Foxfyre wrote:
And perhaps we can come to an agreement that Fox News is perceived as 'conservative' only because it does not bash the president or GOP in every news story either overtly or almost subliminally as most of the other news sources do. Further it proudly displays the American flag as a symbol of freedom and great Americans and refuses to relegate it to a political statement as many liberals seem to wish to do. And maybe we can agree that pretty much all the news is getting reported by Fox. It is their upbeat, optimism that is appealing to conservatives--not so much their slant.
It is simply one more News Source.
That's what's so damn shocking; that the conservatives don't believe that the president and his policies should be bashed, figuratively speaking of course. A president who has lied time after time after time and led a group of liars in invading a soverign country, all over these same misguided notions that led the US into Vietnam.
You folks just don't seem to get it. You are not the saviours of the world. Of course, you love "their upbeat, optimism". It allows you all to conveniently forget that over a 100,000 Iraqis have NOT been saved for democracy; that some 2,000,000 Vietnamese were also NOT saved for democracy; that untold thousands in South America have been butchered because of your upbeat but seriously misplaced and misguided optimism.
A news source should NOT be displaying ANY damn flag. A news source should not be a rah rah proganda machine. It's readily apparent just how far the wool has been pulled over your eyes.
Reporting the news means showing caskets coming home. It means that the casualties on both sides are reported. Remember, y'all went to Iraq to save those folks.
But what do the even handed reporters at Fox want to do, folks like O'Reilly, Coulter, etc.; they want to bomb them back into the stone age. Kinda of a repeat of Vietnam, isn't it. This great country of ours, our great shock and awe. We showed 'em, didn't we?
The hypocrisy is stunning! You supplied Saddam with a great deal of the weaponry, the materials for WMDs. You stood by while he used chemical weapons on Iranians and the Kurds. The latter you left high and dry, after promising to aid and support.
Millions are spent to retrieve the bones of US soldiers in Indochina. What's spent to help the thousands and thousands of people who have been and continue to be affected by the massive amount of chemical weapons poured on Vietnam by, you guessed it, the folks who like to be pumped up by Fox's rah rah news reports.