What does slavery have to do with Today?

Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 06:40 am
Noah (page 1 post 5) wrote:
Well, the fact of the matter is that the precedent has already been set for citizens to assume the debts that are the product of government actions. The fact is that the GOVERNMENT legalized and facilitated the oppression of black people by individuals. This is a government of the people, for the people and by the people and the majority of THOSE PEOPLE that allowed this were WHITE.

I am not expecting white folks to pay reparations…rather; I am simply EXPOSING you all for who you really are. Come on now…do you think that I would think that a people (white folks) who allowed our enslavement for 245 years and who allowed 100 years of apartheid and who frequently still discriminate…would pay reparations? That's laughable. It would assume that I assumed some sort of character shift in white people to the point that they are somehow different from whites in the past. You might not be the racist that knocked me down…but you might be the racist that attempts to keep me from getting up.

Did black people have anything to do with the slave trade at all? Have Black people ever enslaved people? Get off your high horse and realise that people of any ethnicity are capable of horrendous things, things which make slavery seem trivial. this says about as much about my character as a white person as it does about your character as a black one.

Noah(page2 post 2) wrote:
When you are dealing with most African Americans....you are dealing with the REACTION to historical white racism. Every action produces a reaction. What would you think is the NATURAL reaction for a people oppressed for nearly 4 centuries based upon their color not being "White", by people who were "white"? Do you think that blacks would now welcome and trust whites with open arms? Thats silly? What you are dealing with in regards to "black racism" is really the reaction of black people to the history of white racism.

White folks (not all) made the bed...now you don't want to lay it it.

Some white people made the bed, and other white people prefer to remake it rather than sleep in it as it is. Where do you find an inconsistency? I gather the bed is not quite to your liking either, so how about joining us in remaking it?

Lets deal with today, what afterefects of slavery do you see lingering around, and what are you suggesting we do about them?

Responding to Bella Dea claiming the abovementioned bed was never hers in the first place:
Noah (page2 post 5) wrote:

Maam...did you create America? Did you fight in any past wars to create Americas freedoms....if not...then why do you figure you get to lay in the bed of the beneifts accrued from others sacrafices? Its there, and I won't hurt anyone by utilising it. You want to lay in the bed of benefits created by others in the past...but you do not want to lay in the bed of liabilities created by others in the past. It seems to me that to follow your logic and reasoning...that you should leave this nation...because most of what it is you did not create...yet...you lay in it.

Hardly comparable, the liabilities assosiated with being born in, say, Uganda would have been endured, and are as we speak.

Would you want to extrapolate the laws of today innto the distant past, and apply benefits and liabilities to the offspring of the assosiated parties? Consider how random that would seem today, considering all the wars and genocides that are documented in history, as well as the intermixing of various ethnic groups. Could you imagine your tax rate being raised five percent in light of the latest archeological dig?

Somtimes when what you inherrit is sufficiently messed up you just need to discard it and start over.

Besides, I think the very idea of hereditary guilt is flawed to begin with, not to mention the generalisations over ethnic groups. I would not want such principles applied in the justice systems.

Noah(page 3, post 2) wrote:
First of all I am not trying to change your mind. Again, I would have to make an assumption about your character that would contradict the empirical data from history concerning most, but not all, white folks. It would be counter intuitive for me to assume against empirical evidence. My goal is to simply expose your contradiction and the fact that you are unwilling to address them. One I point them out I am confident in the fact that you are racist in effect… if not intent. I need not your admission or to change your mind.

Nothing of value here, just pointing out to Noah that he is doing the "white folks are evil" act again, exempting every other ethnic group. History makes people in general look bad, case closed.

This irrational singling out of white people is what triggers the "angry black guy" reaction.

Noah (page 3, last post) wrote:
The problem with your recommendation is that it "writes off" the effect to black people from past white racism. Actions produce reactions. The effect of white oppression of blacks manifested an aftermath upon black people. If one wants to target the aftermath for correction…then one must target black people. Going "color blind" before the aftermath of color prejudice has been corrected simply preserves the effects of white cooler prejudice. How convenient for white superiority. You do not have to knock me down to stay superior…you just need to keep me from getting up.

It's not a matter of knocking you down or keeping you from getting up, it's a matter of picking you up and pulling you back on your feet. Thats what you are asking. And my question is why should you have higher priority than all the other people who are sitting on their asses trough no fault of their own? Like the guy who's dad was a compulsive gambler, or the guy who's parents were both alcoholic, or the dude over in the corner who was raised by a single mother and is just dirt poor. And how about those black people whos parents managed to scramble back onto their legs? Should they be bypassed in favor of some of the other people or should they still be compensated?

Why should being black be the determining factor as opposed to being in need of help? Why should it matter wether you are underpriviledged because of some long dead peoples past mistreatment or because of some long dead peoples incompetence, or perhaps the incompetence of people who aren't quite dead yet?

