Olen wrote:... rushed back in in a few seconds with his teddy bear

That is not just smile-worthy but brings a hint of tears... and we think these are dumb animals?
I was wondering just yesterday if my dogs have "names" for their teddy bears. They've had them since they were puppies and keep them in remarkably good order, even though they are taken outside and sometimes left to get soggy-wet. When our red dog is feeling happy, she finds her teddy and prances around amongst us with him in her mouth, letting him share in the fun, I think.
Gautam -- Three Years Younger? Nice! I think it is all that clean living and vegetarian food. I'm smiling because I am finally spelling your name correctly. Maybe that will make YOU smile. <Just go ahead and kick me if I have a dyslexic misspelling relapse, OK?> A thousand pardons for all the previous u's before a's. (sigh)
Smokinggunne (& Deni_Zen) -- Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you post a lot.
Grand Duke -- Smiling, but a little worried. Do you have another job lined up? Guess what I found on the free shelf at the library? The official guide to the Jorvik Viking Centre. Grabbed it, of course, in your honor.