Oh, would it have been Venus, that sparkling star?
Cause the rest of your description fits what I was seeing!
Venus it is, named after the goddess of beauty.
Did you know that the pressure on the surface of Venus is something like 900 times greater than what it is on the surface of Earth? A submarine would have to go down to 3,000 ft (900 meters) to experience the same pressure.
And the temperature on the surface of Venus is something like 4600 F (sorry, I can't do the calc to C). Hot enough to make a liquid of one of our most durable metals: lead.
Venus sure is pretty, but you probably wouldn't want to fantasize about spending a weekend with her!- - rjb-
strictly between us, you're cuter than venus and once more you've got arms.
Aphrodite, a much prettier name than Venus.Ares, more powerful than mars.
No smiles, because my young friends here are facing the journeyman..the grim reaper....No, you don't know them, but that doesn't matter. They know you.
forget about what made me smile. this just about made me pmplmao
Quote:Dear Diary:
Walking in Times Square this past September with my son-in-law, Keith, and daughter, Madalyn, I was admiring the new, unfinished skyscraper on the south side of 42nd Street.
The following conversation took place with my arm around Keith's shoulder:
Me, pointing to the skyscraper: "Notice the great colors and interesting fenestration."
Keith: "Yes."
Me: "Those diagonals are colored lights."
Keith: "Yes."
Me: "Wouldn't the building look great in the evening with those lights on?"
Keith: "Yes."
Then I turned and noticed that Keith was not next to me. My arm was around the shoulders of a German tourist speaking in the affirmative and walking with his wife. Keith and Madalyn were behind them, laughing hysterically.
Victor Del Favero
This is something I could have done, soooooo easily.
I loved that one! Also cracked up at the breakfast table.
That would embarrass you into next week, if not scare the hell out of ya.
It was a rather nice day here in Silicon Valley today. I'm almost positive, I smiled.
hahaha something like that happened when my kid and Pa and I were at the aquarium taking in Keiko.
i grabbed my kid and told her not to get too far away again...it'wasn't my kid..... My Pa stood back (with my kid) and just got a good laugh at all of it while I was apologizing all I could to her dad and to the little girl I grabbed. hahaha
And Keiko was awesome then too.....
My daughter's bf got published in "Science". (I just wish I could understand what the h3ll the article was about!)
An attractive, but slightly insane woman tried to pick me up at a late night bus stop. In the course of our five minute conversation - which was really more of a one-way ramble - I found out that she was a 23-year-old virgin, had ADHD (which she seemed to think was a dibilitating disease), and wanted desparately to cheat on her boyfriend. I felt as if I was just catapulted into the twilight zone. Or into the plot of a cheap porno film. Either way, she gave me her number, but THERE IS NO WAY I AM GOING TO CALL HER. The surreal absurdity of the whole episode has had me smiling intermittantly ever since. Once I got on to the bus, and finally left her behind, a few other passengers who had witnessed out little exchange looked at me and we all chuckled.
"23 year old virgin," heh? That's what they all say.....
This morning when I went into the coffeeplace to get my croissants and chocolate cookies, and there was a woman behind me with a kid in a stroller. What happened was this and just this: he looked, I looked, I grinned, he grinned, I looked away, he looked away. That was funny.
Thats a trippy story, ILZ ...
c.i., your foamy link is lots of fun--something my 27 year old son will enjoy.
Nimh, to look and to grin and to have them reciprocated by a child are all that's necessary. Lovely and funny.
I love all children; why is it that I can't have the same feeling for adults?
Something happens between about 12 and 24 that takes away innocence......
I wonder how I would feel about GWBush if he was ten years old. He IS ten years old. I guess there's always an exception to every rule.
He's beholden to the wrong adults..... :sad: