OK, so last night was cool because of. (This doubling as my Dear Diary thread now anyway...)
I was sitting at home, after returning from having a Rigo Jancsi at Müvesz, and wondering whether to still go out or not. Instead, I was writing something on A2K, don't remember what. And some other stuff. Wondering, shall I still go shall I not, is it worth it, is it still worth it? I'd be going alone
not great. I'd checked Pestiest to see what's up. Was a drum 'n' bass party up at the Citadella, but you know - up in the Citadella. Two faintly interesting-sounding things close by. And a goth party up in Obuda. That sounded interesting. But all the way up in Obuda? I love goths, but the last time I went to a goth party - ok, the
only time I went to a goth party the last X+ years - it was a small, dingy place where I'd mostly felt really
old. It was fun, I stood there grinning in disbelief that all this was still
there - but to go up to Obuda to stand grinning for a bit seemed a bit much. But this one sounded better, organised only once a four months, (dark) house music as well .. fashion show, performance
So it was about one o'clock when I finally got my act together, got dressed up as best as I could and hailed a cab. Club was in a weird place up in an industrial-looking estate in the middle of nowhere. Big place inside, tho, three dancefloors some halls and stuff in between, looow-budget but full of
very impressive-looking people - I mean, damn - this thing is like walking through your fantasy come alive or something!

One floor they were playing industrial and growling grindcore, not my scene, small room had upbeat electro and in the bigger one three glowstick-waving guys were jumping the stage thumping the air with arms and fists like it was nineteenninetysomething and making this pretty hardcore trancy techno or whatever it was - lotsa people dancing. I liked that one <impish grin>. But later in the guitar-place they were actually playing the old stuff I knew from back when: this time they actually
did play the Sisters of Mercy! Hey <grins feeling silly>
So basically I was dancing. And just when I was starting to feel really self-conscious about not having talked to anyone - being kinda locked in my own space, exactly in the way that I don't want to anymore - this girl brushed past asking on an impulse if I wanted to dance with her, jumping away again and it took me a sec before her Hungarian sunk in and I jumped in after her. So we did. She was cool - really pretty - dark hair, fierce blue eyes - and funny. She complained about the Hungarian boys, who were all so
shy, like they were afraid of her - <gestures in imitation> - like, they would never dance with her like this, all close up against her, behind her, as I was (now there's a role reversal...). She talked about what she did - student. And with a few
gyere's (come!), she'd taken me outside, the place was closing anyhow, lights had gone on, it was five.
Where now?, drink, but aint nothing out here. So we ended up on the Danube shore. The Danube has flooded the shore streets now and further up, the water's only just started receding up there, so we were trudging through the mud of where it'd been and climbed on top of some round thing that emanated a weird, clucking sound from deep below, which was the river passing through underneath. Talking a mix of German, Hungarian and English. But she resisted my advance, told me I made a mistake after I'd come close to kissing her. So instead we joked and talked and she took my hand again to go somewhere else still, some steps above the water looking directly out on the river, now in the morning sun. Bloody beautiful.
She turned out to be, gasp, twenty <ahem>. I don't know what we talked about, it went in circles and repeated anyhow, university, the flood - she got sentimental about things like the flood, people in trouble, history, which I thought was endearing - about people, how she was treated like one of the mates by her friends (all guys), not being yer typical girly girl (but damn!, I'd seen her dance..). She was charming. And charmed: we slipped down in the mud when we meandered back to the commuter train, hollered and laughed and she spent some time trying to explain two Hungarian words to me: she said our beszélgetes, the chat, she was happy, it had - I didn't understand the words, ended up writing 'em down, turns out she said: "seduced" her, "persuaded". It's a very "good word", she said. Said something about wanting, not wanting, then wanting again, for the second time in a row - but that'd been about, you know, boyfriends (and how she didn't want one yet).
In the commuter train when we were talking how people looked she said shily I was
gyönyörű - I love that word - "gorgeous" - and at the end station closer to downtown we sat in the sun, eating a cardboard sandwich, making jokes - wordless ones and real ones. The Italian Jews joke is hard to tell in Hungarian, I tell you <grins>. She loved it though. Across the river the Parliament building, and the sun reflecting in the water:
arányhid, she taught me, "golden bridge" it's called.
All very
Lost in Translation. <grins>
Yeah, and then it was 9 or so and we walked downstream and took the metro: she with a family event to go to at 11. On the escalator I leaned my head on her shoulder and she held me. I missed that. On the metro we were being extremely annoying for the morning people, me practicing the "a kurva eletbe" (that's something very rude) that she taught me and she breaking out in fits of giggles. But also at the metro entry she suddenly grew pensive, and brushed off the question what was up. And then, yeah well, she asked where I was getting off, Blaha Lujza, I said, and thought, should I give her my number now?, decided that instead I'd ask her to get off at Blaha with me for a bit still, we were approaching, I asked if she still wanted to get off for a bit, she said no I'm going on, I said "are you sure", she said "yes,
találkozzük", let's meet again or we'll be meeting again, the doors slid open and I was taken aback enough for a moment to get off the train and, turning around, saw her slump in her chair sadly, and the train was off.
So that was stupid. That's how people end up placing those little ads in the railway magazine I guess, "We met between
, didn't get to say goodbye" or whatever - I never got those. All I know is that she's a first (ahem) year chemistry student, what university she's at and even what building she's in - and I seriously thought about heading there some time to check when there's a class they all have ending or something
but that's just lame, I guess. Creepy even, perhaps. So that sucks. Well - and I mean, she was
But it was a nice early morning <smiles>