snood wrote:Tico,
McTag said:
Quote:should we be blowing up occupied buildings in the hope of killing some of them?
And what Tico's post indicated is that the terrorists were noted and identified prior to the attack. Further, all indications are is that it was at least in part Pakistani intelligence that identified them.
A better question is, what responsibility does any country have in a time of war to verify that there are no civilians in the line of fire before we shoot? Do the terrorists do that? Or shall we allow the terrorists to be forever immune to any reprisals or retaliation by hiding themselves among civilians?
There are no easy answers when war is conducted and, to the best of my knowledge, there has never been a war in which innocents have not been injured or killed. That we do our very best to minimize harm to innocents, however, testifies to the kind of people we are. That the terrorists do not testifies to the kind of people they are.
And it is a virtual certainty that if we fold up our tents and cease hostilities, they will not follow suit as it is not our hostilities to which they object.
It is so easy to criticize and condemn. It is far more difficult to chart and execute a course of action in the face of pure evil.