Today A guy at work said i cut the fish well....(I work at a fish and chips resturant) and i dont know how to cut the fish that great as im still learning so since he complimented me i thought that was pretty cool
Welcome to A2K and to this thread, mrhunt.
My daughter insisted on wearing a bra today.
A swim top bikini one of her friends left here one day, under her shirt..
She said she needed it to hold her 'bitty tiny boobies' up..
(shes 4 )
i was staring at the vast expanse of urban sprawl across the landscape and i thought "wow" thats alot of dead trees.
Seeing my husband when I woke up, since he was originally supposed to leave on a four month trip, yesterday
A conversation between two (quite serious) women on (Oz) ABC radio this morning:
W no 1:" "Elegant & inspirational. That's how I'd describe Obama."
W no 2: "
Oh yes! The US would be
mad not to jump at this opportunity! How often do you get a chance like this?"
I think I agee!
Drinks and appies out with friends I used to work with.
Catching up was such fun. Andrew's engaged, Candace is pregnant, Bru66 is as mad about his little niece as ever, Tony and Nadia are just plain fun, and it turns out Laura and I are taking dance classes through the same school.
We smiled and laughed, and smiled and laughed.
I used an online translator for hebrew report that i needed to know the content of quickly... It referred to groups as gangs, gave people names like Flint and Workoholic... Some sentences were laugh-out-loud funny, and I rarely lough out loud when alone.
Oh, and tomorrow a new episode of LOST will be online.
my foot
dagmarka-Would you of went with Locke or Jack?
dagmaraka wrote:
Oh, and tomorrow a new episode of LOST will be online.
When the hell does that episode get posted?!?!
Today someone said to me, " smell good!" And that was really all it took to make me feel good.
Yeah, I'm such a girl!
The weekend! (Been a grueling week.)
Anyhow.....last night my brother's twin girls stayed over night with me. What an awesome way to end the week and we had a blast!
Though they've left and the house is feeling wayyyy too quiet again.
When I was at the dentist's office on Friday for a teeth cleaning session, the young lady hygienist said "You have the bluest eyes." I am rarely speechless, but she got me.
looking out the window i saw a rabbit coming from under a spruce tree - they have a nest there - hop through the snow and start to nibble away at some of the frozen flowerheads of last year's mums - now i know how they are being spread throughout the garden

- those rabbits are "natural" gardeners - and they add the "natural" fertilizer when they are "planting" the flower seeds :wink:
I'm doing the morning political rounds, reading this and that, good news, bad news, oops, Sen. Debbie Stabenow's husband got caught in a prostitution bust:
Quote:Officers observed Athans enter a room under surveillance and leave 15 minutes later. Detectives followed and stopped Athans' silver 2002 Cadillac DeVille near the intersection of I-75 and, um, Big Beaver Road.
Love that "um..."
I was leaving the grocery store, and a couple who had to be in their eighties, had the back door of their van popped open and were giving out fresh grapefruits from Florida.
I have a delivery date for my cabinets.......
OK, yesterday - I came home, cycled down the sidewalk from the coffeehouse down the street. Slowed down to avoid some people standing and talking - they stopped me. Two of the sweetest Hungarian girls and an older tourist guy.
Girl, in Hungarian: do you know where Harsfa street is? I didnt know either - yeah, its somewhere around here. Tourist guy had obviously been looking for a while, and the girls were so sweet, they hailed me to help out, then when I couldnt were very apologetic and smiling - Hungarian hospitality. Even if the poor man still didnt know where to go.
Cycled down the block and turned the corner, stopping by my door and fumbling with the keys. Kid walks by, four years old maybe, mother out ahead. Before she knows it, he's circled round my bike. Hol van a csengő? Where is the bell? His hand already finding the broken bell, which doesnt have the flip thing to make it ting anymore. I dont have a bell, I smile apologetically - it's broken! "Kaput"! (Now there's a word they understand in any language). Oh, he says, turning to his mother. But you can still do it if you've got strong fingers, I say, and snap at the bell with my finger. Ting, ting. Oooh, he says and tries it too, but with little fingers there's not much ting.
His mother's come walking back, smiling apologetically - apparently, it's smiling apoligetically day - and excusing herself. No, thats alright, I say, adorable kid! Meanwhile the kid's eye is caught by something else. Mama, he doesnt have a lamp! Umm, no, I mutter (yes, apologetically), I, uh, gotta get one. Do you have a bike? We are interrupted by an older tourist, who excuses himself and asks me, Do you know where - oh, I talked to you already, didnt I? The kid's mother is now telling him she doesnt know either and in the meantime the boy is nodding enthusiastically, yes! I've got a bike too. It's like a proper little neighbourhood now, with all this chaos.
Is it like this?, I ask the boy; Yes!, he says. Well, almost, his mother laughs, past the tourist - but smaller. It has no lamp! the boy adds, vaguely disapprovingly. And then everyone is on his way again and I'm up the stairs, and Anastasia calls out "helloooo boyfriend sunshine!"
realjohnboy wrote:Charlottesville is a fairly small city. Running through it North-South is a major freight rail line. Another line runs West-East. So we are a bit of a crossroads for freight trains.
Once or twice a year we get a visit from the train-hoppers. They are folks in their 20's for the most part who jump on freight trains and ride and ride, travelling in a loosely knit group all over the country.
They dress alike in brown clothes. Brown pants and shirts or maybe brown jumpsuits. Amazingly, they also are physically similar: short and stocky.
One guy I have seen for a couple of years has a dog.
So they land in Cville and stay for a few days.
"Cairn" is a Scottish or Welsh word meaning some sort of landmark. It crept into our American language during the depression years. Hobos would pile rocks next to a railroad track pointing to a farmhouse where folks could get some food or a barn to sleep in.
Cville, on the circuit that these drifters have, has a cairn. My very streetwise friend, Tony, tells me that there are places here where they can stay if need be. And the police know which parks they sleep in and keep watch over them. As long as they don't harrass people on the downtown mall and leave after a few days, everything is fine.
I am told that the concept of cairn goes back to Napoleonic times. Buildings would be marked, perhaps in chalk, to indicate that they would be available for advancing troops to use as billetts.
Which brings me to this. I am told that there are chalk markings on buildings that, like cairns, indicate where you can get free WiFi connections.
So that is my story based on input from folks I know. None of it may be true, but I think most of it is.
Wow, great story/ies, RJB, thanks. Really enjoyed that.