect the Government to give you everything you want simply because of your skin color.

Fifth: The government has done everything it can possibly do to put an end to racial discrimination and to integrate the descendants of the former slaves into society. If you insist on differentiating yourself and segregating yourself from the rest of society based on the color of your own skin, there is nothing more that society can do.

The best helping hand you will ever find is the one at the end of your own wrist. You are not entitled to a free ride and government hand-outs because your ancestors were repressed.

First, to suggest that everyone must pay taxes ignores the fact that not everyone had to be slaves and thus not everyone is descendants of slaves. True, it is the law that everyone must pay taxes; however, it was also the law that people (black people) could be held as slaves, while others were free. Secondly, it is OUR money…the black taxpayers that would go into a fund for black peoples. That does not mean that we would not be taxed, but that our tax dollars would be collected and pulled into a fund for black reparations.

Secondly, opportunity in America is determined by the economic laws of supply and demand. People do not control their fate in the system, but rather, their fate is dependant upon opportunities the system is supplying. For example, recessions or contractions in the economy lead to people losing jobs and income, despite them being educated or not. When a large number of white folks are out of work, it is attributed to the economy not supplying enough opportunities. When large numbers of blacks are out of work, it is not attributed to the economy, but laziness and the unwillingness to grasp opportunity. The fact of the matter is that there has been massive divestment from black communities, eroding the tax base, education and job opportunities due to "white flight"

Thirdly, what are the lies that I have spoken? how can speaking the truth be considered an attitude? If it can be considered an attitude, then that attitude is called HONESTY. If honesty is self defeating, then I am not looking for success from the virtues of dishonesty. Maybe that is black peoples problem…we are not WICKED enough to get ahead and compete in a wicked world. I guess the summation of your premise is that nice guys finish last.

Fourthly, personal responsibility extends to the government as well. If the government breaks something, it should be held responsible for fixing it. You cannot have a government of credibility that walks west while talking east. In other words, the government cannot preach responsibility, accountability and consequence for actions while not being responsible, accountable or facing any consequences for its legalizing the oppression of black people, which resulted in the socio and economic gaps that exists between blacks and white today.

Fifthly, this is a government of the people, for the people and by the peoples. Who are the pluralities of those people? White peoples, that's who. Thus, when you talk about the government in this representative republic, you are talking about white people. Hence, the suggestion that white people have done all they can to integrate those that it oppressed back into society is laughable. We were already integral to the society…because much of its foundation was built of our oppression. It is not you who have given us anything, but us who have provided a place for European people's ancestors to come to in their attempts to escape the tyranny and oppression of all white Europe at the time.

Lastly, If someone starts rapping someone else, then stops, the action of stopping does not negate the starting. If you are raped, gods forbid, does the person stopping what they started make things even and whole? Of course not. To suggest that just because the government eventually put a legal end to what it legally promoted for centuries…as making things correct…is asinine and insulting.
0 Replies
Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 04:13 pm
surfdude wrote:
Noah... I have an addition question. Ok, maybe two.

Why it is wrong to be a - white - racist?

I am VERY proud of the fact that I am white. I do not wear a swastica or have a southern flag in my garage. I do however teach my children to be VERY proud of the fact that they are white.

So my pride, in fact, makes me a racist. Why must I be forced to feel discomfort in displaying my feelings of belonging on my own team?

I do not have a problem with your feeling in regards to being white. I do not teach my kid to be proud of being black. I teach my children to honor their ancestors spirits...who happen to be black. Why shoud I take pride in something that I have no control over...which is my color? THe least thing that I feel pride over are things that I have no control over. I have pride only for personal accomplishments...color not being one of them.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 04:16 pm
Noah The African wrote:
What is true, however, is that black people will only work commiserate with the pay. If you pay black people minimum wages, you get minimum work. That is born from the history of black exploitation and black reluctance to be exploited by white folks again.

I receive the benefits of the exploitation of many people, including my own ancestors. However, what makes me different is that I would be willing to REDISTRIBUTE wealth and opportunity to compensate and adjust for this….while a person like you would not.

Commiserate? This word means: "To feel or express sorrow or pity for; sympathize with."

I think you meant commensurate: "Corresponding in size or degree; proportionate: a salary commensurate with my performance."


First, you present yourself as an authoritative voice for black people. And then you tell us that black people are LAZY. You tell us that their work ethic stinks. You tell us that if they are paid minimum wages, they will expend minimum effort.

Then you tell us that black people want hand-outs. They want the wealth redistributed to them. But . . . if we give them money without expecting even so much as a minimal work effort in return, what will happen? Will they just sit on their butts, do nothing because of their entitlement issues, and expect to collect a check every month?

