Bush supporters' aftermath thread

Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 09:36 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Oh Good God, someone showed Maggie how to post graphics.

Hate to pop your balloon Finn but I have a forum with the same format and I already know how to post pictures, etc. You see, we non-republicans tend to read and figure out how to do things. We don't wait around for a talking head to give us a sound byte to repeat endlessly.

Anon, I have no idea why these people are dwelling on Ted Kennedy and a possible murder when they have Chicken george and his wifey poo who are in your face murderers.

Laura ran a stop sign and rammed a car driven by a boy friend who had dumped her glassy eyedarse. Chicken george sent a girl friend or several girl friends to get abortions......

Of course these don't count since both "got saved" later. And of course these bu$h worshippers are overlooking the fact that bu$h has killed 3000 people from 9-11, Thousands of innocent people of Afghanistan and Iraq and heading toward 3000 of our soldiers..... and that doesn't even take into account the thousands more who are wounded, maimed or sick because of these two illegal wars.

Clinton lied and no one died.
Bu$h lied and thousands died.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 09:52 pm
Magginkat wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Oh Good God, someone showed Maggie how to post graphics.

Hate to pop your balloon Finn but I have a forum with the same format and I already know how to post pictures, etc. You see, we non-republicans tend to read and figure out how to do things. We don't wait around for a talking head to give us a sound byte to repeat endlessly.

Well good for you honey. How independent of you.

Anon, I have no idea why these people are dwelling on Ted Kennedy and a possible murder when they have Chicken george and his wifey poo who are in your face murderers.

A "possible murder?" Teddy isn't guilty of first degree murder. I don't think anyone believes he intended to kill Mary Jo. What many of us do believe is that when the accident happened, his immediate firs concern was his own ass (physical and political). Whether or not his actions rise to breaking any statutes, they certainly were proof of his utter absence of character. Anyone who claims Teddy as a hero is either an absolute fool or a sybarite.

Laura ran a stop sign and rammed a car driven by a boy friend who had dumped her glassy eyedarse. Chicken george sent a girl friend or several girl friends to get abortions......

Your MO is to spout these outlandish claims without any substantiation. Oher A2Kers have consistently called you out on this, and yet you never provide any backing for your calumny.

Provide us with legitimate proof that George and Laura Bush are "in your face" murderers or, for the love of God, shut the hell up!

Of course these don't count since both "got saved" later. And of course these bu$h worshippers are overlooking the fact that bu$h has killed 3000 people from 9-11, Thousands of innocent people of Afghanistan and Iraq and heading toward 3000 of our soldiers..... and that doesn't even take into account the thousands more who are wounded, maimed or sick because of these two illegal wars.

Clinton lied and no one died.
Bu$h lied and thousands died.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 10:10 pm

Well, she did ram a car that DID have an ex-boyfriend in it that DID die. Whether he had dumped her is another question.

As to the abortion(s), Larry Flynt is publishing a book with names, places, etc. We'll see if it stands up to examination. Let's just hope the people named don't start mysteriously dying or disappearing so that it can be checked out!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 11:07 pm
Understanding that some are so hate filled and malicious they'll say just about anything about anybody without caring whether it is true or not,
if you are going to relate an incident that has absolutely nothing to do with anything now, at least get your facts straight. The whole account is related here in Snopes:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 11:12 pm
She's just a bad recurring commercial.

Clinton lied
people died
in Somalia, where he was
too worried that people
would say He Was
Wagging The Dog
Because a fat girl in a beret
had been waxing his dick.
Three thousand died on 911
because Clinton worried that
people would say he was
Wagging The Dog, so he
chickened out and let Bin Laden live,
though we had him in our sights.

Not quite as catchy, but at least TRUE.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 11:26 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Magginkat wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Oh Good God, someone showed Maggie how to post graphics.

Hate to pop your balloon Finn but I have a forum with the same format and I already know how to post pictures, etc. You see, we non-republicans tend to read and figure out how to do things. We don't wait around for a talking head to give us a sound byte to repeat endlessly.

Well good for you honey. How independent of you.

Hey old geezer, that if there's one thing I'm not... it's honey. You didn't think that I was going to wait around from some dumb bu$h lover to help did you?

Anon, I have no idea why these people are dwelling on Ted Kennedy and a possible murder when they have Chicken george and his wifey poo who are in your face murderers.

A "possible murder?" Teddy isn't guilty of first degree murder. I don't think anyone believes he intended to kill Mary Jo. What many of us do believe is that when the accident happened, his immediate firs concern was his own ass (physical and political). Whether or not his actions rise to breaking any statutes, they certainly were proof of his utter absence of character. Anyone who claims Teddy as a hero is either an absolute fool or a sybarite.

Name one place that you have ever seen me call Ted Kennedy or any other politician a hero. You are an absolute fool if you try to say that I have. Just when will you people get over Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, etc.? Chicken george is killing people as I type. Why is that no concern for you.

