The problem is piffka, I have no credit card to buy a new wallet !! And that means that I have to go to the bank, take the money out over the counter, and then pay cash for my purchase !!
EGAD !! I havent done that for years !! I don't even remember how to do that !!!
And somehow, paying 150 quid by card is much less painful than paying it by cash !

Gotta love Gautam's attitude. (As for "somehow, paying 150 quid by card is much less painful than paying it by cash!", that's the raison d'etre of credit card companies and the retailers who love 'em.)
nextone, I saw that rat and smiled, too! I just really wondered about it. I mean, it's almost like those giant inflatable animals you find at car dealerships, but is that what it was made for? Or was it made specifically for this purpose? (Labor demonstrations.) Was it made to order? How do you get those things made to order? Etc.
Just found out that someone used one of my cards to buy something for 54 quid !!! Made me smile !!
(That card has a limit of 15,000 quid and all of it is available !!!)
Quid? That's about as comprehensible as two bob, four.
Hi Joanne. Long time, no see.
Hey Rog good to see you too!
Hey, Gautam! Someone stole my credit cards last year, and I was downright offended when I learned they tried to charge $17 at Wal-Mart. Ugh. I had hoped they would have better taste than that. Later I learned that they also tried to make major purchases at Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware and Saks Fifth Avenue, so I felt much better!!!
(I had reported them stolen right away, so none of the charges went through.)
I'll be smiling 'til January if the Patriots play well this year.....first preseason game is tonight!
There was a game on last night? Grrr. What channel? Definitely not smiling now.
Guatam? I thought you WORKED in a bank. LOL
I'm sorry about the credit card LOSS OF FACE. They were probably trying to see if it was working OK before they went for a high-end purchase. There, does that make you feel better? So, was the card taken away from the pick-pocket person at the point of purchase? (Oooh, Say that three times, fast.)
I'll be at Taste of the Danforth in 3 hours! I am sooooooooooooooo hugely smiling!
cjhsa wrote:There was a game on last night? Grrr. What channel? Definitely not smiling now.
At the risk of causing another growl, Patriots vs. Giants, ESPN. Pats won; 23-3, I think (was watching something else at the same time).
cjsha, more games tonight. It's hard to get interested in NFL in August, though!
What made me smile today was that it didn't rain. We've had so much rain this year in the East. Last year we were in a serious drought and I appreciate that many of y'all are in a similar situation this year.
Our two or three acres are out of control. One of my employees referred two of his friends.
Micah, dressed in the black uniform that goths wear, attacked the Paradise plants on the upper slope. He didn't use a chain saw or a lopper; rather a sword. Not a machete; a sword.
This other guy showed up, on his motorcycle. Decent looking kid.
Couple of piercings and tattoos. Articulate.
We talked about chores to be done and then I said that, by the way, my name is John and he said his is Corndog.
A sword!
My husband has been out of town for the past 4 days. (Home tonight.) The kid got sick, then I got sick. So the two sickies can't go anywhere and infect other people, so we're knocking around the house and yard driving each other crazy.
I bought her some new paints, got her set up, and went upstairs to clean and check the computer. I knew she might make a mess in her art area, but that was an acceptable tradeoff. Was sitting at the computer when I felt... a presence. Looked over and saw a little purple-black naked girl grinning at me. "I'm paper!" she said brightly.
She had taken off all of her clothes and then took ALL of the paints and smeared them all over herself. Every single last drop of black, white, red, purple, blue, green, and yellow paint. "I'm so beautiful..." she said admiringly, rubbing her glossy purple-black tummy, as I hied her to the bathtub.
Just cleaned about 15 little purple-black footprints off the carpet.
I think the moral to the story might be "Never turn your back on a Sozlet with paint." Thanks for the grin, Soz.
That made me grin! Hang in sozobe! If you've read the Ya-Ya's just think back on that chapter when all the kids got sick.
sozobe...I hope you took the time to take a picture of the kid, but you probably didn't before you "hied her to the bathtub."
I'm looking at an incredible photograph my father took in 1950, I guess. I would have been 4 and my brother would be 8. We were scampering, naked, down the hallway (from, I assume, the bathtub). Our mother is at the end of the hall, peering out from what I guess would be our room.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, what a cute story!