Canadians want Fox News Now!

Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 10:53 am
"against the average member of congress". Now there's a measure.

May I inquire how you found this paper, timber? And you note others...how did you find out about them?
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 01:37 pm
ehBeth wrote:
and that relates to the Canadian market as much as most of the rest of this. if you guys want to go talk about the u.s. media market, why don't you go do that somewhere?

oh well.

SU lures, ko.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 02:17 pm
An example of Wal-mart changing its policies to accommodate the demands of the marketplace is entirely pertinent in this discussion. It is the most American of traits to conform one's product and procedures to accommodate the buyer. American retail is one of our most democratic processes--American suppliers would not presume to dictate to the people what they want, what they should buy, or how they should buy it. Rather the retailer conforms to what the people want. Those who miss that important principle find themselves at the bottom or on the verge of bankruptcy fairly quickly.

For decades the American alphabet media sources, including CNN, had a virtual monopoly on their news product and could dictate what the people would see.

They competed among themselves for market share in other programming, but invariably everytime they abandoned essential basic conservative values the program lost market share. They found they could push the envelope some, but not too far and they had to allow for all points of view. Still their news divisions retained their monopoly.

Then the conservative radio talk shows burst on the scene in the late 1980's with the internet revolution following in the 90's and media has never been the same. The people, the majority of whom still held basic conservative values, were hungry to have those values affirmed. The alphabet channels, too rigid in their mindset, were unable to change and rapidly lost market share to conservative talk radio. And then when Fox Cable News offered as much conservative as liberal viewpoint, there was no looking back. Fox rapidly moved to the top and there is no indication it will lose ground anytime soon.

Now are Canadians really that much different from Americans? There of course will be some ethnic, cultural, regional differences, but we are pretty closely related. I just wonder if there are as many closet conservatives in Canada as there apparently were in the USA? Or will Fox meet the customer's demands and schedule more liberal programming up there?

I don't know. But it is fascinating to watch.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 02:32 pm
Oh - I am sure Fox will find as many Canadians to consume his pap as he does Americans - proportionally speaking, Foxfyre. Although in Canada, which more reflects international standards of left/right than American ones, Fox will likely appear as ultra right to them (as opposed to the wishy washy right of the US "alphabets") as it does to me - so it may find a smaller audience.... Except that the normal Murdoch media sensationalism draws in a lot of folk who are pretty apolitical, and keeps 'em that way. More conservative Canadians, used to better quality news analysis may be critical of it, though????

It's interesting though - the Murdoch TV station here is Channel 9 - and for years we all thought they had the top rating news (very ambulance chasing and breathless reporters in war zones and floods and fires) - but, now that stats are more accurately collected, they don't!!!! The slightly more considered and less over-dramatized Channel 7 does! Pissed Murdoch right off....

Anyhoo - as I said before, Murdoch will find a big audience wherever he goes. The US has no corner on undiscriminating consumers.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 02:52 pm
I'm gonna let the personal insult on that one slide Dlowan. Smile
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 03:11 pm
Ah, Fox - I am sorry - but you are reaping my fury about all the vicious attacks on anyone who does not think Fox the best and only thing to watch that I have seen made again and again here.

I was sort of amazed - but, once I SAW Fox, I was enraged - it is indefensible in my view. I could not believe that people were attacking others so viciously for not believing in it.

I will be over it soon. It's just shock.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 04:39 pm
And probably those of us who think Fox is pretty okay are a little raw from all the slurs and innuendo and outright insults that we are somehow mentally deficient or whatever because we do think it is okay. You see, some of us who watch Fox (among other news sources) can be as equally outraged at some of the garbage put out by CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS et al.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 04:40 pm
Where does an Aussie rabbit see Fox anyway?
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 05:44 pm
Knowledge of Canada and Canadian history is a little shakey down south. The differences between the two nations is not are not as severe as, say, Britain and France, but that points one in the right direction.

Canada is the nation most similar to the US, but our histories diverge in important ways, all of which have profound consequences. Geographical realities play a part here, eg, we don't have a lot of cotton being picked. But other factors are of critical importance.

We have remained connected to Britain through our long status as a colonial state, with a constitution penned in Britain (only recently revoked and replaced by our Bill of Rights). We have also remained connected to Europe through a very large French population which, in Quebec, operates under French civil law. The US, having gone through a revolution for independence, has followed its own path to a much larger degree.

The US demonstrates an acute nationalism which isn't reflected in Canada. Houses or cars bearing flags are rare up here, for example. I can't remember when I last might have heard someone here claim "Canada is the best country on earth", but it would have been decades ago probably.

