sozobe wrote:I'm this far away from organizing the A2K girl gang into an ILZ love-bombing campaign -- smooches, hugs, tickles, images of teddy bears surrounded by hearts, that sort of thing.
Or is that just too, too cruel?
Hehheh ... it wouldnt work, anyway ... he wants to be "cool" ... <grins>
littlek wrote:The movie "American Splendor" gave me quite a few belly laughs.
That movie was funny!! It was @ the filmfestival, I really enjoyed it ...
Thanks ninh !!! May one day you see it too..
I was at the Thessaloniki Film Festival last ... November? But never been at the Documentary one. But I'll keep my eyes open!
I was at my favorite state park today. I had decided to take a walk of about 4 miles. Midway through, I spied a pair of Sandhill Cranes, with their two chicks. I was so close that I did not even have to use my binoculars to watch them. They did not seem to be afraid, and went about their business of looking for food. It was really a treat.
Between the Cranes, the beautiful day, and the lovely breeze, I was smiling the entire afternoon.
Damn I swear if you're listening to this Albanian hip-hop, it sounds just like normal hip-hop - played
And this one: Extince, Dutch rapper, manages to work this into his rhyme: "ik kom nog vaker in het nieuws dan marokkaanse jongeren" (I'm more often in the news even than the Moroccan youth")
Silvi put on a special dance of the feather cat toy for me this afternoon. She said she was cleaning AND dancing! Wow, she can multi-task!
the sounds of sex in spring
walking the dogs - apparently people are opening their windows - oops

- what's that? ohhhhhhh that's what
it's that interesting time of the year - after the furnace, and before the air conditioner <grin>
How can it be that time of year there when it isn't that time of year here yet?
Right o sexy spring. Once years ago a real pet lover tried to seperate two turtle doves doing their spring thing. Juat a memory now but still it makes me laugh every time I see a dove. Which I did this morning while walking Bean.
hey, algis! That's great news.
Congrats, Algis! (Your films must be as beautifully done as your photographs.)
Joanne, we have doves here, too. Mourning doves. Watching them doing their mating dance (male does a little dip in the air, spreading his tail feathers into a perfect heart shape) today made me smile. We usually have two or three pairs nesting in our yard come summertime.
A co-worker who had been taken on provisionally as a contractor just got an offer to come on board as a permanent employee. He's a good engineer and a team player.
India beat Pakistan in the first test match !! This is our first win on the Pakisntani soil since we have been playing them in 1952 !!
Managed to get 4 tickets for the India-Pakistan match in UK being played in Sep
I think I will be smiling for the rest of the year !
Can you recommend a site with information for someone who knows nothing about cricket but is interested in learning? I read a couple of articles written in English that may as well have been Sanskrit.
I get to go back to the home town today and golf for the next three days -And it's wall to wall sunshine out in Vancouver in April!!!!
Thanks ehBeth and Eva et el.Apparently it was very successfull. No one walked out and the house was full.
Dancing Hampsters with sagging bazooms.