Bush supporters' aftermath thread

Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 06:48 pm
There are any number of circumstances where it is morally acceptable to blow up innocent children. Terrorists understand this moral equation. Bush understands this moral equation too. Jesus had trouble with it, but he really didn't have a sophisticated or nuanced moral sense and was unaquainted with real evil.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 07:44 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
I may be late with this, but now Pakistan says that at least five of the dead were foreign terrorists. Hmm. So it wasn't just women and children after all....

OK, so ... If Dick Cheney and four aides are invited to an Americans house for dinner and they have family, children, grandchildren present, it's acceptable for an enemy to bomb the house taking out 12 members of the family ?? That would be an acceptable target to you??


You're seriously asking whether cjhsa would think Cheney, et al. would be an acceptable target? Shocked

Whaddayathink he is ... a Democrat?

AlQueda considers themelves to be at war with us, and we have reciprocated and declared war on them.

We claim it is a viable target to knock out the #2 man of our enemy by hitting a civilian target. I just changed the circimstances to our #2 man. Is is a viable target to hit Cheney if he is in a civilian home with women and children. Matter of fact the ratio was 4 terrorists killed for 13 civilians.

My question is ... should we consider that a viable target?

Why are you asking me if it's "viable"? I presume Cheney is in fact on the list of targets AQ would love to hit. You are asking whether that is "viable."

You earlier asked if it was "acceptable." No, it's not "acceptable," .... It's also not acceptable for them to blow up our soldiers using IEDs, or to fly airplanes into buildings, or to cut off the heads of innocents, or to blow up innocents using suicide bombers ...

I know you were trying to be cute when you replied to the question, but the question remains.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:41 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
I may be late with this, but now Pakistan says that at least five of the dead were foreign terrorists. Hmm. So it wasn't just women and children after all....

OK, so ... If Dick Cheney and four aides are invited to an Americans house for dinner and they have family, children, grandchildren present, it's acceptable for an enemy to bomb the house taking out 12 members of the family ?? That would be an acceptable target to you??


You're seriously asking whether cjhsa would think Cheney, et al. would be an acceptable target? Shocked

Whaddayathink he is ... a Democrat?

AlQueda considers themelves to be at war with us, and we have reciprocated and declared war on them.

We claim it is a viable target to knock out the #2 man of our enemy by hitting a civilian target. I just changed the circimstances to our #2 man. Is is a viable target to hit Cheney if he is in a civilian home with women and children. Matter of fact the ratio was 4 terrorists killed for 13 civilians.

My question is ... should we consider that a viable target?

I know you were trying to be cute when you replied to the question, but the question remains.


In a war,knocking out command and control systems is quite acceptable.
In the US,that includes the civilian leaders of the military.
So to answer your question,YES,it is acceptable for AQ to try and hit Bush and Cheney,along with the SecDef,SecState,and any of the Joint Chiefs.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 10:54 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
I may be late with this, but now Pakistan says that at least five of the dead were foreign terrorists. Hmm. So it wasn't just women and children after all....

OK, so ... If Dick Cheney and four aides are invited to an Americans house for dinner and they have family, children, grandchildren present, it's acceptable for an enemy to bomb the house taking out 12 members of the family ?? That would be an acceptable target to you??


You're seriously asking whether cjhsa would think Cheney, et al. would be an acceptable target? Shocked

Whaddayathink he is ... a Democrat?

AlQueda considers themelves to be at war with us, and we have reciprocated and declared war on them.

We claim it is a viable target to knock out the #2 man of our enemy by hitting a civilian target. I just changed the circimstances to our #2 man. Is is a viable target to hit Cheney if he is in a civilian home with women and children. Matter of fact the ratio was 4 terrorists killed for 13 civilians.

My question is ... should we consider that a viable target?

Why are you asking me if it's "viable"? I presume Cheney is in fact on the list of targets AQ would love to hit. You are asking whether that is "viable."

