blatham wrote:timber
And here's a critique of the study you noted.
Now, I am not going to wade through either piece. But I will note that the media that Groseclose/Milo chose omits radio, all pundit shows (O'Reilly, Hannity, etc), and sources we know lots of folks here turn to (because they paste from them daily) like NewsMax and TownHall.
Well, I waded through blogger Nunberg's twaddle, and found a bit with which to take exception. To begin with, Nunberg betrays a thorough, complete, and unreserved absence of understanding of statistical analysis. That to which Nunberg takes exception is the finding - the conclusion - of the study, exception based on a misunderstanding and misquoting of the methodology of the study. I cannot believe Nunberg, as he claims. read the study carefully; three possibilities exist - 1) He did not read the study carefully 2) Though he read the study carefully, he was completely incapable of understanding it or its methodology 3) Having carefully read and understood the study, he chose to misrepresent same in interest of personal partisan agenda. In point after point throughout the critique, Nunberg makes factual errors, misrepresents the material at question, and otherwise assembles a veritable army of straw men. In short, Nunberg, to my mind, hardly provides a credible refutation to a well researched, widely accepted, comprehensive study conducted and published by a couple of folks who's CVs each contain more credentials in their first lines than are to be found anywhere in Nunberg's entire resume. He does write well, though.
Oh - and BTW - I believe you won't find many cites to Townhall, NewsMax, or the like among my contributions here - though I'll acknowledge others drag 'em into the fray with some frequency... just as some others rely heavily on Josh Marshal and Salon.