Just read this now, Roberta. Wonderful, wonderful, both the appraisal (I'm so glad they noticed) and the expanding dew drop.
Well, today starts with last evening, before sunset. I'd been working in the yard, moving sand hither and yon and pulling some weeds while planting lemon thyme, texas tarragon, italian parsley, transplanting the sage from a pot so I could put mint in a pot, and tucking in some onion chives across the yard. Oh, and the artichoke plant in the back yard. Getting dark, I gather my planting mix, trowel, and look for the three pronged cultivator. What three pronged cultivator? I know I had it.
I give up and go inside.
Come out again, figuring maybe I buried it somehow.
No. Go in again.
Come out again. Nah.
Go in, come out a third time. Absolutely not there, nor in the back yard, or by the back door, etc.
So. Today I come out to go to the bank and grocery and look at the yard in a pleased way that I got those things planted. Frown at the damned Photinia I still have to finish digging out.
About half way to the bank the car suddenly sounds like hell broke loose.
It dawns on me that I have a flat tire, I pull over. The good thing was this happened in a nice safe place re traffic. I now remember thinking I ran over a small rock leaving the driveway. Ahem...
I call Triple A, a card I keep up despite the yearly cost.
The good news - the fellow comes fairly quickly, puts on my spare, and off we both go into the lowering afternoon sun. I forgot to mention that changing the tire woulda been beyond me, as I can barely talk from the flu thing, that is when I'm not wracking coughing, with low energy for tire maneuvers. So, I'm happy and he's happy with all the thanks spoken by a woman with a weird voice (empathy flying to Roberta).
I go to the bank, and the grocery store. Buy some ice cream. I've been dessert avoidant for quite a while, except once in a while, for weight reasons and economy reasons. I get chocolate ice cream and blackberry ice cream.
Get in line. The woman behind me complains, it's so cold in here. I look at her and say, and I'm sick. She looks back and says, oh, no, that's going around. I said, so I bought some ice cream. She said, that'll cure you. And she and her little boy started singing an ice cream song.
I told the cashier I had the flu, to go wash her hands if she got a chance because I'd touched all that stuff. More nice talk.
Went home. Yep, there in the driveway, the three pronged cultivator with one bent finger. I must have missed the edge of the low retaining wall when I'd tossed it over there while planting, and it went under the car.
Went inside, put bags down, got out the blackberry ice cream. Heaven.