Foxy - if it takes 9 positives to make up for 1 negative, I think the Democrats are in trouble LOL. Consider what Senator Byrd had to say about the hearings on Alito:
Quote:[...]The people of West Viriginia in no uncertain terms were, frankly, appalled by the Alito hearings. I don't want to say it, but I must. They were appalled. In the reams of correspondence that I received during the Alito hearings, West Virginians--the people I represent--West Virignians who wrote to criticize the way in which the hearings were conducted used the same two words. People with no connection to one another. People of different faiths. Different views. Different opinions. [They] independently and respectively used the same two words to describe the hearings. They called them called an outrage and a disgrace.
And these were not form letters ginned up by special interest groups on either the right or the left. These were hand-written, contemplative, old-fashioned letters written on lined paper and personal stationary. They were the sort of letters that people write while watching television in the comfort of their living rooms or sitting at the kitchen table. It is especially telling that many who objected to the way in which the Alito hearings were conducted do not support Judge Alito. In fact, it is sorely apparent that many who opposed Judge Alito's nomination also opposed the seemingly made-for-TV antics that accompanied the hearings ...
I'm quite sure Byrd plans to vote against Alito's nomination, but at least he has the good common sense to see what John Kerry cannot.
One of the funniest lines I read all week was something along the lines of "Kerry
yodelling for filibuster"...from Switzerland of all places

He apparently thinks we don't notice.