Distributing aid on the basis of skincollor is just plain stupid.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 09:13 am
There were two white Harvard professors who were studying why Europe was more socialist than is America. They concluded that the primary reason was racism. Most European social welfare or transfer payments are percieved to go to other white people, while in America, they are percieved to go to people of color (mailnly blacks). They found a correlation between the race of the recipients of government transfer payments and increased intransigence toward those payments. They even found that here in America, states that are predominately white have much more generous welfare and assistance policies than do states with large minority populations. They also stated that the base assumption was that whites viewed blacks are being lazier and less ethical thus providing the rationalization to be against government transfer payments when the perception of the recipients is blacks.

If a person can be an alcoholic, but convince him or herself that they are not, why cannot a racist do the same? If a person can be delusional about being over weight and suffer from anorexia or bulimia, why cannot a racist be suffering from the same delusions? There is a large body of evidence to suggest that the mind can see what it wants to see, when reality is not what it wants to accept. There is cognitive dissonance and denial rampant among many white people in regards to race and racism. America has made white racism a stigma and taboo, thus, many whites who are racist in effect if not intent, are in denial of it. They refuse introspection of the effect of their beliefs in practice and how it always results in maintaining the effects of white privilege.

The fact is this. The present is the creation of the past. Blacks have spent 89% of our time in this land being oppressed. That past has shaped our present and will shape or future….with disadvantage. The fact that most white people REFUSE to be burdened with any liabilities from the government's legally promoting the oppression of black people for centuries, speaks volumes about their true nature. Many of these same people want other to believe that the spending and lives lost in Iraq was for giving the people the right to vote and that they believe in spreading freedom and helping those oppressed rise up from their oppression. That is total BS!!!! You are not willing to deal with the aftermath of your own nation's oppressive history upon black people, yet, you expect people to believe the BS that you are interested in promoting the freedom of people around the world? How credulous do you believe black people to be? And get this.....our white conservative reshaping of Iraq forced in QUOTAS....to ensure minoritiy rights and participation....yet, these same people are say that are against quotas in America for minorities (blacks). More BS!!!!!. You all must think we are fools.

You all do not fool me…especially conservative white folks. Show me a white conservative and 9 times out of 10 I will show you a white racist. Show me a white liberal and I will show you a white racist 4 out of 10 times.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 10:32 am
Noah The African wrote:

You all do not fool me…

You don't fool us either.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 10:40 am
Good...because as a black person...there is no taboo or stigma conscerning being labeled racist. Thus, we really have no incentive for being in denial...if we are racist.

Really, I do not like the use of the term racist. I prefer to describe the phenomenon as "white supremacy". Those whites, such as yourself, whose beliefs help maintain the system of white supremacy of condition and priveledge is what I refer to as racist.

If the effects of what you believe preserves white supremacy of condition.....you might be a red neck.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 10:49 am
You are proud to be black and I am not condemning you. I'm proud to be white and if that makes me a supremacist in your eyes, oh well. I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that you don't like me.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 10:55 am
I am not proud to be black. I am with knowledge and appreciation of me, who just happens to be black. Blackness is nothing to take pride in, besides being a misnomer; it only represents my degree of melanin in the epidermal layer of skin, greater than others. What makes you a white supremacist is your advocacy of policy designed to maintain the system of white superiority of condition and privilege.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 11:02 am
Rolling Eyes
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 11:02 am
I am not proud that my skin is light...I am proud to be white because THAT IS WHO I AM.
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Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 11:04 am
Bella Dea wrote:
I'm proud to be white and if that makes me a supremacist in your eyes, oh well. I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that you don't like me.

bella.... dahhhhling
you are putting wood in the fire and wondering why it is so hot?!
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 11:09 am
That's who you are? Then are you suggesting that you have no individuality that distinguishes and differentiates you from other people who also define themselves in the class of "white"? Moreover, being white only has meaning in juxtaposition with non white. Thus, if not for non whites….you would define yourself as "Nothing"? You are hilarious. But I do appreciate your coming out of the closet and exposing your naked racism. Believe it or not…I respect that…its honest.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 11:16 am
shewolfnm wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
I'm proud to be white and if that makes me a supremacist in your eyes, oh well. I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that you don't like me.

bella.... dahhhhling
you are putting wood in the fire and wondering why it is so hot?!

Are you telling her that her revelations is uncloaking the racism that white America says does not exists…thus hurting the white cause for being anti Affirmative Action…when obviously white racism still exist and causes harm?

Why not just tell her that it is people like her, past and present, that make AA a necessity? She is her own worse enemy. If one is anti AA and AA is a policy designed to offset the effects of racism, then being a racist is what makes AA a reality. Hence, its circular causation making the racist anti AA their own worst enemy. LOL Laughing
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 11:44 am
Noah The African wrote:
That's who you are? Then are you suggesting that you have no individuality that distinguishes and differentiates you from other people who also define themselves in the class of "white"? Moreover, being white only has meaning in juxtaposition with non white. Thus, if not for non whites….you would define yourself as "Nothing"? You are hilarious. But I do appreciate your coming out of the closet and exposing your naked racism. Believe it or not…I respect that…its honest.