Laura ran a stop sign and rammed a car driven by a boy friend who had dumped her glassy eyedarse. Chicken george sent a girl friend or several girl friends to get abortions......

Your MO is to spout these outlandish claims without any substantiation. Oher A2Kers have consistently called you out on this, and yet you never provide any backing for your calumny.

Provide us with legitimate proof that George and Laura Bush are "in your face" murderers or, for the love of God, shut the hell up!

When I first heard about the adventures of Laura, I did do a search of news articles,etc. Some are still on Google. Just because you "call me out" on anything does not mean that I am going to drop what I am doing to run off an do research for you clowns. I have an idea. Prove that what I said is wrong.

As for AWOL chicken george, just turn go to Google once again and search for the bodies he has left scattered all over Iraq. Check the Obituaries for the soldiers who are returning in body bags. Look at the children who have been blown to bits. How much proof do you need? Are you blind & deaf? What part of "Thou shalt not kill, don't you and chicken george understand?

Of course these don't count since both "got saved" later. And of course these bu$h worshippers are overlooking the fact that bu$h has killed 3000 people from 9-11, Thousands of innocent people of Afghanistan and Iraq and heading toward 3000 of our soldiers..... and that doesn't even take into account the thousands more who are wounded, maimed or sick because of these two illegal wars.

Clinton lied and no one died.
Bu$h lied and thousands died

This is America's pride and joy? Judging by the look on Laura's face old Charles had his hand some place it should not have been.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 11:33 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Understanding that some are so hate filled and malicious they'll say just about anything about anybody without caring whether it is true or not,
if you are going to relate an incident that has absolutely nothing to do with anything now, at least get your facts straight. The whole account is related here in Snopes:

Sheeze, Foxy..... did you read what you posted. The snopes account pretty much says what I said, except it did not call it murder.

By the way, I don't hate the poor old Stepford wife. I almost feel sorry for her at times being married to that thing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2006 11:53 pm
When you say this, Mags, how do you describe people you do hate?
Anon, I have no idea why these people are dwelling on Ted Kennedy and a possible murder when they have Chicken george and his wifey poo who are in your face murderers.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 07:40 am
Dont argue with Mags.

Its like that old cliche...
Arguing with her is like mudwrestling a pig,you find out that she enjoys it.

Just leave her to her fantasies and move on to talk with rational people.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 08:01 am
A Suggestion

George Bush has started an ill-timed and disastrous war under false pretenses by lying to the American people and to the Congress; he has run a budget surplus into a severe deficit; he has consistently and unconscionably favored the wealthy and corporations over the rights and needs of the population; he has destroyed trust and confidence in, and good will toward, the United States around the globe; he has ignored global warming, to the world's detriment; he has wantonly broken our treaty obligations; he has condoned torture of prisoners; he has attempted to create a theocracy in the United States; he has appointed incompetent cronies to positions of vital national importance. And now he has admitted that the broke the law by unauthorized spying on U.S. citizens..... not only broke the law but with that he would keep on doing so. He is the most hated man on earth.

Jeff Gannon, please give him a blow job so we can impeach him?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 10:41 am
mysteryman wrote:
Dont argue with Mags.

Its like that old cliche...
Arguing with her is like mudwrestling a pig,you find out that she enjoys it.

Just leave her to her fantasies and move on to talk with rational people.

I know. But its like you just have to smell the soured milk bottle twice before throwing it out.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 10:57 am
From this morning's Rasmussen Reports:

Bush Job Approval
Approve Disapprove
(1st column is date; 2nd colum approve; 3rd column disapprove)
Today 50 49
Jan 29 49 50
Jan 28 48 51
Jan 27 46 53
Jan 26 45 54
Jan 25 44 55
Jan 24 44 54
Jan 23 45 54
Jan 22 45 53
Jan 21 45 54
Jan 20 45 54
Jan 19 46 53
Jan 18 45 54
Jan 17 44 54
Jan 16 44 55
Jan 15 45 53
Jan 14 44 54
Jan 13 44 54
Jan 12 43 55
Jan 11 44 55
Jan 10 45 54

Monday January 30, 2006--Fifty percent (50%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

The President earns approval from 82% of Republicans, 25% of Democrats, and 41% of those not affiliated with either major political party.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 11:02 am
Anon-Voter wrote:
Actually, it was Bill's logic. He got the point, he just did it silently, unlike you.

No, Bill tries to avoid responding to idiotic claims in cases where the claimant is notorious for idiotic claims. Believing either accident was pre-meditated fits the description. Kennedy's crime took place after his accident. Mary Jo suffocated because he chose not to report the accident immediately. Kennedy was no kid at the time either. The comparison is as inappropriate as it is hyper-partisan idiocy. Party on. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 11:59 am
Anon-Voter wrote:
Actually, it was Bill's logic. He got the point, he just did it silently, unlike you.