Nor does Canada have a history of the nationalist messianism common to America...no notion that our model of government and culture ought to be the model for the rest of the world.

That last difference, and it's clearly a prime difference, is probably most attributable to the much decreased influence of evangelical protestantism here. Though we had such movements, they were neither as common nor as influential in establishing national mythologies.

Canadians look and talk a lot like Americans, and we have many of the same retail outlets and watch many of the same tv shows. We share much, but the differences are deep.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 05:49 pm
If Fox pulls a lot of market share here, the reasons will be as deb suggests. Folks in Canada also buy a lot of National Enquirer supermarket rags.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 09:25 pm
I would lay odds that VERY few , if any, of Fox viewers or Rush Limbaugh listeners or Hannity fans, etc. buy the National Enquiror. I have no statitstics on that, but nobody I know among my conservative friends buy it and I think we're all pretty mainstream and span several states.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 09:36 pm
I know from my liberal friends that Bush shoves puppies into a plastic shredder every afternoon for fun. But then again, I have no statistics on that.
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Reply Sun 6 Feb, 2005 10:59 pm
blatham wrote:
May I inquire how you found this paper, timber? And you note others...how did you find out about them?

Of course you may inquire. I read a lot. In that readin', there often are footnotes, cites, and references. That's how I found that one and the others, too. There are plenty of credible, scholarly, peer-reviewed-and-accepted-for-publication studies enforcing the media's overall liberal bias ... likewise, there are numerous studies which press the same case against the Ivy Halls - Academé is infested with Libruls ... most egregiously represented by the tenured twits who've remained cloistered within their university enclaves since, way back in the '60s and '70s, they discovered the real world is nothing like they wished it might be.

Seems to me that Libruls tend to be a more or less heterogeneous, xenophobic lot. They hang together, frequently are quite activist and forward about their politics, and react somewhat negatively to valid counter argument. A few cases in point; the reluctance a year ago of some to believe the Oil-For-Food thing was a real deal, the doomcriers who refused to comprehend that Bush The Greater was steward over a robust and expandin' economy, and those still stunned, distraught, and mired in rejection and disbelief concerning the recent US and Australian elections. and who seek to discount and disparage the truly historic elections in Afghanistan, Palestine, and Iraq. I think it one of the core reasons Libruls are facing declinin' electoral success. Now, of course, the forgoin' is just my opinion. On the other hand, I've seen no indication its misplaced. Unpopular with Libruls, yeah, but validated by the march of events.

As to FOX - its just a product, nothin' more. If it sells, its because it finds a ready market, whether in The US or Canada. It doesn't create that market, it simply caters to it. If the market wasn't there, neither would there be the success FOX has enjoyed. Its somethin' lotsa folks want. Meanwhile, "Big 3 +PBS" viewership and old-line newspaper readership is way, way off ... subscription levels and advertising rates are sufferin' big time.
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Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2005 10:06 am

Your 1.17 Sunday post is a little naive.If it is true what you say that American suppliers don't run your consumer choices then why do the various food lobby groups spend so much money in Washington.Dr Barnard says,and I can't comment on it,that the meat industry spends a billion a year
in seeing that meat is recommended to your consumers by your government in its four foods policy.Whatever the rights or wrongs of that the billion is a total waste if what you say is true.Vance Packard was even more dramatic on this issue but not as dramatic as Ivan Illych in Medical Nemesis and the book on education the title of which I forget.All that,plus much more,strongly suggests that the average American consumer is little else but an array of reflexes organised by whizzkids.But what do I know?They are American authors who were so polular that their books went worldwide.
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Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2005 10:11 am
blatham wrote:
Let me throw something else at you that courts "have to work with." That is the concept, in a criminal matter, evidence of the defendant's s bad character trait is inadmissible unless the defendant puts his/her character "in issue." In other words, only if they claim to have a particular good character, can the prosecution try and impeach it or present evidence that they have a particular bad character. Also, evidence of prior "bad acts" is generally inadmissible to prove a particular defendant has a disposition to perform another "bad act."

Thus, if Ms. Marsden was proclaiming to be as pure as the driven snow, or to be railing against women who make false sexual harrassment accusations against men, then you could parade out the evidence of her own incidents in that regard.

Her veracity is not in question. You are attempting to place it in question. I have no idea what her credentials are, but I fail to see how they are in question, or how your post addressed same.

It is precisely her veracity which is in question. More generally, it is the veracity of the right wing media outlets which have come into being over the last thirty years which is in question.

