The fact that, not only do Hungarians say "seeyah" (szia) when they meet you and "hello" when they leave, but, when you're with more than one and they're saying bye, they might say "hellostock" (hellosztok)!
It's a lovely day outside!
Also, the deadpan wit of an apparently bored Deutsche Welle editor feeling flippant - note the picture and caption.
Quote:Business | 27.10.2005
Symbolic Start for HDTV in Germany
HDTV improves the quality of the picture, not the content
As the first major TV channel group in Europe, Germany's ProSiebenSat.1 has begun transmitting its programs in the new high definition TV (HDTV) format. However, few will already able to watch it.
Speaking at the official launch of the new form of transmission in Munich, ProSiebenSat.1 officials on Wednesday hailed the event as a sign of Germany's innovative TV market.
Nimh... those posts are both very funny!
My smile today: my 22-year old (beautiful) daughter surprised us with a visit last night -- a friend was driving back from their college and she hooked a ride -- she's already left

-- but I still have a glow. I am a very lucky mom.
I think that makes us all smile. What a wonderful surprise.
Last night I dropped in at Sark just to say "hi", chatted a bit, then it turned out Besh o Drom was playing in the basement. Cool, I'd always wanted to see them!
They were pretty cool. Kusturica soundtrack-type, really fast brassy Roma music. Everyone dancing. Everybody so happy! So many faces, twirling or just hopping around.
I also felt kinda excluded though. This music way too fast, too unfamiliar, for me to dance on. Especially cause of being able to pick out all the West-Europeans in the place instantly, by how they were just shapelessly jumping up and down. Dont wanna be one of them. The Hungarians, on the other hand, also dancing in wild abandon - but with each other, and with flair! Moving their hips, their hands. I'm incredibly tall, too, in comparison - not used to that either. Makes me feel like I stand out.
Still, what dancing! The girls love this music. Thats what struck me most. Specifically the girls, loving it. Twirling their braceletted slender hands above their head, swishing around on their friend's arm.
When the band stopped playing for a bit, I witnessed this conversation, which made me LOL and want to tell Susannah, upstairs - and which reminded me of Lord Ellpus. These two young, laddish Brit guys, with a Hungarian friend. One of 'em, quite and happily drunk, gushing, gushing to the Hungarian guy. "I mean, in England, we have pretty girls too, some pretty girls too - but here - its just like - he's gesturing excitedly, incredulously, uttering only still something like: "everyone, everywhere!"
Heh ;-).
Last night I dropped in at Sark just to say "hi", chatted a bit, then it turned out Besh o Drom was playing in the basement. Cool, I'd always wanted to see them!
They were pretty cool. Kusturica soundtrack-type, really fast brassy Roma music. Everyone dancing. Everybody so happy! So many faces, twirling or just hopping around.
I also felt kinda excluded though. This music way too fast, too unfamiliar, for me to dance on. Especially cause of being able to pick out all the West-Europeans in the place instantly, by how they were just shapelessly jumping up and down. Dont wanna be one of them. The Hungarians, on the other hand, also dancing in wild abandon - but with each other, and with flair! Moving their hips, their hands. I'm incredibly tall, too, in comparison - not used to that either. Makes me feel like I stand out.
Still, what dancing! The girls love this music. Thats what struck me most. Specifically the girls, loving it. Twirling their braceletted slender hands above their head, swishing around on their friend's arm.
When the band stopped playing for a bit, I witnessed this conversation, which made me LOL and want to tell Susannah, upstairs - and which reminded me of Lord Ellpus. These two young, laddish Brit guys, with a Hungarian friend. One of 'em, quite and happily drunk, gushing, gushing to the Hungarian guy. "I mean, in England, we have pretty girls too, some pretty girls too - but here - its just like - he's gesturing excitedly, incredulously, uttering only still something like: "everyone, everywhere!"
Heh ;-).
>plants a dainty kiss on nimhs cheek<
today, what made me smile was sitting in the park with this fabulous group of women. All with kids beans age.. so she was playing her heart out.
These women were discussing unassisted births in a way that made me blush, laugh, cry and want another child to have that experience myself.
All of them had their children at home, in private, in their own beds with just a midwife in the case of emergency.
They let their bodies do the work and really embraced the miracle of birth and the power of the female body.
wow.. just wow..
Apart from Shewolf's kiss ...
Hearing Tarkan's Simarik from a crowded bar on the Korut, last night - "kiss kiss!"
Lovely weather again, today, still! Who'da thought, sitting outside on a terrace on the boulevard drinking coffee and reading the paper in the afternoon sun - on the threshhold of November!
Dancing pensioners, seen through the open door of a neighbourhood club, to Latin music even.
seeing the hamburgers and my dogs again
mmmm, hamburgers
scaring some poor girl in the grocery store with my mangled thumb, i didn't do it on purpose, i don't need to keep it covered as it's well healed but still somewhat gruesome looking, anyway i'm paying for a sandwich and salad and the poor kid practically screams when she all of a sudden notices it
i did feel a bit bad, the poor kid was probably only about 15 years old max
Now you made me smile today djjd.

That makes up for it. :wink:
When it came to women, I was a Jedi Knight this weekend. When it rains, it pours.
Another thing: at a party last night, my line of the evening. A chick dressed as pregnant Britney Spears walks by, I yell, "Britney, we're not keeping the baby! I'M THROWING YOU DOWN THE STAIRS!!!"
This post by shewolf!
Damned funny. Hell I howled so much my wife was asking what the heck is it all about.
I came home from work ...... walked in the door, thinking about what I needed to do. And I thought, it's Friday. What the heck. I ain't doin' a dang thing tonight except pamper myself.
I open the French Doors leading out to my deck where the hotub awaits me. It's already starting to get dark and I could faintly see the stars sparkling above me, as I slid my body down into the water. You can sit in my hotub and if the night has any light from the moon and stars at all, you can look out over the pond. It creates a very peaceful mood.
I turn the jets on high and lean back as I close my eyes. There is nothing like the cool night air against your face as you sit inside a hotub. Anyone who has one, knows what I mean.
I'm peacefully sitting there in pure contentment .....when all of a sudden,


Them jets have a certain way of ummm.....well, you know what I mean.
Still smiling!
justa_babbling_brooke wrote:I'm peacefully sitting there in pure contentment .....when all of a sudden,


Them jets have a certain way of ummm.....well, you know what I mean.

Still smiling!
Nope. I don't know. Brooke, could please expand on that last sentence and give us
all the details? :wink:
Well really, Reyn...if you gotta ask...
I love hot tubs too, Brooke. Good to see you around here again!
Reyn wrote:This post by shewolf!
Damned funny. Hell I howled so much my wife was asking what the heck is it all about.

did she make you wait 15 minutes?