No, Bill tries to avoid responding to idiotic claims in cases where the claimant is notorious for idiotic claims. Believing either accident was pre-meditated fits the description. Kennedy's crime took place after his accident. Mary Jo suffocated because he chose not to report the accident immediately. Kennedy was no kid at the time either. The comparison is as inappropriate as it is hyper-partisan idiocy. Party on. Rolling Eyes


I have reserved judgement of you because you seem liked by most. Your mouth however does seem to flow capriciously, and your comments border on the lunatic fringe most of the time. I see that you're just another rightwing nutcase that would be better off in a mental institution where your epileptic mental condition can be controlled with massive doses of Carbamazepine and Phenobarbital.

I would love to see a link, any link, that is substantiated medically that Kennedy caused MaryJos death by leaving the scene.

I'll concede that he was drunk, drove as such, caused the accident, was irresponsible, and waited too long to report it, probably because he was drunk. With all that said, prove to me that he could have saved her. She ended up in the back seat, which could be real confusing if you were drunk, diving in the dark water, at night. Prove to me he could have saved her!! Prove to me that (1) he didn't try to save her, and (2) that he could have got help, any help, in time to save her.

You talk about me about being hyper-partisan, yet you flop your mouth about **** that a five year old would be too smart to utter. It was a fricking accident!! Only the horribly mentally disturbed would call it murder. Get some help for heavens sakes ... Thorazine may help!


0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 12:25 pm

Here for your education, which you obviously require, please find the information on drowning.


Drowning victims should be treated even if they have been submerged for a long time. The rule "no patient should be pronounced dead until warm and dead" applies. Children in particular have a good chance of survival in water up to 3 minutes, or 10 minutes in cold water (10 to 15 °C or 50 to 60 °F). Submersion in cold water can slow the metabolism drastically. There are rare but documented cases of survivable submersion for extreme lengths of time. In one case a child survived drowning after being submerged in cold water for 70 minutes. In another, an 18 year old man survived 38 minutes under water. This is known as cold water drowning.

Let's take the most extreme case of an adult surviving "cold water" drowning. Thirty-Eight minutes. Let's assume he was a coward and didn't try to dive and save her. He still had to escape the car, get out of the water, and in a drunken state leave a remote area and get back in 40 minutes to save her.

Clocks ticking genius, Tick Tock, Tick Tock!!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 01:00 pm
Prove to me he could have saved her!! Prove to me that (1) he didn't try to save her, and (2) that he could have got help, any help, in time to save her.

Lets take the second part first...

You want proof that he could have gotten help for her?
Then lets look at the actual police report and drawings of the incident...


We can see in diagram 2 of the actual police report that there was a house 450 feet away.
He could have gotten help there.
According to the report,he drove right past that house on his way to the bridge,so he knew the house was there.
In the picture titled "Inquest exhibit #8",you can actually see the house from the bridge.

If he had been trying to get help,he could have gone there,but he didn't.

And here...

We have his own statement of the events.

Again,nothing was said about trying to save her.

And here is Ted Kennedy's driving record...


Notice this part...

"Senator Kennedy's driver's license had expired on February 22, 1969 (nearly 5 months before the accident at Chappaquiddick) and had not been renewed."

So,his driving record shows a pattern of recklessness.

You still want more proof and evidence?
I will be glad to provide it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 02:07 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Prove to me he could have saved her!! Prove to me that (1) he didn't try to save her, and (2) that he could have got help, any help, in time to save her.

Lets take the second part first...

You want proof that he could have gotten help for her?
Then lets look at the actual police report and drawings of the incident...


We can see in diagram 2 of the actual police report that there was a house 450 feet away.

He could have gotten help there.
According to the report,he drove right past that house on his way to the bridge,so he knew the house was there.
In the picture titled "Inquest exhibit #8",you can actually see the house from the bridge.

If he had been trying to get help,he could have gone there,but he didn't.

You are assuming (1) That they were home, and (2) He was in the condition it required to get there, and get them back and SAVE the girl in 40 minutes. You are also assuming that the people at the house were physically capable of diving down, finding her in the back seat in the dark, under water, and dragging her out of the car WITHIN 40 minutes. That's lots of assumptions, with no proof. I wonder if you would want to be found guilty of MURDER for proof like you're fabricating.!!

And here...

We have his own statement of the events.

Again,nothing was said about trying to save her.

You really need to start reading your own links before you shoot your mouth off. Don't you rightwingers even read?? Now I discredited his statement that he dove, but since you entered the link, now we count it. He repeatedly dove and could not find her, probably from the dark and the fact she ended up in the back seat. That adds considerable time to the 40 minutes, and proves that he DID try to save her. Your link, your proof!!

