They're here now (fem cousin and her husband) and pretty much of their non sleeping time is taken by having a booth at a trade show that is very important for his business, with both of them needed for all the set up, the dealing with potential customers, dealing with their very recently problematic rv, buying groceries for the continuing rv trip (they loved Ranch market, as do I), and then breaking down the booth, etc., so I didn't see them a lot, but I did last evening. And that was great. We went to a favorite restaurant of mine (and some other a2k people) in Corrales and sat out on the terrace for a long while, talking a blue streak into the night. I enjoyed the grandchildren stories, and lots of other stories.. it renews my sense of connection.
These are the same people I went to California with last year around this time, so it was more of a delayed continuing conversation than a situation of getting acquainted again.