glitterbag wrote:
Can't you read, NO ONE wants war with Russia, Russia is not our responsibility, however, it is a vital for the USA to prevent penetration or upset to our country by hostile forces. Guess what, Russia is hostile to everyone. Hillary would not be marching us into Russia, you are being brainwashed by the Hillary haters. Fine with me idf Hillary isn't your cup of tea, but for Christ's sake don't make crap up.
The self interest of all countries (or alliances of them such as the EU) puts each of them in potential conflict with every other country, War and armed conflict can offer, usually only temporary, solutions, but, as you infer, it is usually undesirable.
The only group I see screeming hostility towards Russia right now involves Obama and his supporters indignant over Putin's supposed "interference in our election" . This is highly ironic in that Putin's offense was revealing an ongoing effort of the DNC, the Clinton campaign and the media to interfere with our election. Apparently they would have preferred to continue the Hillary/DNC/media campaign conspiracy without interference.
Now, very suddently, after years of ignoring truly serious, long-tern continuing efforts by Putin to restore the former Russian Empire in the Caucasion peninsula; Crimea, Ukraine and the Baltic states; intervene in Syria to protect his client Assad; develop a military alliance with Iran -- all with zero response from the Obama Administration ( including former SECState Clinton), we are suddently aroused by indignant Democrats to the supposed innate hostility of the Russians.
You yourself now rather incoherently write ( or shout) that "no one wants war with Russia"; "Russia is hostile to everyone"; Hillary wouldn't march into Russia" - even as the feckless Obama returns U.S. troops to Europe, along with new depolyments to Poland and the Baltic states in a sudden and long overdue resistence .... all as a rather empty gesture in the last days of his presidency.
I have no objection to these actions by Obama, but note they should have been done calmly and deliberately, starting eight years ago when instead Obama withdrew our last troops from Europe, cancelled existing plans for the installation of missile defenses in Poland, and abandoned the government of Ukraine and the strategic Arns treaty obligations of the Russins with respect to the sanctity of its borders with an independent Ukraine.