Let's go back a step or two here. JW posted an article from a right wing publication http://www.canadafreepress.com/ A survey of the site shows pretty quickly that right wing views and opinions are all it carries. That was predictable with high probability. I thought it would be of educative value to demonstrate how this site is set up, and how it is linked to many others just like it. JW quotes and links almost exclusively from this web of right wing media (so do you, tico). The column relied upon another (from another right wing source) by Marsden, so I went looking there, and found what I found and posted earlier.

Your arrival in the discussion began with a post suggesting hypocrisy on my part because there was sexual stuff in the account of Marsden's past and as a liberal, I'd likely have protested the media coverage (and republican concentration on) Clinton's sexual life with Monica. I mentioned there was an entirely fine goose/gander rejoinder available to me which makes the charge of hypocrisy fairly derisable (the right did it big, so tough luck if they get it back...how hypocritical of them to suggest it is suddenly not ok now) but I didn't bother with it because it was irrelevant to the discussion. You carried on with a brief and shallow derogation of falsehoods and Clinton as 'admitted liar', also irrelevant to the discussion, and involving a complex set of ethical questions which could take up many threads by itself.

I clarified that for me the sexual stuff was irrelevant and uninteresting (though neither Rupert Murdoch nor Ann Coulter would say the same) but that Marsden's deceit on her real name (she was let go immediately upon discovery of the deceit for the deceit) and her likely deceits regarding claims at SFU. On this last, I posted the independent investigation's findings but I have the advantage here of some two years of local news coverage on the matter. Her veracity is very highly suspect.

I claimed her credentials as a news reporter and political analyst are paltry at best. You said you don't know what her credentials are. Obviously you didn't try to find out but you may not consider there are any necessary credentials for news reporting and political analysis. That would fit with a very great deal of what passes for right wing media punditry. What is important is not care in research, transparency on sources, avoidance of logical fallacies, objective analyses of information...what is important is political stance. If it is in agreement with the echo chamber message, that is enough.

I said earlier that your default notion that the traditional media (you mentioned a few...NY Times etc) and this new right wing media operate under similar journalistic and ethical constraints and independence of voice is an 'uneducated view'. It is. Thus the value of dancing with you on the topic is minimal, particularly considering the size of your feet.

Now, if you would like to procede with some rigor, that could be valuable. We could take two or four representative media outlets and analyze them against an agreed upon set of criteria...multiple viewpoints expressed? verification of claims? paucity of fallacies?

You want to do it this way, or are we done here?

Did I mention Clinton is a self-admitted liar? Very Happy

blatham wrote:
If Fox pulls a lot of market share here, the reasons will be as deb suggests. Folks in Canada also buy a lot of National Enquirer supermarket rags.

I would be interested in knowing what the demographic market is for the National Enquirer versus the Wall Street Journal. My guess is, in line with Foxy's, more conservatives buy the WSJ and not the NE. Vice versa.
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Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2005 01:42 pm
As to guesses, I'm going with dys.
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Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2005 02:05 pm

And here's a critique of the study you noted.


Now, I am not going to wade through either piece. But I will note that the media that Groseclose/Milo chose omits radio, all pundit shows (O'Reilly, Hannity, etc), and sources we know lots of folks here turn to (because they paste from them daily) like NewsMax and TownHall.
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Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2005 03:15 pm
Lol - your "alphabets" - as far as I have seen 'em, Fox, are mainly pap infotainment, too, when it comes to news and news analysis - like most commercial TV anywhere - like ours, for instance - with a couple of superior bits and pieces thrown in.

But Fox takes pap and infotainment to depths I have not seen before.
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Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2005 03:26 pm

I thought this bit classic...from Salon

Fair and buxom

You can't make this stuff up.

This afternoon on Fox News, Neil Cavuto spent a good chunk of time interviewing Focus on the Family's James Dobson. They talked about Dobson's efforts to fight abortion, they talked about the great Sponge Bob controversy -- when you hear the words "tolerance and diversity," Dobson said, you've got to ask "what's behind it?" -- and then they talked about the awful influence that TV is having on our kids. Dobson said that popular culture is "at war" with moms and dads all over the country. Cavuto clucked clucked right along with him, saying he was worried about what his kids see on TV and didn't know what he could do about.

Minutes later, Cavuto was on to another story: A fawning live interview with two large-breasted women, dressed only in their underwear, who will be appearing in Sunday's pay-per-view "Lingerie Bowl"
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Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2005 03:45 pm
How can you continue to claim Fox News doesn't show both sides of the story? Very Happy

(BTW: that was a post from Salon.com. .... I'm keeping track now)
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