What made me smile today..
Baby blurb.
Bean is at the age where she cant QUITE form her words, so she lisps, spits and stumbles her way through sounds.. with so much seriousness on her little face you would think she was givng the Dahlai Lama the " what for " :-)
Im sitting in the middle of the floor and she walks around me.. blurbing...over and over again.
Then she comes up to me, takes the blocks out of my hands and holds one of my fingers in each of her little hands an stares at me.
I smile and say " Hi beautiful"..
she says " hi"

walks away..
Meanwhile.. Im sitting in the middle of the floor 'stupified'.. my baby just deliberatly said HI!!!
She circles around the room again and walks back in front of me, grabs my fingers and stares again..
" Hi beautiful" .. i say
very carefully and clearly she says " Hiiee.. mmmom"