Fascism is sweeping the western world.
Dated Feb 8 somewhere in Ozzieland!
nimh: Your response ignores the fact that Bush is not starting, and is making it painstakingly clear that he is willing, but not eager to go to war.
This apparent difference of nuance can not be mistaken.
He is willing to take the logical steps to ensure that the consequences of Saddams action and inaction are no longer acceptable.
We are through playing the children's game of "don't cross this line in the sand or you'll be sorry!!"
It is time for Saddam to realize that there is a country that is willing to stand up to him and those like him.
Since nobody else is volunteering, I guess it has to be us.
Think a moment about living in a world without America.
Scary, isn't it?
Totally in the mind of the beholder. I think the decision to go to war was made in about 1992 when the Republicans lost the election. Bush has no moral high ground - he does what he is told to do!
Mushrooms and conspiracy theories both do much better in dark closets.
For some reason, they just don't do well in lit rooms.
I wonder why that is?
Opinions reside with mushrooms Max, they are lighted in the minds of the beholders!
Quote:Th(e) apparent difference of nuance can not be mistaken.
Bush says he wants war only as a last resort to molify misgivings of the ones who still are not wholly on his side. There can be no doubt he wants that war so badly as to be on a quest of some sort.
"Your response ignores the fact that Bush is not starting, and is making it painstakingly clear that he is willing, but not eager to go to war."
Max -- do you seriously believe Bush? I mean seriously? (I have a real Rembrandt I'd be glad to sell you cheap...)
"Think a moment about living in a world without America."
I have been thinking about it. Quite a few of us believe it may happen sooner than you imagine...
Tartarin how much for the "real" Rembrandt?
I believe max and his mom when they tell me they love me.
I believe that Jesus loves me.
These are things that I truly believe.
Do I seriously believe Bush?
Far more than Saddam.
I also believe one more thing...
I believe that I will have a beer!
There's another possible demographic element in the previous post, though it might be a little dicey getting questionaire responses.
Saddam being deceitful and evil doesn't make Bush honest and good. Illogical solution do not make actions less immoral!
That's wonderful!!!! Thank you very much indeed. I'm putting that on every Iraq thread.
You are correct, BillW.
But by the same logic, just because GWB is a conservative, doesn't make him deceitful and evil.
sozo: Nice pictures, but I am afraid they are irrelevant.
Haven't you heard?
In the 21st Century wars, there are no innocents.
This rule, as abhorrent as you may find it, is not one of our making.
But we will most certainly suffer needlessly in our own casualties if we don't acknowledge it.
Bush is by nature an opportunist and his sudden acqisition of extreme power has gone to his head. His cronies and he have personal agendas which require the set of actions he has chosen, which have little bearing to loyalty for the nation he is sworn to lead. That he is conservative is perhaps coincidence. Nevertheless, he calls himself conservative and I guess they're stuck with him.
Here's a letter to the editor in today's edition of THE AGE, Melbourne, Oz.
I found it very heartening. The first joint pro-peace/no war statement that I've seen here.
Christian, Muslim leaders say 'No!'
Our religious communities are gravely concerned about the imminent threat of war in Iraq. As Christian and Muslim communities in Victoria, we affirm that all people - regardless of race, nation or religion - are the family of God. Acts of war devalue both humanity and creation. We are concerned that war with Iraq would:
Put at risk the lives of many innocent Iraqi citizens.
Result in major unrest in the Middle East.
Lead to unacceptable humanitarian consequences.
Fuel discord between East and West, Christian and Muslim.
Be an unjust action.
Make the situation worse, not better.
We seek peace with justice, but together we reject both terrorism and militarism as a means of achieving justice. Therefore, we urge our governments and the international community to seek alternative solutions to the present crisis that will not increase the level of human suffering in Iraq.
We commit our faith communities to pray and work together for peace and for good community relations. We urge avoidance of language that might cast the current tension in religious terms or encourage extremism or prejudice.
We pray that peace will descend from God. We ask for it with the strength of our faith, of our prayers, and of our compassion for the people of Iraq.
Yasser Soliman, president, Islamic Council of Victoria
Sheikh Recep Idrisi, chairman, Board of Imams
The Most Reverend Denis Hart, chairman, Heads of Church Committee, Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne
The Most Reverend Peter Watson, Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne
Pastor Alun Davies, Victorian State Superintendent, Assemblies of God
The Reverend Allan Demond, president,Baptist Union of Victoria
Bob Barreau, president, Churches of Christ, Victoria and Tasmania
The Reverend Father Macarius Wahba, Coptic Orthodox Church, Melbourne Diocese
The Reverend Dr David Stolz, president, Lutheran Church of Australia, Victorian District
The Reverend Father Varghese Philip, Mar Thoma Syrian Church - Victoria
Sandy Parker, regional meeting clerk, Religious Society of Friends
The Reverend D. Coman, Romanian Orthodox Church - Victoria
Lieut-Col. Ian E. Hamilton, divisional commander, Melbourne Central, Salvation Army
The Most Reverend Peter Stasiuk, Ukrainian Catholics in Australia
The Reverend Alistair Macrae, moderator, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, Uniting Church in Australia
The Very Reverend Peter Kenny, president, Victorian Council of Churches
Thanks Max, I consider myself conservative - the last of the true conservatives! In spite of everything, Bush is deceitful and evil!