So, Im looking at our bank account.
Yeah, kinda piddly if I say so myself.
19.47 in available funds.
We are hurting to say the least, but we are making it.

And happy as can be...
So, Jillian (as I posted before) breaks her nose.
Here come all of the co-pays.. ug..
someone shoot me now.
Today, we went to Ians mothers house to look at some of the stuff his father had.
As much as it hurts him, we have decided to sell 90% of the things Ian has inherited.
Going through the guitars, I find what I think is an ugly old heavy guitar with someones dumb ass name on it.
Chet Atkins
blaahh.. who cares.
Ian says the same thing. Bleuuch. Its ugly.
But it plays well! No denying that!
So, we pack it into the car, bring it home.
I start taking pictures of it and notice a rather odd looking serial number stamped into the wood on the back of the head.
Now we have TONS of guitars, and some of them are Gibsons.. just like this one, yet none of them have a serial number stamped in the back of the head.
Hmm.. Step one-
google it-
I find a few links but nothing that LOOKS like this guitar.
Step two-
Google some more..

. damn google.
Step three-
Contact Gibson.
Apparently we have a Chet Atkins CEC 1999.
Well.. aint that
"What ever dude " im thinking while looking at the info Gibson sent.
"its still an ugly mo-fo"
So, now I have an actual brand name, year date, model number, serial number AND production number..
And THIS is what I find-
Did you read that?????
"""The Chet Atkins Studio CE has standard nut width of 1.75 inches. MSRP:
**$4,214.** The Chet Atkins Studio CEC the classical nut width of 2 inches.
MSRP: **$4,322.** ""
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!
---Just in case you didnt see that piece of information, let me post it again !----
""The Chet Atkins Studio CE has standard nut width of 1.75 inches. MSRP:
**$4,214.** The Chet Atkins Studio CEC the classical nut width of 2 inches.
**MSRP: $4,322.** ""
Merry Christmas.