You earlier asked if it was "acceptable." No, it's not "acceptable," .... It's also not acceptable for them to blow up our soldiers using IEDs, or to fly airplanes into buildings, or to cut off the heads of innocents, or to blow up innocents using suicide bombers ...

I know you were trying to be cute when you replied to the question, but the question remains.



I love it when you people start whining about the terrorists chopping the heads off people. I also love it when you are so naive as to think we haven't done it all ... and worse. THEY didn't start the beheadings until the Abu Ghraib torture surfaced. When they found out that our American Soldiers couldn't keep their dicks in their pants, they retaliated. If our Soldiers weren't such malignant, cowardly perverts, it wouldn't have started. I for one, don't bloody blame them!! It's too bad they couldn't have got their hands on the soldiers that did the acts and chop their deserving heads off!!We are every bit as bad as they are, and we prove it on a daily basis! This bombing of a civilian house rates right there with the Wedding Party the CIA blew up!! You whiners that cry foul when they retaliate are hilarious! Pitiful, but hilarious!!

We have set the mark again with this bombing ... it's ok to hit a civilian center to get a few terrorists. This shows them not only what bloody hypocrits we are, but justifies for them that what their doing is just!! They will move up to the next notch. and then you'll start your insipid blubbering again. You people never learn, and they will just have to keep upping the ante until they see that you do!! When they blow up some important American and all their family and guests trying to MAYBE get Cheney, you know where they got the idea!!

Go ahead, keep screwing the people of the world, just expect to be hurt back ... each time worse than the one before it!!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 10:58 pm
mysteryman wrote:

In a war,knocking out command and control systems is quite acceptable.
In the US,that includes the civilian leaders of the military.
So to answer your question,YES,it is acceptable for AQ to try and hit Bush and Cheney,along with the SecDef,SecState,and any of the Joint Chiefs.

At least you're not as ignorant as some here. OK, does it also make it ok to take out large numbers of civilians also to get Bush,Etal ... assuming they DID get them. In this case, we missed ... yea we got 4-5 terrorists ... but at what cost??

0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 11:10 pm

Here you go ... wake up, read up, wise up, grow up!! This is just one ... do a GOOGLE on vietnam atrocities and see what you come up with.


0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 04:14 am
You make a post like this...
THEY didn't start the beheadings until the Abu Ghraib torture surfaced. When they found out that our American Soldiers couldn't keep their dicks in their pants, they retaliated. If our Soldiers weren't such malignant, cowardly perverts, it wouldn't have started. I for one, don't bloody blame them!!

and then expect to be taken seriously???

You have just accused ALL American soldiers of the acts committed by a few.
I know for a fact that not all American soldiers committed these crimes.
Why are you painting with such a wide brush?

You have no credibility when you do.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 07:27 am
mysteryman wrote:
You make a post like this...
THEY didn't start the beheadings until the Abu Ghraib torture surfaced. When they found out that our American Soldiers couldn't keep their dicks in their pants, they retaliated. If our Soldiers weren't such malignant, cowardly perverts, it wouldn't have started. I for one, don't bloody blame them!!

and then expect to be taken seriously???

You have just accused ALL American soldiers of the acts committed by a few.
I know for a fact that not all American soldiers committed these crimes.
Why are you painting with such a wide brush?

You have no credibility when you do.

Not to mention that MANY Iraqis were injured or killed when AlQaida or their supporters were firing shells into Abu Ghraib and that many/most of their atrocities occured long before the scandal at AbuGhraib.

Personally I think nobody has any credibility on this issue who seem to honestly believe the terrorists were honorable, moral, compassionate, and peaceful people before the US invaded Iraq and would be again if we would just pack up and go home. I don't understand those who seem to think the terrorists are justified in what they do.

I don't understand people who seem to side with the terrorists and condemn the people who are trying to achieve democracy, prosperity, and peace for millions of people.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 10:22 am
Media coverage of the war has been, we understand, grossly one-sided, inaccurate and not a true reflection of what is really going on there.

