Young America's Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.
As the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of American youth to these principles. We accomplish our mission by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships and speakers to young people across the country.
Ideology was not taught. Reporting was taught; do research and get your facts straight"
Rachel Marsden is a Canadian currently in residence at the National Journalism Center in Washington, DC. She is a regular columnist for Ether Zone.
blatham wrote:OK everyone. I want you to follow me through this one, because it is truly a classic....
Ticomaya wrote:[
I thought what happened in one's personal life was private? Isn't that what the Democrats were all screaming when Clinton was being accused of lying under oath? Not to mention all his tawdry affairs, including his sexual encounter with Monica Lewinsky outside the Oval Office. So if the point of your "classic" post, Blatham, is to denigrate Ms. Marsden, I don't know her nor do I much care if her reputation is further besmirched by your in-depth research into her character,
JTT: Tico says, "I thought what happened in one's personal life was private." And then he berates Democrats and then lays out all the dope on Clinton. Can you say "hypocrite", Tico?
but I do find it a bit at odds with how the Democrats in this country insisted Clinton be treated in the wake of the multiple sexual misconduct allegations, and his admission of lying. Was Clinton incapable of performing the duties of his high office because he had these extramarial sexual escapades, or because he committed a crime while president?
A crime, A, that's A crime right. And what happened? He went throught the legal process defined by the Constitution and guess what, sensible minds prevailed.
How many millions of dollars were spent to bring a guy to "justice" over a
blowjob? The very real difference is that GW won't go under oath or there would be multiple counts to adjudge.
Over 100,000 Iraqis dead, some 1611 coalition troops, "at least 10,770 U.S. troops" injured, why? because of lie upon lie upon lie. And you have the temerity to bring up Clinton. You must be one of the 59 odd million that the Mirror referred to.
"how the Democrats in this country ..." A wee bit of research wouldn't hurt your case at all. You seem to have the same problem as Ms Just Wonders, but then you're not a journa , .... no, on second thought you could very well work for Faux News or as one of Bill O'Reilly's researchers.
OK? Those seem to be the fundamental and relevant differences between the two cases you bring forward.
You too are missing my point by focusing on the differences between Clinton's situation and Ms. Marsden/Henderson. I never claimed the circumstances surrounding their personal escapades were similar. The point is she wrote a column which you do not care for, so you attack the column by pointing out she has had some personal problems in her life. My purpose is to point out the hypocracy of attacking her personally when you don't like her message, in light of the hue and cry from the leftists when Clinton was being investigated. I'm not saying I wouldn't do the same ( ) but allow me to point out the hypocrisy.
Is this another homer simpson moment? You really ought to re-read what I wrote above. I haven't attacked her column. I didn't read her column. I seldom agree with either David Brooks or Tucker Carlson, but I've pasted (favorably) bits from both of them here over the last two years. I truly don't care about her sexuality. I do care about her competence, her integrity, and her connections.
Still, I fail to see where Ms. Marsden/Henderson is being hypocritical, which to you is the yardstick of whether personal private sexual behavior is relevant. Perhaps you can elucidate?
I didn't say she was hypocritical. I said it seemed to me that the only case where a person's sexuality was relevant was where other behaviors made such hypocritical. I did point to the 'stalking' also, but that's not relevant to sexuality or hypocrisy. It does suggest a rather serious personal problem, and that's of some relevance to dependability. Read again what I said there.
Honesty is an admirable trait. Clinton is a self-admitted liar - like it or not, he admitted to having lied.
Yes, he did. You'll note in your re-read that I said he had. I also said that is relevant ethically. You'll possibly also note I didn't defend him, while compelling defense is available. I have admitted to lying myself. It is certain that you have too. We all lie, sometimes. It is patterns of deceit and species of/or consequences of our deceits which becomes important ethically. Do you trust the person who says they never lie? If Bush fessed up to just one lie, I'd sent him a card on the 14th.
But the fact that he is a liar is indicative of his character and has a potential influence on his fitness for the high office, but has precious little to do with a speech he gives if he makes a valid point.
Yes. Given the above.
Your attack upon Ms. Marsden/Henderson's fitness to speak on political issues based upon the incidents you identified in your post in question, is very similar to any attack upon Clinton's fitness to speak on any political issues based upon the various incidents and allegations against him, and the fact that he is a self-admitted liar.
Again, a re-read might clarify that the elements of the history I pointed to demonstrates not a fib ("I didn't blow the prof") but to a pattern of deceits which make the matter more acutely important.
Should I respond to Clinton laying out a 12 step-plan to reform the welfare system by saying, "Yeah, well, he lied under oath .... and he got a 'Monica' outside the oval office ... and sexually harrassed a lot of other women." Hmm? Has little to do with the merits of his plan.
My point (and again this is my only point -- I'm not attempting to defend Ms. Marsden/Henderson, even if it appears you have dragged me into that position) is to point out the hypocracy involved in a leftist bringing out such "personal attacks" against the character of someone of the political opposition. I recognize the relevance of evidence of lack of veracity if the truth of the matter asserted is at issue. good In this instance, I do not believe that is the case, nor do I believe that even if it were, these instances which you have paraded before us rise to the level of demonstrating a character trait of deception. Though the independent finding studying the SFU matter did, and that aside from that, a second look by the university resulted in exoneration? And the deceit regarding who she actually was? Clinton having admitted to being a liar, will always be a liar in my mind. That didn't mean he couldn't deliver an effective address on foreign policy to the country.
