This evening, Ducklet taught me everything there is to know about fart dialtones on the iPhone. That made me smile. It wasn't supposed to, because I'm technically an adult, see. But it did. Big time. I was delighted to see FreeDuck, Mr. Duck, Duckie, and Ducklet again.
Sending ducksmootches, which probably are in the form of delicious bubbles.
It was over 70 degrees in Texas Hill Country today. Even though the Hibiscus was shrinking up by cold yestrday, it now has three buds. Our favorite landscape guy said to let the winter do what it does, then cut them back. They grow from the roots next spring. Didn't know that. We planted them in the black pots after slitting sides and bottom. Didn't know Hibiscus could stand even the Texas winter, bloom again. How else, tho, would they grow ten ft. tall?
75 degrees tomorrow!
hardy hibiscus flourishes as far north as Kansas.
tropical hibiscus must winter inside...
I got the rest of the pieces for my plumbing project today.
that makes me smile large...
Got a link to
Damn you, Auto Correct! and not just smiling...I'm practically in tears at some of the messages! LOL this site owns life...and you don't have to have an iPhone to appreciate it.
Got in a round of golf today before the weather turns cold tomorrow - and I was flushing it all day. That brings out a big smile. Why can't I do that all the time?
OMG. Hysterical laughter is great for clearing sinuses. Thank you!
This morning, I was eating my bagel and drinking my coffee in The Baglery across the street from my home. As I looked out the window, I noticed a little dog jumping into a child stroller, curling up in it, and falling asleep. Turning around, I looked for a family with a toddler waiting their turn in the bagel line, and sure enough, there they were. After two minutes or three, they were served, then proceeded to the exit. Within milliseconds of the door opening and the family's voices being audible outside, the dog woke up, jumped out of the stroller, sat beside it, and assumed a posture as if he had been guarding it all the time. With his life, no less! The family fell for it and told him what a good dog he was.
I love it when pets are sneaky like that!
Me, too!
They're so much smarter than us!
littlek wrote:OMG. Hysterical laughter is great for clearing sinuses. Thank you!
LOL it does, but my sides are hurting! We must be twisted!!
How does 'cigar' become 'viagra'???
All I can figure about the typos is: a) some are forced to get posted the the wall of shame and b) texting shorthand confuses the auto correct.
Some of the funniest ones are when it corrects the corrections and it's still wrong LOL.
Interesting, huh? Forsythia wants to be pruned as soon as it finishes blooming in the spring. Next years blooms only happen on new wood.
This post could have ended up on the grimace and grit your teeth thread. But no.
I took the ink cartridges out of my printer so that I could have them with me when I bought new cartridges. I put the black ink back in. No problem. The color cartridge was another matter. It didn't fit. Something was wrong. Then a part (with a spring on it) came off. Then I noticed that another part was loose.
I tried contacting Dell. Gigantic mistake. I got through, but no help.(Earlier this week I contacted AOL--major crisis. Everything worked out fine.) I went online to see what I could find out. Bupkis. What I wanted to do was run the printer with just the black ink cartridge. If there's a way, I couldn't find it.
What did I do? I glued the loose piece back on where I thought it belonged. I shoved the thing with the spring into where it looked like it belonged. The screen kept telling me I couldn't print.
I found a place online that seemed like it might be able to help, but I needed some steenkin' number that was under the computer. I turned it over and found the number.
The damned thing now works.
Note to self. If something on the computer doesn't work, use Elmer's glue and turn the steenkin' thing upside down.
Smiling--big time.
Time for you to start your own computer-repair advice thread.
You are having more success than the IT dept. where I work.
Getting in a little OT to help with Xmas......
littlek wrote:
All I can figure about the typos is: a) some are forced to get posted the the wall of shame and b) texting shorthand confuses the auto correct.
I bet you would get a kick out of texting your German friends in German, with the iPhone's English autocorrect on.
Drove past a church yesterday with a sign that said, "Jesus Was the First Undercover Boss".
Thought of Boomerang's thread on the TV show and smiled.