JustBrooke wrote:
I didn't know what a Cedar Waxwig was, so I looked for one. WOW! They are beautiful! It's the beauty of nature that is my drug. All I really need to make me high! (that and music!)

Here's the pic I found of the bird you saw this morning just in case someone else wants to see what one looks like.
Seeing the photo of the waxwing certainly brought a smile. A few years ago, while the trees were still bare, a large flock of migrating waxwings took a short break in our backyard. It was an incredible sight; must have been well over a hundred of 'em perched in our clump of sassafras trees. There had been a hard rain the previous night and there were several large puddles in low spots. First one waxwing, then two and finally the whole flock descended on a large puddle, quaffed for several minutes, and then lifted off
en masse to resume their migration. I'm always hopeful they'll visit once again.
The name waxwing is in regard to the bright red spots, like sealing wax, on their wingtips.
If the link works, you can listen to their song
While not as prolific a songster as our
mimus polyglottos (wot a name!) the waxwing's still a fine whistler.
Appreciate the picture, JB.