I have an idea. Some 40,000 Iraqis have now been killed. That makes available, for FedEx mailing to war supporters interested in accuracy, 80,000 legs, another 80,000 arms, same for ears, and eyes, 40,000 noses and another 40,000 scalps and throats and uteruses.

Of course, many of those big human bits will be blown into smaller bloody pieces so there ought to be easily enough hunks of burned and obliterated Iraqi flesh for every Bush supporter in the US.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:00 pm
mysteryman wrote:
You make a post like this...
THEY didn't start the beheadings until the Abu Ghraib torture surfaced. When they found out that our American Soldiers couldn't keep their dicks in their pants, they retaliated. If our Soldiers weren't such malignant, cowardly perverts, it wouldn't have started. I for one, don't bloody blame them!!

and then expect to be taken seriously???

You have just accused ALL American soldiers of the acts committed by a few.
I know for a fact that not all American soldiers committed these crimes.
Why are you painting with such a wide brush?

You have no credibility when you do.

You're right, not EVERY soldier is a sadist pervert.

You act like Abu Ghraib is the only occurrence. There have been secret prisons turned up in Eastern European countries ... at least two. They have engaged in the same activities as Abu Ghraib. We also turn over prisoners to third parties, and THEY do the torture. We might as well do it ourselves because we are as guilty as they!!

Having been in VietNam, and seeing what I have, I don't have much admiration for the American Soldier. Had I known we were doing what we were, I'd have gone to Canada! Many of us feel like we are war criminals, just for being there.

I'm also not thrilled with our American Soldiers that frequent the brothels that employs 12 and 13 year old girls as prostitutes. These automatically pop up near any American Installation.

I'm also not fond of the situation where I must do anything that my superior officer orders, even if it is Donald Rumsfeld. I frankly think that when we are in situations as Iraq, the soldiers should be able to say "hell no, I'm not doing it". But you see, they are "just following orders". I seem to remember that phrase coming out of the death camps the Nazi's ran.

OK, so you're right ... not EVERY soldier.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:01 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
You make a post like this...
THEY didn't start the beheadings until the Abu Ghraib torture surfaced. When they found out that our American Soldiers couldn't keep their dicks in their pants, they retaliated. If our Soldiers weren't such malignant, cowardly perverts, it wouldn't have started. I for one, don't bloody blame them!!

and then expect to be taken seriously???

You have just accused ALL American soldiers of the acts committed by a few.
I know for a fact that not all American soldiers committed these crimes.
Why are you painting with such a wide brush?

You have no credibility when you do.

Not to mention that MANY Iraqis were injured or killed when AlQaida or their supporters were firing shells into Abu Ghraib and that many/most of their atrocities occured long before the scandal at AbuGhraib.

Personally I think nobody has any credibility on this issue who seem to honestly believe the terrorists were honorable, moral, compassionate, and peaceful people before the US invaded Iraq and would be again if we would just pack up and go home. I don't understand those who seem to think the terrorists are justified in what they do.

I don't understand people who seem to side with the terrorists and condemn the people who are trying to achieve democracy, prosperity, and peace for millions of people.

You know so little that it is impossible to make you understand.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:07 pm
And you anon,
You have never been to Iraq,you dont know what is happening over there,you dont know how the troops are conducting themselves,you dont see the troops that everyday put themselves in harms way to protect civilians,know even less.

You enjoy it when US soldiers die,you cheer when American casualties are announced,you root for the insurgents to kill as many Americans as possible.
You are most likely hoping that American reporter gets killed so you can crow about that.

So,to use your words...
You know so little that it is impossible to make you understand.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:13 pm
It seems, mm, you have no idea what you wqriting there.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:23 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
It seems, mm, you have no idea what you wqriting there.

Well, has AV written anything that would cause you to reach a conclusion different than the one MM did? Without going so far as to say MM has accurately described the true beliefs of AV, I can't say it is inconsistent with what AV has written thus far. I definitely don't see how you can confidently proclaim MM to be incorrect. Or are you just giving him the benefit of the doubt?