"I came to the surface and then repeatedly dove down to the car in an attempt to see if the passenger was still in the car. I was unsuccessful in the attempt. I was exhausted and in a state of shock.".

And here is Ted Kennedy's driving record...


Notice this part...

"Senator Kennedy's driver's license had expired on February 22, 1969 (nearly 5 months before the accident at Chappaquiddick) and had not been renewed."

So,his driving record shows a pattern of recklessness.

Lot's of people have shitty driving records, I have already conceded that he was drunk at the time. I know lots of rightwing construction people that not only drive on suspended licenses, but operate heavy equipment without them. I was at a clients site less than two months ago, and one of the unlicensed rightwing morons who worked for him punched out the back window of the van with a forklift. You're reaching at straws to prove your ridiculous statements.

You still want more proof and evidence?
I will be glad to provide it.

You failed in every sense, read your own bloody links before you post and they won't make such a fool out of you.

BTW Genuis, I saw that link and refused to use it because I wouldn't accept it as a valid link, however, since you think it's valid, I have used it against you in your contention that he didn't try to save her.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 03:05 pm
You are assuming (1) That they were home, and (2) He was in the condition it required to get there, and get them back and SAVE the girl in 40 minutes. You are also assuming that the people at the house were physically capable of diving down, finding her in the back seat in the dark, under water, and dragging her out of the car WITHIN 40 minutes. That's lots of assumptions, with no proof. I wonder if you would want to be found guilty of MURDER for proof like you're fabricating.!!

Why are you assuming the negative?
If the people werent home,then in an emergency he could have forced his way in.
If they werent able to drive,then they could have made a phone call.

You are trying really hard to defend him,arent you.

BTW,did you refuse to accept the link because it had the actual police report?
Did you refuse to accept the link because it showed pictures of a house 450 feet away?
Did you refuse to accept the link because it showed that Kennedy had the opportunity to get help and refused?

I find it odd that you refuse to accept links if the cast even a shadow of doubt on any of the pet theories you hold dear.
You have a history of doing that.

He supposedely wasnt able to help her,but he was able to swim across the channel,and then contact his aides and friends.
Why did he wait 8 hours to notify anyone of the accident?

Why are you trying so hard to defend him?
He is guilty of manslaughter,there is no doubt of that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 03:42 pm
mysteryman wrote:
You are assuming (1) That they were home, and (2) He was in the condition it required to get there, and get them back and SAVE the girl in 40 minutes. You are also assuming that the people at the house were physically capable of diving down, finding her in the back seat in the dark, under water, and dragging her out of the car WITHIN 40 minutes. That's lots of assumptions, with no proof. I wonder if you would want to be found guilty of MURDER for proof like you're fabricating.!!

Why are you assuming the negative?

Why are you assuming the opposite?

If the people weren't home,then in an emergency he could have forced his way in.

If they weren't able to drive,then they could have made a phone call.

So, after he spent 10 or so minutes diving and trying to save her, then he had to run 450 feet, break in, and make the call while he was drunk, exhausted, and in shock? Then, the emergency crew had time to respond, dive in, and rescue her in the allotted remaining 30 minutes, given she broke the survival record for "cold drowning".

Yea, right!

You are trying really hard to defend him,aren't you.

I really don't give a **** other than I get tired of hearing rightwing stupidity and ignorance. For the most part, I have learned that it is just the rightwing mind and don't let it bother me. Like I said to mental Bill, I had reserved judgement until now. Now I know to ignore him as well since he has demonstrated his inability to understand minimal common sense.

He supposedly wasn't able to help her,but he was able to swim across the channel,and then contact his aides and friends.

I didn't get the part of swimming across the channel ... that even cuts down the time more. She was dead before he hit the other side of the channel. That he did it drunk and exhausted is a miracle in itself.

Why did he wait 8 hours to notify anyone of the accident?

I don't know, but I will guess because he was drunk and shouldn't have been driving. Wasn't he also married and a Senator then? I would imagine he wanted time to come up with an excuse and get sober.

Why are you trying so hard to defend him?

I already answered that!

He is guilty of manslaughter,there is no doubt of that.

I don't claim to be judge and jury, so I have no idea. I'll leave the lynch mob mentality to the right wing!!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2006 04:44 pm
I don't claim to be judge and jury, so I have no idea.

Yet you have tried and convicted Bush for knowing Abramoff,you have tried and Convicted Tom DeLay for the crime of being a republican,you have tried and convicted Ann Coulter,Rush Limbaugh,Sean Hannity,Bill,O'Reilly,and other conservative commentators of being "hate mongers",you have tried and convicted Judge Alito as being bad for the countrty.

The list goes on of people you have tried and convicted (in your mind).

Tell me,if you arent "judge and jury",then why have you acted like one with anyone that disagrees with you,even people on here?
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