1) Listening to
Calypso music, last night, reading up about it a bit, today still singing in my head
2) Spending a lazy afternoon + evening on Sunday with Susannah, just chatting in a kavezo and going to a movie.. relaxed, comfortable, just right.
3) Getting my dublab.com package! Two, even. I had donated to their "proton drive" in November, its my alltime favourite eclectic radio station, and anyone who donated got a package. Except I never got mine <sniff>, so I emailed them about it week before last, and got a very nice email back from one of the guys, saying they'd send another one. Today, my colleague brought
both of 'em to my desk, arrived on the same day. We unpacked 'em and there were CDs, t-shirts, a mag and booklets, stickers, a button it was like Santa Clause!
4) Reading on the NYT website (yes, the communication in our organisation could be improved) that one of the main projects we were gonna set up this year, which had been suspended pending reviewed approval, will go ahead after all. This is good news not just because it's an interesting and important project, but also because, well, if it's still going to be set up roughly in the way previously envisaged, it'd mean our jobs are guaranteed up through 2008! Still crossing my fingers..