revel wrote:Another problem is about those that receive social security for disabilities? If people are no longer paying into social security where is the money going to come from to pay it?
At what point would this take place? At whatever point it takes place wouldn't it run the risk of cutting people off social security simply because there would not be enough money coming in to pay for those currently receiving benefits?
As others have said, SSI wouldn't be touched. You also seem to be greatly overstating the case with regard to SS's existance. The most extensive proposal thusfar is to allow people to transfer 15% of their current SS payments into private accounts and even that isn't the most likely scenario. The plan that has the most support allows a person to move only 4% of their current withholdings. People will still be paying into SS for generations to come.
If that 4% plan comes about then the difference would have to be paid from current general revenues. IOW, we pay for it now instead of passing it off to our children/grandchildren.