You should read about the Phillipines, where there is no gun control and guns are everywhere. People and politicians are getting mowed down wholesale. We just might come to the same end.
Advocate wrote:You should read about the Phillipines, where there is no gun control and guns are everywhere.
People and politicians are getting mowed down wholesale. We just might come to the same end.
That 's the way its
ALWAYS been in the State of Vermont, since b4 the founding of the Republic,
very little crime manifested on the FBI 's Annual Statistics for the states.
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Advocate wrote:You should read about the Phillipines, where there is no gun control and guns are everywhere.
People and politicians are getting mowed down wholesale. We just might come to the same end.
That 's the way its
ALWAYS been in the State of Vermont, since b4 the founding of the Republic,
very little crime manifested on the FBI 's Annual Statistics for the states.
Vermont is special. The people are fairly well-to-do, and they are relatively homogenous. Your New York is certainly not like that and there are few places in our country that are. Give everyone in New York a gun and it will be hell on earth.
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Advocate wrote:You should read about the Phillipines, where there is no gun control and guns are everywhere.
People and politicians are getting mowed down wholesale. We just might come to the same end.
That 's the way its
ALWAYS been in the State of Vermont, since b4 the founding of the Republic,
very little crime manifested on the FBI 's Annual Statistics for the states.
Advocate wrote:
Vermont is special. The people are fairly well-to-do, and they are relatively homogenous.
Your New York is certainly not like that and there are few places in our country that are.
Give everyone in New York a gun and it will be hell on earth.
It was not "hell on earth" in 1910,
before the corrupt Tammany Hall enacted the Sullivan Law,
but let everyone get his
OWN gun. I did.
I did not advocate free guns.
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:
Advocate wrote:
You are a little sick.
I would expunge the adjective from that sentence.
If you remove the adjective, then you likely need a noun at the end of the sentence. 'Bastard' comes to mind! Or you could expunge the 'a' as well.
Spending time with a good friend this afternoon.
We didn't know each other when we were kids, but we come from the same hometown.
In helping her navigate FB we discovered that she went to high school with the oldest brother of one of my best friends from Grade 1 - who is married to my best friend since high school. It is a crazy small world.
Even better ... she had a wee bit of a crush on my friend's brother.
Our son flew in from Austin today to spend five days with us.

That's worth more than just a smile!
Firefly told me about "textwithdog", I've been chuckling all day!
I found out recently I have a today!
A nice revelation when we reach our senior years that such happens!
@cicerone imposter,
I mark the event with a candle and cake
Good on ya, mate. That's much better than a bell, book & candle event.
Once in a while I donate to a food pantry, stop by and drop off items. There is this one older lady I see picking up items at the food pantry, she proposes to me every time I see her. She always says if she can ever dance again, she wants it to be with me. I can't help but smile and feel gratitude every time I see her.
FBM patiently going through every step of uploading photographs from my gallery to Photobucket with me, then showing me how to post them onto A2K Beautiful Animals and the Dog House threads - so lovely to be helped by another member - it has really made my day!
margo wrote:
Lustig Andrei wrote:
Advocate wrote:
You are a little sick.
I would expunge the adjective from that sentence.
If you remove the adjective, then you likely need a noun at the end of the sentence.
'Bastard' comes to mind! . . .
U have an
in whether my parents chose to marry, Margo???
This is of concern to u ??
Been a day of on and off smiles. Smiled when the weather guy said mostly sunny, warm and a bit humid. Smiled disappeared an hour later when, hearing thunder, I looked up to find it raining cats and dogs.
Five minutes later I smiled again when I got inside the garage and found I wasn't dead from the lightning bolts that chased me all the way from the backdoor. Got the flood barrier up (garage tends to flood) with only an inch of water on the floor. Smile broadened when I saw Leo the Magnificat hunched in the side window yowling at the elements.
I finally lost all control when a particularly violent thunderbolt shook the garage and Leo set sail. I'm sure the tyke set some sort of triathlon record for jumping, running and swimming. He launched himself from the window, was airborne for at least 12 feet, his landing gear churning before touchdown; became a silver streak across 60 feet of what was by then bogland; cleared a 4-ft fence as easily as would a deer; landed in 6 inches of water; and finally half sprinted and half swam 40 feet to a holly bush. Elapsed time from launch to bush, 8 seconds. The best 8 seconds of fun I've had since I don't know when.
Our 6½ inches of rain in two hours was the part of the partly sunny forecast that was to be assumed, I assume. The entire neighborhood looked like a tidal basin. But it's sunny and dry now, and I'm once again smiling. Crazy Leo!
A good buddy from my days in religious life visited from Australia.
Lots of laughs.
Imagine a New York accent (he's originally from Manhattan) mixed in with an
Australian accent (he's lived there forty years).
I'm trying hard to imagine that accent, George. I'm not doing very well.
Would that be a hybrid between and British and NYC accent?