I studied it but don't remember it... it has windy roads and paths, doesn't it?
yes, windy and hilly, there are lakes and ponds. The planting are well over 100 years and one can see mature ginkos and beaches, huge oaks. Among all the roadways are footpaths. And all the roads and paths in both cemeteries are named after plants.
I think I mentioned before that my mother lived there when she was a child.. not in the cemetary, huh; the family lived across the street. She was born in 1901..
Really? Do you remember which road? Or even an address?
Remember that weird trip I mention that I took my mother to NY and Boston after my father died, in 1969? We checked out the old family houses, one on Green Street in Watertown and one in Cambridge, I think, on Mount Auburn. I have a faint memory that it was an old victorian (?) probably two stories and attic high, with a front porch. Very faint, I may be making that up.
That was the trip where I first noticed she was acting odd.. start of alzheimer's. Her mother's family had first lived in south Boston, and then on Green Street, and when she married my grandfather, they lived across from Mt. Auburn - if I have it right re the timing. (Why didn't I listen harder?)
Does Mt. Auburn road go into Watertown? I know she went to St. Patrick's school, which was, perhaps, a high school.
I'll look at a map tomorrow. Time for sleep now.
Tonight, someone gave me a beautiful compliment...it's had me sorta floating on air...
What made me smile today......
A certain person that makes me smile everyday, all day.......(Kelly, you're awesome)
Oh boy, did I make a big boo boo. Sorry folks. I thought this was kickys thread.
That cemetery sounds beautiful ... Love a beautiful cemetery. (There's a nice one up in Menton, for example, but doesnt compare with what you're describing)
my hair stayed straight overnight
<huge smile>
The fact that evidently after a 48-hour gabfest with my best friend (she came to visit this weekend), I've literally lost my voice! Can't force it above a certain (very quiet) level.
That compliment I got last night...still has me floating today...
Osso, Mt Auburn is a major street (now). It's 2-lanes each way and has a big shopping mall across from the cemetery. There's a few houses and one big apartment building there. On another road, there's a section with homes as well. A lot of that area has been built up, I imagine many houses were lost. Perhaps I should start that thread after all.....
what made me smile today..
bean .. and little Mo playing
oh .. hehe.. not supposed to say anything. hehe
so shhhhhh!
dont tell
Reading a particular thread on this "General" section this morning, and realising what a nice bunch of people we have here on A2K.
It has set me up for the day..........
Spending a whole day of my (just started) holiday with my very closest friend. Nice, very nice.
Seeing msolga's avatar. (it always makes me smile)