Wouldn't that just be promoting more laziness?

How can black people expect to be successful with minimal work effort and a sense of entitlement?

Well . . . I don't think you represent the views of black people. You're spewing bs.
0 Replies
Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 04:38 pm
Debra_Law wrote:
Noah The African wrote:
What is true, however, is that black people will only work commiserate with the pay. If you pay black people minimum wages, you get minimum work. That is born from the history of black exploitation and black reluctance to be exploited by white folks again.

I receive the benefits of the exploitation of many people, including my own ancestors. However, what makes me different is that I would be willing to REDISTRIBUTE wealth and opportunity to compensate and adjust for this….while a person like you would not.

Commiserate? This word means: "To feel or express sorrow or pity for; sympathize with."

I think you meant commensurate: "Corresponding in size or degree; proportionate: a salary commensurate with my performance."


First, you present yourself as an authoritative voice for black people. And then you tell us that black people are LAZY. You tell us that their work ethic stinks. You tell us that if they are paid minimum wages, they will expend minimum effort.

Then you tell us that black people want hand-outs. They want the wealth redistributed to them. But . . . if we give them money without expecting even so much as a minimal work effort in return, what will happen? Will they just sit on their butts, do nothing because of their entitlement issues, and expect to collect a check every month?

Wouldn't that just be promoting more laziness?

How can black people expect to be successful with minimal work effort and a sense of entitlement?

Well . . . I don't think you represent the views of black people. You're spewing bs.

I know what the term means…even though I misspelled it. I am not a good speller and have no ambitions to be a good speller…given Microsoft word. Some times I type "there" instead of "their". In fact, I often make plenty of grammatical flaws that can be recovered or understood via context. I am not presenting a thesis or essay for grading on grammar…in such a case I would clean it up. I am focusing on SUBSTANCE here and not style.

Blacks cannot be naturally lazy if this nation needed us to come here and do hard work to build this nation. This society ruined the work ethic of lots of black people by exploiting them for centuries and not offering them opportunities and pay on par with whites when they did give them opportunities. My point all along has been that every action has a reaction and that many of the reactions that cause black problems relative to whites is born from a reaction to whites history of oppressing blacks.

Got to go now…or I would have spent more time on your statements.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 05:24 pm
Noah The African wrote:
First, to suggest that everyone must pay taxes ignores the fact that not everyone had to be slaves and thus not everyone is descendants of slaves. True, it is the law that everyone must pay taxes; however, it was also the law that people (black people) could be held as slaves, while others were free. Secondly, it is OUR money…the black taxpayers that would go into a fund for black peoples. That does not mean that we would not be taxed, but that our tax dollars would be collected and pulled into a fund for black reparations.

You were NEVER a slave. Slavery was abolished decades before you were even born. Today, as a citizen, you are guaranteed equal protection under the laws. Discrimination is unlawful. You are not entitled to "reparations" from the government. You have failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.

Your request that black people be segregated from the rest of society, separately taxed, and have their tax dollars redistributed as handouts to blacks is DENIED.

Noah The African wrote:
Secondly, opportunity in America is determined by the economic laws of supply and demand. People do not control their fate in the system, but rather, their fate is dependant upon opportunities the system is supplying. For example, recessions or contractions in the economy lead to people losing jobs and income, despite them being educated or not. When a large number of white folks are out of work, it is attributed to the economy not supplying enough opportunities. When large numbers of blacks are out of work, it is not attributed to the economy, but laziness and the unwillingness to grasp opportunity. The fact of the matter is that there has been massive divestment from black communities, eroding the tax base, education and job opportunities due to “white flight”

If the white people are going where the jobs are located; then why don't the black people do the same? I don't understand your argument that white people can simply pick up and leave an economically depressed area and move around the nation in search of jobs, but black people can't do the same.

Noah The African wrote:
Thirdly, what are the lies that I have spoken? how can speaking the truth be considered an attitude? If it can be considered an attitude, then that attitude is called HONESTY. If honesty is self defeating, then I am not looking for success from the virtues of dishonesty. Maybe that is black peoples problem…we are not WICKED enough to get ahead and compete in a wicked world. I guess the summation of your premise is that nice guys finish last.

It is true that slavery once existed in this country. I never said that was a lie. It is true that racial discrimination / racial segregation was once facilitated by our government. I never said that was a lie.

But the people of this nation recognized the wrongs of the past and and the government took the necessary steps (decades ago) to remedy those past wrongs and to put laws into place to prohibit discrimination / segregation and to promote integration.

