I agree with you Ed that the Democrats should be pressured and pushed to fight
harder for democratic progressive issues. Some of those issues are not as important to me, but some of those issues are extremely important to me.
Yes Ed, I agree that the democrats need to go all out for single-payer health care. Even if we don't succeed in the short term,
persistence is the key to
eventually getting single-payer health care.
I also agree that the democrats should be more committed and more aggressive in
forcing the
super rich to pay more in taxes. The
super rich has been getting away with murder in lowering their taxes. The
super rich are making much of their wealth on the backbone of labor as well as on the demand of the consumers. Without Labor producing their goods and services, and consumers buying their goods and services, they would have
nothing. Those greedy super wealthy corporations need to show more appreciation to both labor and consumers. Because without both labor and consumers, they would have
nothing. The greedy big corporations can start showing their appreciation by paying more taxes than what they've been paying. The democrats need to be relentless on this issue. If and when the democrats are not relentless and committed, the democratic voters need to keep the pressure on the democratic party on these issues.
Also the democrats need to be much more relentless in fighting against Wall Street corruption and Banking corruption. The democratic voters need to keep the pressure on Democratic party on this issue.
The democrats need to be much more relentless of fighting against big greedy corporations who are poisoning our air, water, and ground. These are issues that we as democrats need to keep the pressure on the party to fight hard and aggressive. Although the democrats are better than the republicans on these issues, we as democrats still need to keep the pressure on the party. I do not foresee myself ever voting for the republicans. I will continue to vote for the democrats over the republicans. I cannot foresee that ever changing. Ed don't stop fighting the good fight. I do support your fight.