Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 05:12 pm
max, I stepped out of line in that I answered for someone else and should not have. It has taken me most of this time in reflecting on what happened to realize it. It is one of my personal rules and I try to stick with it. I was mostly referring to prior posts - but in rereading Edgar, he may have meant to keep this thread only to "Peace" Rally's and that is not my place to make a decision for him!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 05:53 pm
Everyone... per the discussion guidelines, the originator of a thread here on a2k is given a special right to request that tangents which he/she considers either not relevant or counter-productive to the original intention be moved to another discussion. Moving folks and posts over to another discussion is not the responsibility of the moderators, it falls to each of us. Therefore, when an originator makes such a request, it is to be acknowledged and abided by. If you want to go tangentially, you start a new thread.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 08:11 pm
trespassers will wrote:
nimh - Take a look at how South Africa worked pro-actively to show the world it was dismantling its weapons programs for a cue what Saddam promised to do, should be doing, is required to do to remain in power and alive, and will never ever do [..] I offered you an example of what Hussein could do if he wished to show the UN, the US, and the entire world that he wishes peace and is disarming or has disarmed. It has been done before, willingly and well, by South Africa. Their historical example is one that shows perfectly how a nation proactively shows the world it is eschewing weapons of mass destruction. You are free to ignore that example as you wish, but I wonder why you would be so uninterested in it.

In an aside (sorry Edgar): on this topic, brought up earlier in this thread, I found an interesting newspaper article today:

translated from NRC Handelsblad wrote:
20 februari 2003:

South-Africa not really fit to serve as example for Iraq

JOHANNESBURG, 20 FEBR. The head of the UN weapons inspectors Hans Blix started with it. [..] Colin Powell and his British colleague, Jack Straw, followed. And now the South-African president Thabo Mbeki says it too: "South-Afrika is the example of honest and voluntarily disarmament: nuclear, chemical and biological." Disarmament as it is expected of Iraq right now. [..]

But the president plays his role on the basis of a half truth. Only the dismantlement of South Africa's nuclear arsenal in the early nineties can be called a school example. The destruction of the chemical and biological weapons that were developed by the apartheid regime is still shrouded in mists.

That programme has never been subjected to the research of foreign weapon inspectors. Most documents that should confirm the destruction of the materials that were produced in the laboratoria have been destroyed. And the only expert who knows in full detail what has happened to the chemical and biological weapons after the end of the apartheid regime, is a man few South-Africans will dare believe on his word. His name is Wouter Basson, alias 'Doctor Death'. [..]

As open and transparant as the dismantlement of the nuclear weapons was, the destruction of chemical and biological weapons was shadowy. Chandré Gould researched the programme for the truth commission and co-authored the book Secrets and Lies about Wouter Basson. She calls the destruction "messy", "confusing" and "hard to confirm".

In the words of the 1998 interim-report of the truth commission: "The overview of the programme, the coordination and the direction it took, was in the hands of one person: Dr Basson." [..] The brilliant heart surgeon Wouter Basson had been appointed head of the secret weapons programme "Project Coast" in the late seventies. His assignment was to design vaccins and clothing that were to protect South-AFrica's troops against attacks with chemical and biological weapons.

Only when Basson was arrested in 1997 because of involvement in large-scale drug trafficking, South-Africa heard of what had happened all those years. [..] Hearings of the truth commission and the two and a half year-long trial against Basson have revealed his plans in detail. Project Coast was looking for kinds of poison that would affect only the black population. He was given great leeway by the apartheid regime. [..] Basson would be the inventor of a heart attack pill, an anti-fertility pill, chocolate with botulism, cigarettes with [spleen-fire, transl.?], sugar with salmonella.

In 1993 [..] president De Klerk ordered the dismantlement of the programme. De Klerk had just signed the Chemical Weapons Convention. [..] Fourthousand kilos of drugs, mandrax, cocaine and xtc were dumped in the sea. Countless pathogens would have been destroyed. The man who was responsible for this clean-up operation? Wouter Basson. "How much we had, what exactly happened with it: we still don't know", says Gould. "We are completely dependent on the testimonies of Basson."

South-African army policy prescribed that all documents concerning Project Coast should be destroyed every two years. According to the ATtorney General this has complicated the court case against Basson. The Pretoria court last year acquitted the heart surgeon of 46 cases for murder, conspiracy, fraud and drug possession.

A recommendation of the truth commission to the South-African government to install an independent inquiry on the dismantlement of the chemical and biological weapon programme has not been followed up. The South-African government still plays down the programme as a "Mickey Mouse-programme", that cannot be compared to Russian or Iraqi programmes. "We didn't have any programme", says Tom Markram, one of the weapon experts who will fly to Bagdad tomorrow. "Project Coast? The truth commission settled that."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 08:40 pm
Today I received my Berkeley Meeting of Friends Newsletter and this is what they are doing as a peaceful protest:

Place 1/2 cup uncooked rice in a small plastic bag. Squeeze out excess air and seal the bag. Wrap it in a piece of paper on which you have written,"If your enemies are hungry, feed them." Romans 12:20.

