i figgered.
so i have a pole from vienna and a dutchman from budapest accounted for. two more friends are coming from Wava (Warsaw) later in the night, probably more souls will be collected during the evening.... Yipee!
I'm smiling about Dag's party plans. Take pictures!
hello all from bratislava. me and nimh are sitting in an internet cafe, and had to get online. i was starting to get jitters from not being able to get online since friday (gasp!)
more detailed reports will come later...
Hello, you two!
What are making you smile? (really).
Hey! They did get together! Smiling eastward at Dag and nimh.
The thought of Nimh and Dag together at last, starting their love story...that is what is making me smile...ear to ear...I love those two kids!!!
<runs away, overcome with joyful tears>
lk, you can smile westward too, world is round, and life is grand. my academic advisor here in slovakia likes me again! phew and hooray!
kicky, you are ever so kind. thought of you overcome with joyful tears brings joyful tears to my eyes, too. must go. can't see.
I wanna know more about the dagnimhA2get2getherK
I've just discovered that the young lady in the Off License (shop that sells alcohol) up the road is Slovakian. That's the fourth Slovakian lady that I've met, and they are all hot!
And so well mannered.
She gives me discount.....I think I love her.
Kicky licking me today~~!!! LMAO
Listening to the great Lee Morgan and Art Blakely on cd helped me get thru a steel gray rainy day in Boston made my day bearable.
bar crawling with the Poles and Austrians in Vienna. Tough bunch to bar crawl with... eeeyep!
Yesterday I heard some disturbing noises in my sister's back yard. I went out to check the dogs and sure enough, they'd cornered a baby squirrel. Now, my dog can barely move, let alone catch a squirrel, so my sister's dog must have gotten it and relinquished control to my still dominant pooch. When I got out there, the little guy was on his back, feet up in the air, my dog's nose was snuffing his belly fur.
In went the dogs, back out went I. The teeny thing got up and shook himself off then climbed a rather low juniper to about 4 feet off the ground. I ran in and sliced a peach and offered it a wedge at the end of a chopstick. He attacked (spunky lil guy) and found that it was yummy, so he slipped the fruit off the stick and ate some. He kept dropping it and I kept retrieving it. I knew he had to get into a better spot, so I grabbed a lacrosse stick and let him drop the peach nto it. After he followed the fruit I lifted him to a nearby tree. He eventually found a little notch and ate the peach.
It's still all very funny when I don't think about the damned dogs and the fact that no adult squirrel responded to his cries. We've continue to leave it offerings.
Yeh, quietly looking for a smile.
tough osso, very tough. no such thing as having a drink and going home here. when you drink up they order you a new one right away, and nobody can leave before midnight and even then only the sick are released. well, not that they chain you or anything, but it's just, ya know. not done.
Realizing that this time next week, the pooches and I will be on our way to dog camp.