After all, we know he considers the American soldiers to be "malignant, cowardly perverts," ... and he has certainly expressed at least once his wish that the terrorists would chop the heads off of American soldiers.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:31 pm
I remember, Tico, that you recently wrote, you didn't know Anon from earlier.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:43 pm
mysteryman wrote:
And you anon,
You have never been to Iraq,you dont know what is happening over there,you dont know how the troops are conducting themselves,you dont see the troops that everyday put themselves in harms way to protect civilians,know even less.

You enjoy it when US soldiers die,you cheer when American casualties are announced,you root for the insurgents to kill as many Americans as possible.
You are most likely hoping that American reporter gets killed so you can crow about that.

So,to use your words...
You know so little that it is impossible to make you understand.

I do that to irritate you fricking war mongers. I'm more than thrilled that I get to you like that!! I will continue to stick it in you as long as you preach the horseshit fed to you by the present administration.

The truth is that I think this government is f*cking the front line soldier, both when he is on the line, and when he gets home. You don't really read my posts or you would get that. I hate that our 18-19 year olds are pumped up with the line of horseshit fed to them by the people that profit from their sacrifices. Then they have the morons here at home that won't tell them the truth because the government has them scared out of their chickenliver minds.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:44 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I remember, Tico, that you recently wrote, you didn't know Anon from earlier.

I only know him from what he's written since last month. That being said, I note you didn't respond to my questions.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 01:51 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
I may be late with this, but now Pakistan says that at least five of the dead were foreign terrorists. Hmm. So it wasn't just women and children after all....

OK, so ... If Dick Cheney and four aides are invited to an Americans house for dinner and they have family, children, grandchildren present, it's acceptable for an enemy to bomb the house taking out 12 members of the family ?? That would be an acceptable target to you??


You're seriously asking whether cjhsa would think Cheney, et al. would be an acceptable target? Shocked

Whaddayathink he is ... a Democrat?

Does anybody in their wildest imagination think that Dick Cheney would enganger his wife/children/grandchildren or any other civilian by entertaining international terrorists in his home?

He must not care too much about them since he and his buddy george are the world's foremost terrorists as well as liars.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 02:04 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
It seems, mm, you have no idea what you wqriting there.

Well, has AV written anything that would cause you to reach a conclusion different than the one MM did? Without going so far as to say MM has accurately described the true beliefs of AV, I can't say it is inconsistent with what AV has written thus far. I definitely don't see how you can confidently proclaim MM to be incorrect. Or are you just giving him the benefit of the doubt?

After all, we know he considers the American soldiers to be "malignant, cowardly perverts," ... and he has certainly expressed at least once his wish that the terrorists would chop the heads off of American soldiers.

Witnessing your complete lack of common and street sense, what you think matters about as much as the hopeless MM.

However, about the guilty soldiers that have shamed the U.S. by their actions at Abu Ghraib and other torture prisons ... I'd do it myself!! The terrorists wouldn't have to bother!! I'm not one who turns my back on the atrocities we commit because we're so bloody holy!! Christian Nation indeed ... bloody hypocrites!! Most of the Christians in the U.S. wouldn't know Christ if he was standing next to him.

You don't know me from Jack ... You weren't on Abuzz, and I haven't posted enough here for you to make a judgment. Knowing your shortcomings, I don't think you don't have what it takes to come up with an accurate one anyway! If MM is your gauge, you are beyond lost ... more like hopeless!!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 02:12 pm

It's good to see you here! We have more than our fair share of warmongers and chickenhearts. Most of them have bought the hook, line and sinker of the Bush Administration horseshit. The rest of them are so venal, they don't care what the Bush Admin does!! . You can tell they are frequenting the pro-war, pro Bush websites by their lock in step moanings!!

Stick around, common sense is a real asset here!

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