I've talked about it before, my first real boyfriend, short time love (because I was catholic, even though mid leave taking). Good thing it didn't work out, as he married the right woman, a fellow mountainer, which was so not me..
I already knew art enough to have had one single hour a week class in first year college, looking at slides, no art in school before that; already liked posters in Campbell's book store; already had been to the LA County Museum, though not exactly enthralled. Well, when I met him, my interest in the arts soared. He took me to the same museum and I learned a lot, including seeing what I would have then called odd art (the Keinholz car). He introduced me to the Mexican mural painters' work. He wrote poems to me in class. He could do that, being first in that huge chem class. He took me to concerts, Coltrane coming to mind first. I didn't really like it, too loud (what a doofus I was), but that started me liking jazz.
Then there was my girlfriend group, half of them latinas, and we used to go to Mexico together. I got interested generally in latin jazz from wherever (Cuba, Brazil) basically through them. Merengue in Mexico.
I got interested in theater (and occasionally bored by it) from my husband. I still read reviews off and on.
So, much of this is not from my childhood. That I think of as traveling with my parents back and forth in the US, getting to live in NYC one year (the ships! the ships! the world's biggest dimestore! the dolls at Macy's! learning how to ride a bicycle!), and generally, how to look around and notice stuff.