this's a lose lose situation for jr. and I couldn't be matter how he responds he's going to piss people off
Ooh! Thanks! Encouraging.
You know what makes me smile? When I hear that OutKast song, "The Way You Move". OH MY GOD I LOVE THAT SONG!
I smiled, quizzically perhaps, when I pulled into my driveway this afternoon. There, next to the driveway, under my two massive oaks, were exactly fifteen pieces of firewood: oak and four inches in diameter and about 18" long. They weren't there this morning at 7 am when I left. Freshly cut with a chain saw.
The snow has pretty much melted so there were no footprints to examine.
It's starting to think about getting dark now so I won't go out any more to ponder. It's too few pieces for some firewood salesman to have delivered to the wrong address. Micah and Corndog, the boys that do some yardwork for me, are on tour with the band they're in -this weekend in Boston and Hartford. My oaks don't hang over anybody else's property. The cutting was too clean to have been done by the squirrels, grateful for a great place to live.
One of life's little mysteries, I guess. -rjb-
I smiled as I stood in the card shop reading dozens of Valentines, trying to find the perfect one. I bought two... will have to decide which way to go by the end of the week!
I walked into work this afternoon, not cranky, but it wasn't where I wanted to be. I went to my mailbox and found that someone had hung a picture of Tom Brady in my way. Nobody will fess up.
Smiling because it's a bit chilly here by Florida standards.....and I am looking forward to climbing into my bed ~ washed the linens and bedspread ~ and I'll have my six pillows to cuddle up to.....ahhhhhh
Rae and Cindy making egg rolls and chatting away ........... it was cute!
Yes.....My biggest smile of the day is because my friend Cindy drove up, helped me make egg rolls and then we watched the Bud Shoot Out.
I'm not a huge fan of racing, but Cindy has gotten me involved because we both have the desire to see my ex-hubby/her ex-boyfriend's racing contender lose.
I'm smiling because I am back home after having been to Spain on a business trip for one whole week. Now I am sitting here with Mysan in my lap, Stefan and Nisse are downstairs watching TV. :-)
My niece. She took her dress off because she was "too cold". She knows she's feeling something, just not quite sure what it is yet.
urs53 wrote:I'm smiling because I am back home after having been to Spain on a business trip for one whole week. Now I am sitting here with Mysan in my lap, Stefan and Nisse are downstairs watching TV. :-)
Ah, home! Bliss, yes, urs?
My neice demonstrated her new ability to skip (she still looks a bit stiff). After I congratualted her, I told her I tried to teach her last year and that it hadn't worked. She said, "I practiced and practiced and now I can do it!" Awwww.
And the baby Cole is all full of smiles. Infant smiles are unbelievably endearing.
Today, for the the first time in my life, I talked to somone using a cell-phone. A customer handed it to me so I could clarify what his wife needed from my store. My employees laughed at how awkward I was holding it.
Good for you for holding out so long, RJB!
Well, it didn't happen today exactly, but I'm still smiling.
Last week I was with my sainted mother in Walmart.
(I drive up to Mass. from Rogues Island weekly to take her shopping)
Mother has her share of quirks.
Among them is a dislike of being attended by male cashiers. So, invariably as we go to checkout she looks for a female cashier.
Last Thursday as we approached the Walmart registers with me in the lead, Mom said in a loud voice: 'jjorge, I want you to find a woman.'
I thought I heard someone softly say: 'Here!' and I looked back over my shoulder.
There was the smiling face of a plump young woman who had just passed us while Mom was speaking!
I haven't grinned that broadly in years!
Anastasia is back from Hungary ...
Msolga, yes :-)
And I also really smiled about jjorge's story...
What a funny story, jjorge!
I do hope you responded accordingly!