Why does the Bible Exist?

Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 08:31 pm
Just like putting a Rebellious son to death. Deut 21:18.
No rebellious ppl or angels will be in a peaceful, heavenly society. (And were not to exist in the holy nation of ancient Israel.)
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 09:15 pm
Just like putting a Rebellious son to death. Deut 21:18.

I see. Here it is:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him,

19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town.

20 They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.”

21 Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death (yeah, they could just snap his neck, but that would be too quick and painless for their purposes I guess). You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid."

Yup. Thou shalt not kill unless your son is rebellious, a glutton, and a drunk. Then there's no choice but to circle him and hit him with rocks until he's dead, cuz that's how holy people stay holy. Don't ya just really long for the good old days when you could just stop rebellious kids in their tracks? I mean really stop them in their tracks? People are too soft today. They don't know what real holiness is, and how to maintain it.

Also, thou shalt not kill . . . unless some guys from your camp have sex with some gals from the other camp, in which case there's just no choice but to kill every living human in the other camp, and just for good measure, keep the virgins for all the guys in your camp, cuz that's the kind of thing the people in a holy nation should do to keep their nation holy and acceptable unto the god.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 06:44 am
Thinking about Numbers 31 and the killings of men, women and children. I know there are ritual methods for slaughter of an animal. That life was regarded in the Hebraic Law. When I envision the sword of the Lord I think of electrum striking the heart. I don't think of bloody, cruel mayhem which it may have been. But this also brought to mind the holocaust and the deaths victims there endured . I see a difference in that people were tortured in such an unimaginably inhumane way. I don't think this was the work of the "God" of the bible. If we want to further examine the holocaust we'd have to place that entire event in context which is a difficult thing to do. One thing that jumps out at me thought is the tune everyone was listening to. I'm not talking about Hitler but something else.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 07:40 am
So you are saying that if you kill children quickly, so that the killing is more kind, then killing children isn't so bad?

They should treat children like animals when they kill them. I think I understand.
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Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 07:42 am
Not sure if I explained Why the virgins were taken in numbers 31. It is in the link I supplied tho.
The whores who were seducing Israelite men into sinful behaviour and whose motives were to have God’s favour removed so they could destroy Israel (being used by the devil in this way) were put to death, sure, understandable. The virgin girls, because they were not part of the evil sceme, that’s all, and were taken and treated as best as possible.

The men and boys, yes because God knew that they would rise up and rebel within the nation of Israel (just as the Canaanite men did when Israel spared their lives when conquering the promised land). Sad too, yet understandable. Can’t let ppl who want to be used by the devil into the promised land (heaven) or into a holy nation)

None of this is called ‘good’ but is sadly the repercussions of sinful behaviour, like a rebellious to the core person, To the eternal death with such ppl is understandable. Sad, but not ‘good.’

Is it not interesting too, how in our day in age ppl support of infant killing and call it ‘good’ (abortion).....sucking brains out of heads to collapse skulls, snipping spinal cords with scissors, dismembering arms and legs one by one and throwing human life in the trash. (Ppl being used by the devil to try and snuff out human life). All this because ppl want to live sinful lives of having sex outside of marriage.

I hope you do not remain rebellious to the very end too btw.

Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:04 am
Your view of God is an evil tyrant, and you got the Red Ribbon for it.

This is a brand of Christianity for angry people who excuse the killing of children and wish Hell upon anyone who disagrees with them. I don't think you are going to persuade anyone here who doesn't already have this cruel hateful view of God.

Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:11 am
maxdancona wrote:

Your view of God is an evil tyrant, and you got the Red Ribbon for it.

This is a brand of Christianity for angry people who excuse the killing of children and wish Hell upon anyone who disagrees with them. I don't think you are going to persuade anyone here who doesn't already have this cruel hateful view of God.

I think the bible is a teaching of law that has been good for humankind.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:14 am
I think the bible is a teaching of law that has been good for humankind.

You haven't made a very case. When you used the Bible to justify the killing of children, you kind of undercut your case.

You seem to ignore the parts of the Bible about peace, and forgiveness, and loving your neighbor.... I would suggest you might get more traction if you read those parts.
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Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:33 am
Remember, killing children is always sad(unless you are an abortionist) but sometimes the sad repercussions of sin. Like dropping an atom bomb, or flooding the world etc.

Also keep in mind, God knows what ‘the seed will become’...
I personally cannot distinguish or know what many plant seeds will turn into. Good or bad. Healthy to eat or poisonous.
Likewise, God knew Adam and Eve would be deceived and choose to rebel right? He knew the Canaanites who occupied the promised land, if spared, would as well rebel and wreak havoc.(and those babies and young boys grew up and did just that!)
So, if God says don’t eat of the fruit, there is a good reason why. If he says the rapist should marry the raped, there is a good reason why, and if he says keep sex within marriage, there is a good reason why (cure for aids/stds).
If he says kill....there. Is. A. Good. Reason. Why.

Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:34 am
Your God is an asshole. You can tell him I said that.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:36 am
I used to say the same thing.
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Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:53 am
maxdancona wrote:

Your God is an asshole. You can tell him I said that.

There's a teaching called Ma'at that might shed some light.
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Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 09:10 am
maxdancona wrote:

Your God is an asshole. You can tell him I said that.

the moaning of the Bedouin wrote:
Those who destroy the lie promote Ma'at;
those who promote the good will erase the evil.
As fullness casts out appetite,
as clothes cover the nude and
as heaven clears up after a storm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 09:22 am
The whores who were seducing Israelite men into sinful behaviour . . .

Of course that's how the story comes out according to the people whose men whored themselves out to the Midianite women. You are biased in favor of the whoring Israelite men. At any rate, anyone should be free to believe in any god they want and not be killed for making their own choice. If murder is the means by which a cult maintains its members, well, that just about says it all, doesn't it?
The virgin girls, because they were not part of the evil sceme, that’s all . . .

The inconsistency in your reasoning is quite evident here, and is yet another example of your bias. The children and the unborn were also not part of the evil scheme, and yet they were attacked and killed by adults with swords.
. . . and were taken and treated as best as possible.

No they weren't. Those girls were taken and forced to have sex with men whom they had just witnessed slaughtering their parents, siblings, and friends. Your bias is so strong that you are seeing the plight of the those girls through the uncaring eyes of the murders and rapists, and you don't even know it.
Is it not interesting too, how in our day in age ppl support of infant killing and call it ‘good’

Even more interesting is how some people in our day and age still applaud the murder of children and the unborn by a religious fanatic and his horde simply because the voice inside the leader's head was jealous of other gods and didn't like the women who the frisky Israeli men couldn't resist?
I hope you do not remain rebellious to the very end too btw.

Sorry, but I will always rebel against distasteful ideas concerning the nature of spirituality.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 09:39 am
Those men of Israel who whored themselves out too, were put to death. No bias there.

Do you have proof these girls were spared to be violated? No. Just wishful thinking to make God evil, so you can reject him, and make yourself ‘king’ of the universe , your own God status to whatever degree.

Was it not you, who earlier was ok with ‘collateral’ Damage of a bomb killing men, woman and children, and the unborn too....What then of this scenario? Inconsistency with your reasoning here too.
Taking lives can be justified. And God knows more than we do. Obviously. If there is anyone needing correcting, it is you and I.
Guess time will ultimately tell who needs correcting, and who will be rebellious to the end.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 10:23 am
Those men of Israel who whored themselves out too, were put to death.

You're missing the point. No one should be killed for having sex or for converting. You are advocating the death penalty for fooling around and converting to another religion. How primitive is that?
Do you have proof these girls were spared to be violated?

Well let's see. Concerning the females who have not known a man by lying with him, Moses told his hordes of men to not kill them, but to "keep alive for yourselves." Now I understand that in the mind of a biased cultist such as yourself, this might be interpreted as meaning to keep alive as playmates, or some other such nonsense. But to those not hypnotically blinded by a fear of the god of their beliefs, there is no doubt as to why those girls were kept alive.
Just wishful thinking to make God evil, so you can reject him, and make yourself ‘king’ of the universe , your own God status to whatever degree.

And now you're interpreting my opposition to murder and rape as an ambition to be as a god. But no, I just don't like murder and rape.

Was it not you, who earlier was ok with ‘collateral’ Damage of a bomb killing men, woman and children, and the unborn too

No. Again your bias is causing you to see what is not there. In a previous post, in response to my pointing out that Moses and his horde murdered innocent human beings, you said: "The president/chief/King in command ordered atom bombs to be dropped on men, women, and children. You see, such lives can be taken and not be morally wrong to do so."

You were speaking of the unavoidable collateral damage from an atomic bomb, and trying to draw a parallel between that and the deliberate slaughtering of individual innocent human beings using swords. So yeah, you were corrected.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 08:49 pm
Depends on the context, and the culture for sex. (Outside of marriage)
Sure, Having multiple sex partners in this culture of low moral standards we live in is not worthy of death. Neither is lying, cheating on your spouse, punching your mother in the face, abortion, pornography, strip clubs etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.
But what about in a pure, holy nation and environment with high standards?Then, yes, jail/hell/death/isolation from such a society.

As for the evil prophet Baal, and his prostitutes whose motive was to destroy Israel, in the cultural time of ancient Israel, God says yes, death.
And in this culture, God says No to abortion, and much of humanity says yes. Interesting. (God becomes the evil one again)
You are not King. He is. He dictates right from wrong, not you or I. (Our opinions ultimately will not matter).
And if the ‘God of Israel’ is not king, who is? You? Me? The majority? Minority? Who then can say ‘you are wrong’ or ‘you are right’? Does everyone become their own king? This seems to be what u are advocating.....anarchy.

