Anon-Voter wrote:mysteryman wrote:And you anon,
You have never been to Iraq,you dont know what is happening over there,you dont know how the troops are conducting themselves,you dont see the troops that everyday put themselves in harms way to protect civilians,know even less.
You enjoy it when US soldiers die,you cheer when American casualties are announced,you root for the insurgents to kill as many Americans as possible.
You are most likely hoping that American reporter gets killed so you can crow about that.
So,to use your words...
You know so little that it is impossible to make you understand.
I do that to irritate you fricking war mongers. I'm more than thrilled that I get to you like that!! I will continue to stick it in you as long as you preach the horseshit fed to you by the present administration.
The truth is that I think this government is f*cking the front line soldier, both when he is on the line, and when he gets home. You don't really read my posts or you would get that. I hate that our 18-19 year olds are pumped up with the line of horseshit fed to them by the people that profit from their sacrifices. Then they have the morons here at home that won't tell them the truth because the government has them scared out of their chickenliver minds.
Not to worry Anon,
To read through these threads one would think that all the blowhards here had personally served in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. To the man, (or woman) they are probably quacks who sit back like bu$h memorizing garbage from 'Lush' Limbaugh & Idiot O'Reilly to repeat endlessly. In short they don't know their heads from the other end.
When they make idiot statements that call those who dissent, those who want no part of the murder, traitors or anti-patriots, then they are showing what truly low life specimens of the human race that they are.
I usually feel sorry for the brainwashed and the feeble minded but in some cases, there is just no excuse for such inane comments. These fools have long forgotten that the only reason this country exists today is because of dissent.
Who, in their right mind, would repeat the garbage they spew as the absolute truth and expect no opposing opinion.
Since I mentioned the drug addict "Limbaugh" here is a quote from him that I wish someone would follow through with his suggestion in the last sentence. It also shows how short the memory of the war mongers:
"And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why? Because Saddam 'allegedly' gassed a few Kurds in his own country.
"Mark my words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a 'war criminal' or 'committing crimes against humanity' is the same old thing. LIBERAL HATE SPEECH! And speaking of poison gas . . . I SAY WE ROUND UP ALL THE DRUG ADDICTS AND GAS THEM."
Rush Limbaugh, Nov. 3, 1988
My, my.......... Liberal Hate Speech huh?