@Mr Nice,
a close friends brother passed on recently and we are in process of going through the property and getting it ready for IRS seizure.
he insisted that we go through the closets and see if anything would fit me.
the clothes were way too big, but...
I now have a lifetime supply of footwear, and just in time. I been rotating my two pairs of sneakers to keep dry socks.
Who knew Harold was such a clothes horse. Never woulda spent for labels myself, but I got more vans now than mr van does.
and ostrich boots. ima hafta find a barndance...
I gotta narrow it down and take some to the shelter, else I won't feel right 'bout it.
(this also verifies that there is NO afterlife. If he knew his brother let me have some of his stuff, he'd damn sure find a way to spit at me...)