And as far as Marsden/Henderson being a "staple figure in the right wing media," ... great .... never heard of her before this thread. Don't necessarily care to hear about her again. No, a misread. She is typical of modern rightwing media female the characteristics I mentioned.
Also, if you were an equal opportunity investigator of "deplorable levels of journalism," I'm sure you could find examples on both sides.
That is, tico, an uneducated surmise, if the surmise includes a notion of parity, which I expect it does.
Finally, did I mention that Clinton is a self-admitted liar .....
Yeah, you did. The reason that is disappointing is the 'self-admitted' part. Simple. As ethical theory, it is homer simpson level. Were you around for Nixon, Halderman, and Erlichman? For Casey, North and Abrams? Not a lot of self-admission of lies.
Is this another homer simpson moment? You really ought to re-read what I wrote above. I haven't attacked her column. I didn't read her column. I seldom agree with either David Brooks or Tucker Carlson, but I've pasted (favorably) bits from both of them here over the last two years. I truly don't care about her sexuality. I do care about her competence, her integrity, and her connections.
I didn't say she was hypocritical. I said it seemed to me that the only case where a person's sexuality was relevant was where other behaviors made such hypocritical. I did point to the 'stalking' also, but that's not relevant to sexuality or hypocrisy. It does suggest a rather serious personal problem, and that's of some relevance to dependability. Read again what I said there.
Though the independent finding studying the SFU matter did [indicate deception], and that aside from that, a second look by the university resulted in exoneration? And the deceit regarding who she actually was?
Tico wrote:That is, tico, an uneducated surmise, if the surmise includes a notion of parity, which I expect it does.Also, if you were an equal opportunity investigator of "deplorable levels of journalism," I'm sure you could find examples on both sides.
Yeah, you did. The reason that is disappointing is the 'self-admitted' part. Simple. As ethical theory, it is homer simpson level. Were you around for Nixon, Halderman, and Erlichman? For Casey, North and Abrams? Not a lot of self-admission of lies.
Nothing that appears to be conclusive. What does "exonerated" mean to you? What about "unsubstantiated"? That's another term thrown around which means precisely diddly. It certainly does not prove an intent to deceive. But again, why am I trying to defend this lady. I don't know why she chose to use another name .. do you? Or have you merely assumed she was trying to be deceitful in doing so, ruling out all other possible reasons? It is these ad hominem attacks which have no relevance in debating the merits of her work.
Ever read the New York Times? What about Plenty of liberal rag journalism to find "deplorable." All you have to do is look at it -- with eyes wide open, of course.
Blatham wrote:
Yeah, you did. The reason that is disappointing is the 'self-admitted' part. Simple. As ethical theory, it is homer simpson level. Were you around for Nixon, Halderman, and Erlichman? For Casey, North and Abrams? Not a lot of self-admission of lies.
Ah. You find it an admirable character trait that someone who has admitted lying under oath will admit to doing so. Did Nixon lie under oath?
Conclusive, no. Likely, yes. You understand the level of certainty that courts have to work with most all of the time. But look again at what the findings said regarding her truthfulness, or probably truthfulness.
Tico wrote:Blatham wrote:Yeah, you did. The reason that is disappointing is the 'self-admitted' part. Simple. As ethical theory, it is homer simpson level. Were you around for Nixon, Halderman, and Erlichman? For Casey, North and Abrams? Not a lot of self-admission of lies.
Ah. You find it an admirable character trait that someone who has admitted lying under oath will admit to doing so. Did Nixon lie under oath?
You've stuck with simple. Do you truly believe that Clinton lying about a blowjob under oath is at all comparable to what happened with Watergate?
Let me throw something else at you that courts "have to work with." That is the concept, in a criminal matter, evidence of the defendant's s bad character trait is inadmissible unless the defendant puts his/her character "in issue." In other words, only if they claim to have a particular good character, can the prosecution try and impeach it or present evidence that they have a particular bad character. Also, evidence of prior "bad acts" is generally inadmissible to prove a particular defendant has a disposition to perform another "bad act."
Thus, if Ms. Marsden was proclaiming to be as pure as the driven snow, or to be railing against women who make false sexual harrassment accusations against men, then you could parade out the evidence of her own incidents in that regard.
Her veracity is not in question. You are attempting to place it in question. I have no idea what her credentials are, but I fail to see how they are in question, or how your post addressed same.
Besides, I thought that moving from stick replacements to the destruction of forests was taking the metaphor much too far. Something had to be done!
How would you guys account for this . . . FOX News Channel Garners 55% of Cable News Audience
A Measure of Media Bias (download note - 29 page PDF file)
Tim Groseclose
Department of Political Science, UCLA, and
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Jeff Milyo
Harris School of Public Policy
University of Chicago
September 2003
A Measure of Media BiasAll of the news outlets except Fox
News' Special Report received a score to the left of the average member of Congress.[/co;or]
Moreover, by one of our measures all but three of these media outlets (Special Report,
the Drudge Report, and ABC's World News Tonight) were closer to the average
Democrat in Congress than to the median member of the House of Representatives. One
of our measures found that the Drudge Report is the most centrist of all media outlets in
our sample. Our other measure found that Fox News' Special Report is the most centrist.
These findings refer strictly to the news stories of the outlets. That is, we omitted
editorials, book reviews, and letters to the editor from our sample.