The New York Meet: Dys, Diane, Lola, Blathan, and Joe Nation

Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 10:59 am
Okay...lemme tell ya about the mini get-together we had in the Big Apple last night. And before dropping the other shoe...I want to go over the fun highlights.

Joe Nation (Jonathan), Lola (Jane), Blatham (Bernie Latham), and I...met with Dyslexia (Bob) and Diane (Diane!!!!) who were visiting town.

We went to a very nice French restaurant in the Theater District...and had a delicious dinner together.

The conversation was plentiful, light, and entertaining....and we had a serious ball! Jonathan, a serious life-long Boston fan did not seem to mind missing the big game at all, and the rest of us obviously didn't give a rat's a...

So, as I was saying, everything went swimmingly...right up to the moment (after dinner, coffee, and dessert...and just before breaking up and going our seperate ways)....

...when I felt a bit of light-headedness and decided to walk outside to get some air.

I still don't know what happened...because I have not talked to any of the others yet...but I do know that I recovered consciousness about 3 hours later...in the emergency room of St. Vincent's Hospital in Mid-Town.

Luckily...(you might say)...the sidewalk had apparently broken the fall I took when I passed out...and the only thing I wish is that some part of my body besides my face had taken the shot.

But...the ECG (EKG)and the CATscan indicated there were no broken bones...and I had not had a heart attack.

For those of you wondering...I swear: All I had were two beers and maybe three or four joints. (I gotta stay away from that beer...it screws me over every time!)

I'd like to think that I was talking coherently...and entertainingly...right up to the end...but I will have to wait until some of the others post comments.

In any case, Dys and Diane are a delight...Bernie, Jane, and Jonathan always are...and I would do this meet over again in a heartbeat!

So...anyone who was there: Wha hoppened???
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Type: Discussion • Score: 7 • Views: 14,317 • Replies: 138
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 11:10 am

And I bet I know the restaurant, if it's the one Diane and Roberta and I had dinner at... great place for talking, as the crowd thinned out when the theater crowd left for the shows..

Well, I'm curious too, fella.
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 11:19 am
Omigosh Frank!! How are you feeling now?

And Joe, what kind of martyr ARE you? You missed THAT game, of all possible games? You freak!! :-D

Do you mean that you woke up by yourself? Nobody was with you? This is SO WEIRD!

Anyway, I bet that was a superlative group and a great time, emergency room notwithstanding.

Diane just has an overwhelming effect on men, doesn't she...!
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 11:19 am
Your face? Well, there goes the modeling career.
Glad to hear good test results. Take care.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 11:55 am
sozobe wrote:
Omigosh Frank!! How are you feeling now?

And Joe, what kind of martyr ARE you? You missed THAT game, of all possible games? You freak!! :-D

Do you mean that you woke up by yourself? Nobody was with you? This is SO WEIRD!

Hey...everyone had plenty to do the next day...and I suspect to them, it looked like I just got crocked and fell out. No big deal.

Anyway, I bet that was a superlative group and a great time, emergency room notwithstanding.

Diane just has an overwhelming effect on men, doesn't she...!

It was a tremendous time...and Diane and Jane do indeed have on "overwhelming effect" on me. I was trying to impress them. Why else would I do face diving onto a New York City sidewalk?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 11:58 am
George wrote:
Your face? Well, there goes the modeling career.
Glad to hear good test results. Take care.

Some might say that the "changes" are an improvement!!!

In any case, I feel fine today...and I have already concocted a GREAT story for the damaged forehead and major league shiner.

