She also made friends with the guys at the computer store down the street, where they've got this warehouse in the back with a gazillion randomly stacked spare parts. And today, after a long time waiting and hesitating and some time saving money, she got a monitor to hook up to my old desktop that had been sitting, monitor-less, under the desk for three years, plus extra memory and a WiFi card and a new mouse. They installed it all for her, and it was 56 Euro in all, like 80 bucks or something.
She'd been working on my old company laptop, but it's ancient and superslow, and really should be brought back since I have a new one, and right now it cant be used because the power cord broke down and the new one will be a coupla weeks in coming, so she'd been getting pretty frustrated. Plus, she was really proud of having gone out and sorted it all out herself, for herself. Was jumping round the room with excitement this afternoon.