The apparent
fact is that you have not answered my questions so I will attempt to repeat them more concisely:
1) Do you believe the proposed additional gun regulations will have a significant impact on preventing shootings like the one that took place yesterday in FL, and previously in Las Vegas, Colorado, and Connecticut?
a) If so, precisely how?
2) Do you believe those who oppose these regulations are
a) Insincere about their concerns regarding the 2nd Amendment?
b) Responsible for the deaths of the victims of shootings like the ones referenced?
3) Do you believe the Democrats are as committed to preventing these shootings as they were to the Stimulus and Obamacare?
4) Do you believe they could have passed these regulations while they controlled Congress in 2009 and 2010?
a) If so, why didn't they?
b) If not, why do you think that is so?
5) Do you believe that some Democrats who embrace additional gun controls would be more vulnerable in the next election?
6) Do you think preventing these shootings is worth the loss of congressional seats and any chance of regaining control of Congress?
7) Assuming any party, other than the murderer, can, rationally, be "blamed" for the deaths of the shooting victims, would you agree that if you believed you had the solution to this problem and you didn't try to implement it when you had your best chance of doing so, that you are more to "blame" than someone who doesn't believe your solution will work and opposed it?
a) If not, why?
As for the "wacky-left," I'm sure it's no surprise to you that I would use that term to describe far more than 10% of the people who hold beliefs that can be described as
left of center, never-the-less, I often find that I am in agreement with the general principles of your defined 10% (versus their specic policy agenda). While I can't blame them for insisting that the Democrats are not as bad as the Republicans (I obviously subscribe to the reverse), they appreciate that there is a corrupt Establishment of government officials (whether elected or appointed) who in practice are not very different: Driven by the desire for personal power and wealth, willing to compromise their principles at the drop of a hat, habitual liars, and self-important elitists who at best are out of touch with the American people, and at worst regard them with disdain.
There are exceptions in both parties but, overwhelmingly, the ones who have risen to leadership roles or who aspire to celebrity and higher office are, in one way or another among the very worse: Chuck Schummer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnel John McCain, John Cornyn, Roy Blunt, Dick Durbin, Chris Van Hollen, Lisa Murkowski, Loretta Lynch, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, Eric Holder, Stenny Hoyer, James Clyburn, Eric Salwell, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, Devin Nunes, Cory Booker, Andrew Cuomo, Rick Snyder, Mark Dayon, Jim Justice, Elizabeth Warren, Lindsay Graham, Jeff Flake and a whole host of others.
Of course, the absolute worst among them is Hillary Clinton