I am claiming I got it in a fist fight with a wiseass Boston fan! (She managed to get in a lucky punch!)
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 03:34 pm
OMG Frank, sounds like a fun beginning anyway. And yes, that certainly explains your bizarre behavior on that other thread. Shocked
Look on the bright side; face shots are uglierÂ… but they don't hurt as long! :razz:
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 03:54 pm
Lola prolly slipped ya a roofie.
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 03:59 pm

Lola must have flashed Frank a little leg and got him all light-headed. Wink

Hopefully, you'll find out that it was all the result of something none to serious!
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 04:10 pm
This reminds me of when we left jjorge by himself in San Francisco... we zipped into different cabs and he was still in the restaurant. Talk about feeling bad about it...
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 04:11 pm
Frank!!!! Oh my!!!! I do hope you are ok!

More about the others as soon as you are well enough....

And - where are THEY????
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 04:16 pm
They're probably puzzled about why you just got up and left...
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 04:31 pm
Sounds like you had a great time, other than your strange unexplained injury.

Dammit. I should have gone over there to meet you guys instead of torturing myself by going to a bar to watch that horrible debacle of a game.

Sorry I missed it.
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 04:43 pm
geez frank, take it easy!
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 05:48 pm
well, here I am

I had to fly to Dallas for the week end this morning.......

But I'll tell my version of the story..........coming up
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 05:50 pm
Ok...here's what happened...

Frank looks like he could have a full wallet. He doesn't. We hit him over the head with a tubesock stuffed with Canadian pennies.
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 05:50 pm
we had a great time, Kicky.....the game was on at the restaurant and everyone was watching at the bar. But when we discovered Frank on the sidewalk out front of the restaurant........well, the game was not so important any more
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 05:53 pm
We timed the blow to his temple with a seventh inning line drive to center field. No one noticed a thing.
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 06:23 pm
Oh! You guys found him on the sidewalk - that's good!
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 06:33 pm
Well, this is the way I remember it.

We were having a great time. Conversation was so fun, the time passed too quickly.

After dessert, you, Frank were talking to Dys.....you had asked him a question.........and right in the middle of what Dys was saying, you suddenly stood up and said you had to go out........we didn't exactly hear you......but I thought you were going to the bathroom.

What seems so obvious after an event, sometimes doesn't seem so important or noticeable before. Anyway, we were all sitting around the table talking, waiting for you to come back and the restaurant owner or chef or whatever, Jean Claude came to our table and said that you were hurt. You were lying on the sidewalk.

So we all jumped up and ran out front. And there you were on the ground alright. Bernie had gotten there first and he was trying to make contact with you, but from what I saw, by the time I got there, you were not responding. You looked unconscious to me.

My reaction really surprised me because I thought you were dead.........(my father and brother died suddenly of strokes, so......I just have it in my head this way.) And I began to hyperventilate (and I've never hyperventilated in my life.) I didn't even know I was doing it until Diane put her arm around me and told me everything would be alright. Then you began to move and I could see you weren't dead after all.

Everybody began calling 911. A woman who had been passing by had already called, but we wanted to make sure she had really called. She had already left. Jonathan and I were both talking to the 911 people when the ambulance finally arrived. The paramedics talked to you, there on the ground and then they got you on your feet and walked you to the ambulance. As you and the paramedics passed me, I heard you say, "did I pass out?"

They took you inside the ambulance and ran some tests and told us you would be alright. There was a doctor there too who had stayed to report what he had observed to the paramedics. They told us they were taking you to the hospital for observation, but you hadn't had a stroke or heart attack.

Finally we remembered we should call Nancy. We were all shocked and maybe didn't react as quickly as I would like to think we would. But we didn't do too badly either.

I thought we were going to go to the hospital, but everyone convinced me that you would be fine and you were in good hands (including the paramedics, they were very reassuring).........but maybe we should have gone to the hospital with you. I think we all thought you were more aware of what had happened by then and you knew you were going to the hospital. I thought I must be hysterically over reacting ...... .wow, did that surprise me! I'm sorry you woke up alone and not knowing what even happened to you. And we're all very happy that you're ok.

It must have been that last toke........

Anyway, it was a hellofa way to end such are fine evening. I'm glad you're ok though. Wow.

So now let's talk about all the fun we had.
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