I also find it interesting how you downplay the immorality of such an event by stating ‘men were just chasing tail.’ (Low moral standard)

Knowing the death penalty was part of Israels laws for raping unmarried girls....you still wishfully believe Israel’s leader told them to do so. This reveals the condition of your heart to me.

There is no such thing as religion. Just the truth, and false teachings. One or the other. One thing is for sure not all teachings can be correct. Someone (millions of ppl are wrong.....dead. Wrong.

‘Biased cultist as myself’ you say....other false prophets/teachers use the same sorta lingo, especially if they know they have lost an argument, and all they have left is arguments by outrage, and name calling.. I just deflect it. Almost kinda welcome it ya know? Says I’m doing something right.
Truth will prevail, that’s about it.
I will be praying for you sir, and your repentance Smile

Ah, at the end of the day, taking lives can be morally justified. Not evil in nature. And not considered murder. Always sad, yes.
I don’t see murder on God’s end of things in this scenario I do see abortion as murder tho. And, of course abortionists label ppl like me having my morality backwards, and label ppl like me evil, controlling etc. Crazy world huh? 🤦‍♂️

Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 10:03 pm
Sure, Having multiple sex partners in this culture of low moral standards we live in is not worthy of death.

Now you're being honest. Even so, you don't know that the Israeli men or the Midianite women who had sex were married. Therefore you can't even call it cheating. It was just consensual sex, and you are the type of person who would see fit to kill the participants.
But what about in a pure, holy nation and environment with high standards?

You forget that the "holy" nation you speak of is one in which rebellious youth are dragged out into the street and hammered with stones until they're dead. Your concept of holiness is perverted in the extreme.

As for the evil prophet Baal, and his prostitutes whose motive was to destroy Israel, in the cultural time of ancient Israel, God says yes, death.

If sex between consensual partners is all it takes to destroy Israel, then what in hell it is made of? It seems that, like the unevolved and superstitious folks of the past, you, too, are really attributing an awful lot of power to the act of sex. Do you believe it is magic? Or are you just really hung up on naughty things?
And if the ‘God of Israel’ is not king, who is?

In your mind, you believe that the existence of the biblical god has been established. But no, it has not. You've found a book containing a story whose central character has become real to you. And you've adopted this character to serve as an authority figure to rule your life and to support your version of right and wrong. And as with all those who indulge in obsessions, you can't understand why others don't share your unnatural affections for this hero character, the evidence for which is found only in the contents of a book that has become the object of your super-parent fetish.
I also find it interesting how you downplay the immorality of such an event by stating ‘men were just chasing tail.’

But they were. What have you turned it into in your mind?
Knowing the death penalty was part of Israels laws for raping unmarried girls....you still wishfully believe Israel’s leader told them to do so.

I'm sorry, but yeah, the virgin girls were given to the guys who just slaughtered their friends and loved ones. I've shown you the segment of scripture that confirms this. You are living in a bubble of self-made delusion when you continue to deny what the guys were going to do to them. If you ask, I'll happily provide you with the scripture that proves that Moses told his horde to take the virgins for themselves.
There is no such thing as religion. Just the truth, and false teachings.

Truer words were never spoken. I would suggest to you that teachings that include a divine being who tells its chosen people that it will forgive their sins if they attack and kill those who have angered it, and then hang their heads in public view is the stuff that false teachings are made of.
‘Biased cultist as myself’ you say....other false prophets/teachers use the same sorta lingo, especially if they know they have lost an argument, and all they have left is arguments by outrage, and name calling.

Sorry, but all I've done is show you what your beliefs are and the perversions you have accepted in order to gain favor from the god of your
belief. By the way, I don't blame you for siding up with this being that you have come to believe in, as part and parcel of that belief is the penalty for not siding up with it.
I don’t see murder on God’s end of things in this scenario I do see abortion as murder tho.

Here you are engaging in a double standard. Moses, on the command of the god in his head, committed abortions when he ordered his hordes to push swords into the bellies of pregnant women. It will be interesting to hear you try to explain the holiness of such a thing.
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2018 01:49 am
Can’t convince a Jehovah witness no matter how much logic is used. Can’t convince an atheist/evolutionist either. Can’t convince yourself.

I will just be repeating myself if I continue here. In a never ending circle.

Still haven’t answered my question:
who is ‘The king’ dictating right from wrong?

This discussion is going to end the same way a discussion with a Jehovah witness ends.
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2018 02:11 am
I don't think you know what logic is. Most people accept evolution as a fact, even the Pope and the AB of C. The only people using terms like evolutionist are deranged nutjobs who can't accept reality.

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