You're the one who refuses to grasp the opportunities this country has to offer ALL PERSONS for education and jobs. Instead, you have an unjustified sense of entitlement. You want handouts simply because you're black. You want the government to give you everything you want without earning it yourself. I call that a self-defeating attitude and a refusal to accept personal responsibility your own life.

You think you're entitled to handouts from the government on the sole basis of your skin color. I disagree with you. This has nothing to do with the "nice guy finishing last."

Noah The African wrote:
Fourthly, personal responsibility extends to the government as well. If the government breaks something, it should be held responsible for fixing it. You cannot have a government of credibility that walks west while talking east. In other words, the government cannot preach responsibility, accountability and consequence for actions while not being responsible, accountable or facing any consequences for its legalizing the oppression of black people, which resulted in the socio and economic gaps that exists between blacks and white today.

The government took responsibility and did fix the problem -- decades ago. The government enacted laws that prohibit discrimination and segregation between the races. Those laws are enforced.

Now that the government has done everything it can possibly do, the only thing left to be done is for you to accept personal responsibility for your own life. If you want to close the "gap," you have to embrace the opportunities for education that will prepare you and your children for the better jobs. You have to embrace a strong work ethic and instill that work ethic into your children. Pretty simple concept: Personal responsibility.

Noah The African wrote:
Fifthly, this is a government of the people, for the people and by the peoples.

YES. I agree. But you want to separate and segregate the people based on the color of their skin. I prefer the integration of all people into society.

Noah The African wrote:
Who are the pluralities of those people? White peoples, that’s who. Thus, when you talk about the government in this representative republic, you are talking about white people.

NOT TRUE. Your premise is faulty.

Noah The African wrote:
Hence, the suggestion that white people have done all they can to integrate those that it oppressed back into society is laughable. We were already integral to the society…because much of its foundation was built of our oppression. It is not you who have given us anything, but us who have provided a place for European people’s ancestors to come to in their attempts to escape the tyranny and oppression of all white Europe at the time.

Your view of history is skewed. The foundation of this country was NOT built upon the oppression of black people.

We could easily argue that the foundation of this country was built on the oppression of religion in England . . . causing the pilgrims to immigrate to this country . . . and therefore, the descendants of the formerly oppressed pilgrims are entitled to reparations from England.

Where do we draw the line?

You need to let go of your unjustified sense of entitlement and your demands for government handouts and accept personal responsibility for your own life.

Noah The African wrote:
Lastly, If someone starts rapping someone else, then stops, the action of stopping does not negate the starting. If you are raped, gods forbid, does the person stopping what they started make things even and whole? Of course not. To suggest that just because the government eventually put a legal end to what it legally promoted for centuries…as making things correct…is asinine and insulting.

You were not raped. End of case.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 06:19 pm
Debra you are my new hero. I am done with the scolastic pillars of debate that have come before us.

Well played and skillfully delivered!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 07:17 pm
Wow that was well done deb. Put my thoughts to words which i have a **** of a time doing.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 07:18 pm
This thread just made me sick...

Noah, you really need to wake up and smell the coffee. Your standing on your stump screaming about the sufferage of YOUR people from over 200 years ago. Its an old arguement and its one that I am sick of.

Let me tell you something, I've done my heritage...and you don't hear me screaming about the sufferage of the Irish and the Germans..the Native Americans...cause I could do some screaming. Whats been done was done. It was not done by my hands or the others of this thread. And for you to come in here and show YOUR RACISM is a load of crap.

We are who we are...and I'm proud of who I am...
Its sad to say that you aren't.

You want to sit around and feel sorry for yourself based on your skin color. And you wonder why there is racism in this country? Ohhh...ya..your black, we owe you...Why don't you just blame your parents...you didn't get to pick them. Who knows..you might have been born white! You want repraration for something that was done 100's of years ago? Ok...I want Native American to recieve it too. Do your history, they were here first...everything they had was taken from them, treated like the dirt beneath thier feet, estranged from thier families, ENSLAVED...raped, mutilated, massed murdered, put on small plots of land and starved to death....and it goes on and on.

What makes YOU SPECIAL?

I am so sick of this race card!!! If you want to make a difference than stand up and do something good and postive about it. You spoke of your community. Get a grant...change the community, help others in thier oppressed states. Be an Activist in your community, build the pride and stop the anger! Get up and do something thats life changing, instead of sitting around waiting for a handout because of your skin color.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2005 07:43 am
Debra and makesmeshiver... http://www.mainzelahr.de/smile/froehlich/bravo.gif
0 Replies

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