blatham wrote:May I inquire how you found this paper, timber? And you note did you find out about them?
Of course you may inquire. I read a lot. In that readin', there often are footnotes, cites, and references. That's how I found that one and the others, too. There are plenty of credible, scholarly, peer-reviewed-and-accepted-for-publication studies enforcing the media's overall liberal bias ... likewise, there are numerous studies which press the same case against the Ivy Halls - Academé is infested with Libruls ... most egregiously represented by the tenured twits who've remained cloistered within their university enclaves since, way back in the '60s and '70s, they discovered the real world is nothing like they wished it might be.
Seems to me that Libruls tend to be a more or less heterogeneous, xenophobic lot. They hang together, frequently are quite activist and forward about their politics, and react somewhat negatively to valid counter argument. A few cases in point; the reluctance a year ago of some to believe the Oil-For-Food thing was a real deal, the doomcriers who refused to comprehend that Bush The Greater was steward over a robust and expandin' economy, and those still stunned, distraught, and mired in rejection and disbelief concerning the recent US and Australian elections. and who seek to discount and disparage the truly historic elections in Afghanistan, Palestine, and Iraq. I think it one of the core reasons Libruls are facing declinin' electoral success. Now, of course, the forgoin' is just my opinion. On the other hand, I've seen no indication its misplaced. Unpopular with Libruls, yeah, but validated by the march of events.
As to FOX - its just a product, nothin' more. If it sells, its because it finds a ready market, whether in The US or Canada. It doesn't create that market, it simply caters to it. If the market wasn't there, neither would there be the success FOX has enjoyed. Its somethin' lotsa folks want. Meanwhile, "Big 3 +PBS" viewership and old-line newspaper readership is way, way off ... subscription levels and advertising rates are sufferin' big time.