I am also of the belief that Social Security should be the ultimate safety net. If we let the people control their own investment options, some most certainly will lose out, and they will be a burden for the rest to bear. Just as with the medical crisis, as more people lose medical insurance, the hospitals cannot refuse treatment. They merely pass on the cost of the uninsured to the insured.
It bothers me though that as we are aware of a crisis ahead, the congress still cannot resist adding to the benefit and exacerbating the problem.
Just a few years ago the law was changed so that those at full retirement age (65 at the time) were able to draw full benefits while still working and no earned income limits. Prior to that change you had to pay back one dollar for every three earned above a certain income. While a good deal for those working, it was not a good time to be enhancing the benefit.
The same for the prescription drug act. Not much bang for the buck and no means to fund it. It looks more and more to me as though
"starve the beast" is the plan.