Send this paper and bag of rice in an envelope (either letter-sized or padded mailing envelope, both are the same cost to mail) and address it to: President George Bush, White House, 1600 Pennsykvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C 20500. Attach $1.06 un postage (three 37-cent stamps).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 05:29 am
Thanks EdgarB, for attempting to keep people to the point & the spirit of this thread.
Too bad the "disruptors" didn't listen to you.
Too bad they also ignored me (as the author of the thread) when I tried to do the same, many pages back:

msolga wrote:
The point of this thread was to share information about the rallies, world-wide. I don't wish to be rude to fellow A2K-ers, but would the supporters of a war in Iraq please direct their comments elsewhere at A2K & you can happily have your debate there. This is not the place for the debate you want to have.

So much for civility from you guys!
This is precisely why I don't enjoy the political threads here & mostly avoid them.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 08:28 am

If and when you bump into this problem, make mention of it to the participants and if it still continues, just send a PM to any of the guides explaining your dilemma.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 11:19 am
I am laughing so hard that my side hurts that the protesters do not wish to have those with varying opinions than theirs be heard in their thread.

You weekend warriors are really a piece of work.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 11:43 am
An opposing sentiment about the peace rallies in a report from Kurdish Iraq:

In his internetcorner Sarwar types an empassioned plea about the "anti-war demonstrators in Europe who do not realise that the Iraqi's have to live with an old, open wound." Only when the wound is closed, can the Iraqis go on with their existence. "As long as they remove Saddam. I am sending this mail to all my penpals in Europe to make sure they won't demonstrate with the rest."

I've been trying to collect reported views from (exile) Iraqison the pros and cons of war, perhaps y'all can help me out a bit? After all, with so many firm convictions on the issue, I'm sure many of you will have sought and found some "native" sources on the matter, no - ahem ?Smile

(I find it slightly alarming how little attention is given, by both war proponents and opponents, to what people from the region itself say - but then, their views are hardly reported, either, which is slightly more alarming again)

Thus far, btw, those I found and posted include as many opponents of war as proponents of it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 05:25 pm
maxsdadeo wrote:
I am laughing so hard that my side hurts that the protesters do not wish to have those with varying opinions than theirs be heard in their thread.
You weekend warriors are really a piece of work.

maxsdadeo, take a look at the NAME of this thread.
I think it clearly states it's purpose.
This was NOT an invitation to a debate.
I'm not offended by your desire to participate in a debate on Iraq. There are heaps of other political threads on A2K where you can choose to do this. (And I see you are participating.)
What I'm offended by is the deliberate subversion of what was intended to be an INFORMATION thread.
Do you get it now?
0 Replies
trespassers will
Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2003 02:08 pm
msolga wrote:
maxsdadeo wrote:
I am laughing so hard that my side hurts that the protesters do not wish to have those with varying opinions than theirs be heard in their thread.
You weekend warriors are really a piece of work.

maxsdadeo, take a look at the NAME of this thread.
I think it clearly states it's purpose.
This was NOT an invitation to a debate.
I'm not offended by your desire to participate in a debate on Iraq. There are heaps of other political threads on A2K where you can choose to do this. (And I see you are participating.)
What I'm offended by is the deliberate subversion of what was intended to be an INFORMATION thread.
Do you get it now?

msolga - Your stated purpose was to allow people to share information regarding peace rallies within a specified period of time. That period has passed, and anti-war types choose to continue to use this discussion as a place to offer their opinions on the war. Is it your contention that only those responding to them are breaching your original intent? Would it help you if I went through this discussion and found how often an anti-war person posted something other than information on an upcoming peace march during the week starting 2/14 (the term encompassed by your original invitation)?

I can't speak for anyone else, but my responses in this discussion have been intended as just that; responses to statements made by others. I find it hard to understand how my response can be off-topic if the message to which I respond is on-topic.

Now, I personally am willing to offer the author of a discussion more respect than some others. If you actually want no debate in this discussion, I will be happy to accept that--just say the word. But if your complaint is that some people have ignored your original intent, I can only tell you that many of them are on your side of the debate.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2003 08:27 pm
tresspassers will

I have grown a little tired of explaining the intention of this thread. Confused I've already said it, a number of times. I think it's pretty clear.

The problem was, comments like this one of yours (& really early in the piece, not after most of the big rallies were over & which I believe were mischievous at best) which attempted to divert attention from the spirit & intention of the thread:

trespassers will wrote:
Joe - Lighten up. I can't help it if I find the idea of a peacenic punching out a warmonger funny. I just do. And it may be beneath you, but I may well be futher down the evolutionary ladder, so get off my back, Eloi. :wink:

I don't think this was an *on-topic contribution*. Nor were a number of others throughout the discussion, from people of similar views to yours.
I think such comments diverted people from the actual point of the thread & stuffed it up.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2003 10:21 pm
Msolga -- I share your frustration and I'm really put off by participants who don't offer much in the way of intellectual nourishment or persuasive arguments, but rather who spend time browbeating and denigrating others' posts. To make you feel better I'll pass one something I heard today (and posted in another thread -- forgive the repetition if you've already seen it).

