I just put the last dried pineapple slice to soak in a small bowl. Took me a long time to use those pineapples. First time, I soaked one a bit and cut it up and put the bits in a fruit bread. I don't remember why, but I hated that. But I couldn't throw the packet away, figured I'd fine some other use. Time went by, they sat in a drawer. Just recently, I've been zeroing in on what's in my cupboards, and tried soaking one of the pineapples for not an hour but a couple of days, with changes of water (using the earlier now flavored water as "juice"). Turned out I liked the pineapple at the end of that. Tastier with better texture than the canned stuff and easier for me to find/use than a real pineapple.
So, I went to put the thick washed plastic bag into the reuse bag.. and looked at the date. Heh, June, 2006.