mysteryman wrote:anon,
You make a post like this...
Quote:THEY didn't start the beheadings until the Abu Ghraib torture surfaced. When they found out that our American Soldiers couldn't keep their dicks in their pants, they retaliated. If our Soldiers weren't such malignant, cowardly perverts, it wouldn't have started. I for one, don't bloody blame them!!
and then expect to be taken seriously???
You have just accused ALL American soldiers of the acts committed by a few.
I know for a fact that not all American soldiers committed these crimes.
Why are you painting with such a wide brush?
You have no credibility when you do.
You're right, not EVERY soldier is a sadist pervert.
You act like Abu Ghraib is the only occurrence. There have been secret prisons turned up in Eastern European countries ... at least two. They have engaged in the same activities as Abu Ghraib. We also turn over prisoners to third parties, and THEY do the torture. We might as well do it ourselves because we are as guilty as they!!
Having been in VietNam, and seeing what I have, I don't have much admiration for the American Soldier. Had I known we were doing what we were, I'd have gone to Canada! Many of us feel like we are war criminals, just for being there.
I'm also not thrilled with our American Soldiers that frequent the brothels that employs 12 and 13 year old girls as prostitutes. These automatically pop up near any American Installation.
I'm also not fond of the situation where I must do anything that my superior officer orders, even if it is Donald Rumsfeld. I frankly think that when we are in situations as Iraq, the soldiers should be able to say "hell no, I'm not doing it". But you see, they are "just following orders". I seem to remember that phrase coming out of the death camps the Nazi's ran.
OK, so you're right ... not EVERY soldier.