Quote:The republicans are backed into a corner and it would be their fault if a shutdown was to happen.
Remember this line from "Usual Suspects?"
Quote:The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
The greatest trick the Democrats ever pulled (with the considerable help of their friends in the MSM, and the complicity of weak-kneed Republicans) was to convince Americans that any and all government shut-downs are the fault of Republicans.
The Republicans are prepared to pass a budget that will keep the government running. If it doesn't pass it will be because of the votes of a few rogue RINOS and all of the Democrats...or because of a Democrat filibuster.
And what's the problem with the proposed budget? Nothing really except the bill presented doesn't have language that reinstates DACA and makes it permanent.
So the Democrats will allow the government to shut down unless the Republicans submit to their extortion and give them the DACA they want. Fair play since the Republicans have been willing to play that same game. but what is stunning (and could only happen with the cooperation of the MSM) is that the Dems may be able to pull it off AND have the blame stick to the GOP
Now it's not often that one party in a political battle is able to employ such an effective WIN/WIN weapon and so (within the context of politics are war and war is hell) I don't blame them. It's too good to pass on, but to hear or see their supporters repeat this nonsense is distressing.
1) They've either been brainwashed by the constant propaganda in the media, and lack the wit to question it
2) They feel as if they are vicariously participating in this sleazy political battle and are cynically delighted about misdirection and disinformation working if it hurts the other tribe.
For whatever reason, the Dems have decided that getting their way on DACA is so important, it's worth a government shutdown. There are other means for them to try and get what they want without shutting the government down, but they've decided this one offers the greatest chance of success.
Who is responsible for the result of a failed attempt at extortion? The party that tried it, or the party that refused to give in to it?