McGentrix wrote:
"State of disunion"
On Tuesday evening, Bush must address all of these issues -- but most importantly, he must reassure the undecided and uncertain that he has a clear plan for victory in the global war on terror. He would do well to remind the American people that it is thanks to heroes wearing uniforms and intelligence operations, like those undertaken by the NSA, that we
have had no terror attacks on U.S. soil since Sept. 11. He must reject bin Laden's "truce" bid for what it is -- a page torn from Ho Chi Minh's playbook on how to stave off an American military victory. And while the French, Germans and Russians dither over what to do about Tehran's nuclear weapons ambitions, Bush should point them in the right direction by rejecting an Iranian appeal for direct commercial flights to and from the United States. Finally, he should appeal directly to the American people to demonstrate the same kind of resolve that our Armed Forces have displayed in defending this union.
Gosh, what an authorative, trustworthy voice! Iran/Contra Criminal extraordinary!
I would think that even old Ollie would be embarrassed to repeat that silly line that there's been no attacks on US soil since 9-11.
BUT THERE WAS 9-11 and georgie was on vacation where he's been since he stole the first election. He was sitting on his backside as always with warnings coming at him left and right if we are to believe any of their stories.
Why should there be another "attack"? All of geoge's little followers fell in lockstep and have been there until this that silly cowboy announced that he had been breaking the law and would continue to do so. Then the few real Republicans left in and around this administration finally decided to take a look at what they had been harboring...... America's dictator. America's Cowboy terrorist.
Rest assured, Tricky Dicky #2 & his co-hort Rummy, can produce another attack if they need one. I think that deep down many of the glassy-eyed ones know that. I think that they also believe that if the little Dictator decides to follow through with another attack on the citizens of the US, that he will at least protect his "Christian flock". HELLO La la land! George doesn't give a hoot about any of you.
I think that Mr. Roberts, from the Reagan Administration has the answer to the question, "Why do so many citizens buy into this BS?"
Polls Show Many Americans are Simply Dumber Than Bush
By Paul Craig Roberts
What does it say for democracy that half of the American population is unable to draw a rational conclusion from unambiguous facts?
Americans share this disability with the Bush administration.
According to news reports, the Bush administration is stunned by the election victory of the radical Islamist Hamas Party, which swept the US-financed Fatah Party from office. Why is the Bush administration astonished?
The Bush administration is astonished because it stupidly believes that hundreds of millions of Muslims should be grateful that the US has interfered in their internal affairs for 60 years, setting up colonies and puppet rulers to suppress their aspirations and to achieve, instead, purposes of the US government.
Americans need desperately to understand that 95 percent of all Muslim terrorists in the world were created in the past three years by Bush's invasion of Iraq.
Americans need desperately to comprehend that if Bush attacks Iran and Syria, as he intends, terrorism will explode, and American civil liberties will disappear into a thirty year war that will bankrupt the United States.
The total lack of rationality and competence in the White House and the inability of half of the US population to acquire and understand information are far larger threats to Americans than terrorism.
America has become a rogue nation, flying blind, guided only by ignorance and hubris. A terrible catastrophe awaits.