littlek wrote:nimh wrote:never thought i'd hear little k say "orifices" and "facial" in one post - hell, one sentence...
Glad to make your day.
I didnt say it was necessarily a
pleasant surprise...
Sending an email to my city's mayor with a crackpot idea and getting a response saying that the idea might actually happen... wow!!! (Not because of me, but that it had been thought of already and might be in process...)
I'm driving without using a map now two days alreadz through North Holland - smiling a bit that my memory still isn't that bad (haven been at most places not for 15 - 20 years [6 years where I'm staying, though]).
My struggle with the Dutch keyboard is a topic for a different thread :wink:
try the Hungarian one ...
Snow in Albuquerque
Snow in Albuquerque.
When I woke up this morning and let the dogs outside, I discovered it had snowed during the night. Dolly and Madison sniffed the snow and decided it wasn't fluffy enough to play in and wanted back inside. Only about an inch of very icy snow. The kind that makes driveways and sidewalks icy. I won't go out to get my newspaper until the snow melts or I put ice grippers on my shoes so I don't land on my butt.
I guess it was more of a smirk ...
A co-worker and I were discussing the new "gay cowboy movie". She said infatically, "somebody would have to pay me a Whole Lota Money to kiss a girl, and I'd have to be Real psyched up for it" I smiled and thought to myself "it wouldn't take more than a quarter". She's so obvious ...
Meeting joeblow at lunch
She's a good hugger, even if she is a lil clumsy <dare ya!>
I can't verify this little story that came from one of my employees whose wife is a participant. She works for a charity, running an unrelated program. But on Monday's, during this season, she sits around a big table and they tabulate the collections from the weekend's street solicitations. Counting and rolling the coins; preparing the bank deposit. They noticed that someone (one person?) was taking two or three five dollar bills and then a hundred dollar bill, rolling them tightly until they were the thickness of a cigarette, putting a rubber band around it, and then depositing them in various collection booths around town. They found four of these this past Monday.
The Christmas lights on Andrassy Boulevard did. Well, kinda. They're pretty... They wrapped lights around the treetrunks and largest branches too, so you have vessels of light in weird, organic forms.
I was out Christmas shopping. There was a nice lady waiting on me, and her husband and two little boys came in to pick her up. Her boys were so excited, coz' they had just been to see Santa. They were showing her the candy canes Santa gave them.
They were just so cute! I wanted to hug them!
P.S. That sounds beautiful, nimh!
My best friend's rambunctious dog, and a recent post by "real life". (And the day is still young.) I might get to see the cute girl who works at the store later.
spending the afternoon with Chilly ^^^, Vegas, Mona Ramona, and my regular pack
Wow, chilly sure is a cutie!
He's a very sweet puppy.
It was fun rolling around on the floor with the whole pack <other than Cleo, who was safely perched on Set's knee for most of the in-house part of the get-together>.
That is a stunning photo, ebeth. Amazing eyes.
oh my
what a BEAUTIFUL little face~!
THAT made me smile.
we had a family gathering around our stuck car. sis and i headed out skiing (am at the mountains with family right now) and the ploughed road suddenly ended. we plunged into deep deep snow all of a sudden, up to car's belly. called dad on a cell, he came with a shovel and with mom, we all shoveled and pushed the car for hours.... fun fun fun. actually was.