Whatever. I can't even talk to you like a normal human being because no matter what I say I will be a racist to you. But it's sad because you don't know me and you can't possibly know anything about me. I like how you pretend to know me by labeling me a supremicist or a racist. Shows just how educated and evolved you really are.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 11:46 am
shewolfnm wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
I'm proud to be white and if that makes me a supremacist in your eyes, oh well. I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that you don't like me.

bella.... dahhhhling
you are putting wood in the fire and wondering why it is so hot?!

I don't wonder why it's so hot. I know why it is. I think it's hilarious that this guy thinks he knows me. Really makes me realize that no matter what I say or do there will be people like him to label me because I'm white.

But enough said. I am not bothered by the label but I am annoyed at my waste of time.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 12:00 pm
I do not need to know YOU to judge the effects of the practical application of your beliefs….as transcribed by your writings on this forum. I have not judged your intentions….only the effects of your beliefs….which preserve the state of collective white supremacy of condition.

I don't want to know YOU. I can't glean any benefit or pleasure from having such informatiom.

PS. Next time you will learn the tactic of most white people who do not want to have their racism uncovered and exposed. That tactic is SILENCE. For the more the racist talk about race...the more they are exposed as racist. Why do you think so many people have read this thread in silence? Obvously they are smarter than you in the practice of stealth and denial.
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Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 12:21 pm
I keep wanting to write something on this thread and then realize the futility of it all and just delete it. Reading it is equally futile. I think I'll stop doing both.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 12:39 pm
jpinMilwaukee wrote:
I keep wanting to write something on this thread and then realize the futility of it all and just delete it. Reading it is equally futile. I think I'll stop doing both.

me too. I can't take it. It's like a terrible accident. You want to look away but you can't.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 12:45 pm
jpinMilwaukee wrote:
I keep wanting to write something on this thread and then realize the futility of it all and just delete it. Reading it is equally futile. I think I'll stop doing both.

If this thread presents futility, then what is the functional utility of your commentary on other threads? What is the metrics for determining futility vs. utility? I do not understand the apparent futility that people perceive here in this debate. I can only suspect that futility is born from some sort of expectation. What do you all expect of me? Do you all expect for me to ignore the truths of history in regards to race and racism against blacks? Do you all expect for me to not believe that the present is the creation of the past? Do you all expect for me to believe that actions do not produce reactions? Do you all expect for me to believe that effects have not causes? What is it that you expect from this debate that breeds futility? Maybe the futility is born from attempting to argue against truth and logic. Thus, many of you are paralyzed by the futility of such an adventure. Many of you have the expectation and goal of not being seen as racist…even if you are. Thus, you expect for me not to see what you choose not to see in yourselves. When that expectation is not met, then the debate becomes futile, because you are not willing to accept the evidence of your own racism.

This is far from futility for me. Rather, it is simply a case study in white thinking and beliefs. One could not get this degree of honesty about race….in person from a person of another race. Not that you all are being honest here…just more honest than you would be in person. Fascinating.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 12:50 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
jpinMilwaukee wrote:
I keep wanting to write something on this thread and then realize the futility of it all and just delete it. Reading it is equally futile. I think I'll stop doing both.

me too. I can't take it. It's like a terrible accident. You want to look away but you can't.

You have already had your white supremacy exposed. The others have kicked you off the team because you have no credibility going fowards...because your beliefs are tainted by "white pride". As an astute person noted "you are wondering why its hot when your beliefs are the fuel for the fire".
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Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 12:54 pm
So what's your point, Noah? That black people have been oppressed and deserve reparations? If so, how would you decide who gets what? Or is it that all white people are racists? If you are saying that, then I'd have to agree with you, since I believe all PEOPLE are racist to some degree.
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Noah The African
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2005 01:09 pm
kickycan wrote:
So what's your point, Noah? That black people have been oppressed and deserve reparations? If so, how would you decide who gets what? Or is it that all white people are racists? If you are saying that, then I'd have to agree with you, since I believe all PEOPLE are racist to some degree.

I think that the knowledge from history has the benefit of properly describing the ailments of the present. Far too many people view black problems as being "self created". The assumption of the "self creation" of black problems has black inferiority as the core foundation. It is true that all people have problems that are of their own creation, however, that fact should negate that as an explanation for black social and economic disparities with whites. Whites have problems that are of their own making too, yet, they have 14 times the wealth of black people in America and black poverty rates are 3 times that of whites today.

Thus, knowledge of this history, even with out reparations, vindicates black humanity from being its own worse enemy and hence the cause of social and economic disparities. Such information is valuable to the black psyche so that it does not create an inferiority complex and a white superiority belief that results in black futility. If blacks think that we are our own worst enemy, as most whites allude or root or problems to, we will never be able to lift ourselves up and we will always be dependant upon being near whites to better our lives.

Yes, I believe that black are owed reparations…but I have no expectation that we will receive them, because this is a nation ruled by self interest and the majority…both of which are white…which was the source and cause of our original problems.
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