San Antonio is one of the larger American cities, one which is noted for the quantity of military who live there because of a number of military bases in the vicinity -- and military who have retired there and in nearby rural areas. This is also Bush territory and a Republican party stronghold. So last Saturday the pro-war people held a well advertised pro-war, pro-Bush rally in front of the Alamo, the local historical site -- to counter the peace marchers. Lovely early spring day, warm and sunny, many people expected.

150 showed up.

Embarrassment for them. Pleasure for those of us who had been part of large and successful peace demonstrations!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2003 10:33 pm

Thank you.
So San Antonio voted by staying away? Hmmmmmmmm ... Rolling Eyes
I'm wondering what we can do now, apart from write letters to politicians, etc. It's only a temporary reprieve at the moment. I hope there's more pro peace activity around the world that we're not even aware of .... The lull before the storm?
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trespassers will
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2003 09:22 am
msolga wrote:
tresspassers will

I have grown a little tired of explaining the intention of this thread. Confused I've already said it, a number of times. I think it's pretty clear.

The problem was, comments like this one of yours (& really early in the piece, not after most of the big rallies were over & which I believe were mischievous at best) which attempted to divert attention from the spirit & intention of the thread:

trespassers will wrote:
Joe - Lighten up. I can't help it if I find the idea of a peacenic punching out a warmonger funny. I just do. And it may be beneath you, but I may well be futher down the evolutionary ladder, so get off my back, Eloi. :wink:

I don't think this was an *on-topic contribution*. Nor were a number of others throughout the discussion, from people of similar views to yours.
I think such comments diverted people from the actual point of the thread & stuffed it up.

Ah, but you are taking me out of context, are you not? (And I think you know it too.) Let's recap...

1) I commented that there would be simultaneous marches here in my city both "for peace" and supporting Bush. In the context of that announcement--which met your criteria (did it not?)--I commented that I thought it would be funny if a peace marcher punched a pro-Bush person in the nose (a humorous aside within a post that was clearly on-topic).

2) Some bed-wetter whined about my punch-in-the-nose comment.

3) I responded with the quote you offered above.

Now, seriously. If you simply would prefer your discussion to be a "no challenge zone" for anything anti-war people want to write, just say so, and I'll accept that. But let's stop this pretense that those straying off of your topic are all pro-Bush, because I know you can read and that means you know it is not true. Okay?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2003 10:05 am
"So why not send a report of YOUR rally here, so we can all share it?" ...I think Msolga's invitation was pretty clear.

"Some bed-wetter whined..." ...Hey, what's this guy trying to do? Report on a rally? Maybe trying to disrupt the conversation? Maybe "bed-wet" on someone's parade?
0 Replies
trespassers will
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2003 11:30 am
Tartarin wrote:
"So why not send a report of YOUR rally here, so we can all share it?" ...I think Msolga's invitation was pretty clear.

You know, you make a good point. My initial comments were about a peace rally, but I realize in thinking about it now, that I did not actually share information about it in the spirit of Msolga's request. Largely because I am fairly guarded about sharing personal information in these discussions (having been badly burned by doing so elsewhere in the past) I did not specify where I live. Withholding this information makes my comment that there would be a rally where I live of absolutely no value to anyone else. My intent in sharing was not to throw a monkey-wrench in things, but that doesn't change the fact that--strictly interpreted--I didn't satisfy the requirements for entry.

Fair enough?

I maintain that any posts I made that were off-topic were in response to posts that were off-topic, and resent having been singled out as one "responsible" for sidetracking the discussion. I think that singling out had a lot to do with the bias of the person making the claim and very little to do with the facts recorded in this discussion.

Anyhow, I'll assume from this point on that anyone who wants to debate these issues will share their points of view in other discussions, and leave everyone to share information about rallies here.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2003 12:12 pm
Tres -- I see your dilemma, but I think it really stems from something which is so common in these threads -- the unwillingness to set out one's own beliefs (fearing they might be "shot down") but the willingness to shoot down others' hesitant opinions. Your point about sharing personal info is valid. I sometimes have a hard time explaining where I got a fact or an opinion because it might give away not just who I am, but who my sources are! So yes -- that, indeed, is a problem!
0 Replies
trespassers will
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2003 12:27 pm
BTW, Tartarin - I want to commend you for the cordial tone you work to cultivate, even with war-mongers like me. It is contagious. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2003 02:27 pm
Tres -- and thanks for not calling me Tart as I call you Tres!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2003 04:57 pm

March 15 America stands up.
0 Replies

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