Lash wrote:I think proponents of the public outing are missing the point. Its not gayness. Its the right to privacy of children of candidates, and ripping that privacy for political gain.
If the issue was drunk driving, and Bush had said to Gore during a televised debate, "Yeah, like Albert, Jr's drunk driving offense, I think the Gore family well knows the problems associated with this drunk driving..." Everyone would be completely aware that Bush was trying to use Gore's drunk driving history for political gain.
"Outing" is the wrong word here, Lash. Mary Cheney has been out as a lesbian for some time. Her mother was in denial about it all during the last election campaign, though, and apparently has some residual apprehension about her daughter's lifestyle choice. I can understand that. I'm trying to think of what is a better term... sensitive to the the delicate nature of the topic?
Also, your example of a drunk driving son would be fine
if there were something wrong with being gay. Either there is, or there isn't; it's a moral call. But it's still a delicate topic for the mom, especially. I would think a more appropriate analogy would be to go into great detail about the death of Edwards son. I'm not even sure about how he died, but amplifying the horror of the situation to make a point would be in poor taste. It was more like that: a matter of poor taste. and I think he should apologize for it publically, but that people ought to note that
at least he was sticking to the topic of the question posed. Unlike Bush who answered the question about minimum wage with an answer about education.