The continued reference to Mary Cheney by the Dems

Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:40 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I was originally adressing GeorgeOb1.
Originally, sure, Cyclop. But you are being dishonest if you are suggesting the post I responded to wasn't directed at me.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
I think that you and I have made our differences clear on this thread, Bill, so I don't want to snipe back and forth...
Nor do I, really.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
I'm going to keep bringing this up every time someone changes the subject until it is answered.
That is an asinine position to take. Idea Why not get your off topic question answered on it's own thread, before insisting this one play along with your attempt at hijacking?
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:41 am
I go to the corner for a week, come back and you guys STILL can't stop talking about lesbians.......maybe you guys are all right after all :wink:
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:42 am
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:45 am
sozobe wrote:

hello soz...is that creme rinse on your head?
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:45 am
Dude, good to see you back... was it the Avatar?... Don't answer if you're not supposed to. :razz:

Howard Stern isn't the only one who can get mileage out of the term. :wink:
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:47 am
That is an asinine position to take. Why not get your off topic question answered on it's own thread, before insisting this one play along with your attempt at hijacking?

Because this question is the absolute cornerstone of this whole freaking discussion. I still can't get a straight (heh, heh) answer out of anyone. Your failure to realize the fact that people's intolerance of gays (and especially Republicans' intolerance) is the true reason this is an issue at all sort of disqualifies you from making accurate judgements about it; you're so far off-base that we can't have substantive discussion.

I could care less if you think it's off-topic. Though my otherquestion still stands for you; you've posted something like 5 times as much in this thread as any other over the last week. Is this a personal issue for you, or what?

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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:00 pm
Dude, good to see you back... was it the Avatar?... Don't answer if you're not supposed to. :razz:

Howard Stern isn't the only one who can get mileage out of the term. :wink:

I wasn't told anything specific and wasn't interested enough to pursue it Bill, but I suspect that I got full of myself and played a little too rough for some of our more sensitive members and someone ran to teacher......no offense taken, no harm no foul. I'm a big bear. I did get a chance to alphabetize my lesbian porn dvd collecton....... :wink:
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:06 pm
LOL Bear. Just curious because I'd spotted an Avatar that didn't seem to belong. :wink:

Cycloptichorn wrote:
That is an asinine position to take. Why not get your off topic question answered on it's own thread, before insisting this one play along with your attempt at hijacking?

Because this question is the absolute cornerstone of this whole freaking discussion. I still can't get a straight (heh, heh) answer out of anyone.
Further demonstrating your unwillingness to read postions before attacking them. Gay marriage positions are hardly the cornerstone of this discussion. Laughing

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Your failure to realize the fact that people's intolerance of gays (and especially Republicans' intolerance) is the true reason this is an issue at all sort of disqualifies you from making accurate judgements about it; you're so far off-base that we can't have substantive discussion.

Laughing I've been complemented for my clarity throughout this thread, Cyclop. I understand all of the rational poster's positions that oppose me just fine... and they understand mine... because we each took the trouble to read each others responses instead of blabbing like fools.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
I could care less if you think it's off-topic.

Laughing It isn't the off-topicness I take issue with; it is your announcement that you will redirect every other response back to your off-topic question if you don't get your way. Very childish.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Though my otherquestion still stands for you; you've posted something like 5 times as much in this thread as any other over the last week.

Is this a personal issue for you, or what?

By repeating that question you are further demonstrating that you don't read others before attacking. I've answered it more than once in posts not far from yours. Idea If you ever bother to locate my answer, know for sure that you are not fitting of the definition I used for my opposition here. :wink:
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:10 pm
Gosh Bear, you're the one I most love to hate here, and I can't believe you were sufficiently offensive to have to sit in the corner. Shame on anybody who complained.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:15 pm
Yeah Bear, I tried to sub for you but I couldn't get any respect.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:22 pm
Hmm, now I'm torn. BPB or Panzade. Tough choice. Can't I just love you both?
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:24 pm

Woo Hoo! Twisted Evil
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:47 pm
Geez...I'm gonna make YOU stand in the corner Panzade. Smile
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Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 06:06 am
blatham wrote:
Poor taste versus virulent activist homophobia.

You guys certainly are focused on the important stuff here.
Take notice of the thread's title and see if you can figure out why it keeps going back there. Idea

And btw, your "two wrongs must make a right" argument is as weak now as it was earlier... but still better than that denial you were suffering with. :wink:

Care to quote us some of that homophobia PDiddie?


This entire thread is an idiocy. A comparable thread might be engaged with discussing racism in the 60s by speaking about Martin Luther King's infidelity. Of course, that would be ignoring everything of importance. And ignorning everything of real importance is what this thread is all about.
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Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 06:20 am
georgeob1 wrote:
blatham wrote:
Poor taste versus virulent activist homophobia.

Where is the "virulent activist homophobia"?? Do you believe that opposing gay marriage constitutes virulent activist homophobia? I can think of several reasons on which to oppose it, which do not involve systematic dislike or fear of homosexuals. Accepting the equal value of all individuals does not itself constitute a sufficient argument for gay marriage - though evidently the Supreme Court of Mass. thinks so.


Does opposing gay marriage constitute virulent activist homophobia? Yes, of course it does. Precisely as opposing interracial marriage constituted virulent activist racism. Would foxfyre, would you, if given a magic-wand-power wish homosexuality gone from the human experience? And why would that be, george? It is perverse, or inferior, or you cannot think of it without some discomfort, however inexplicable and visceral. Or it violates the authority of scripture, or both. And the rationalizations for your position falls in on top of that. Your position is reactionary. The Mass decision is rational, carefully thought out and purposively avoiding the cultural bias - which is arbitrary and temporary, as it was with racial matters - and holding to the principles of equality in your constitution.
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Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 06:48 am
Does opposing gay marriage constitute virulent activist homophobia? Yes, of course it does.

This is absurd on the face of it. Using reasoning like this, opposing partial birth aboriton iis opposing all abortion for any reason, opposing violation of Church and State is opposing religion, opposing murder is opposing self defense, opposing taxation without representation is opposing the government raising any revenues.

No doubt some religious fundamentalists, and not only Christians, oppose gay marriage based on religious beliefs. However, for most of us opposing gay marriage is a simple matter of opposing special rights and/or, for numerous reasons, a personal desire to leave the legal definition of marriage unchanged. Believe it or not, most people who oppose gay marriage do not in any way oppose gays or wish to deny gays any rights enjoyed by all people. Let people choose a different word for same sex unions and let ANY people, gay or straight, avail themselves of protections in a civil union, and almost all opposition will evaporate overnight. Those unwilling to compromise on this issue are construed to have an agenda that goes far beyond simply allowing gays to have the protections they say they want.

Of course many are unwilling to see the fine distinctions here.
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Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 07:36 am
Who's post did you read, fox? Religious dogma was not claimed as the source of homophobia, but it can be and is in some cases. The sources of homophobia are various, but they are cultural.

In the US, the push against recognition of homosexuals as equal has been overwhelmingly a project of the religious right. True also in Canada. In Saudi Arabia, obviously another religious dogma is involved.

But that is definitely not to say that only religious individuals demonstrate homophobia (or racism, or sexism, etc). The preponderance of British Columbia loggers don't much like homos.

The 'special rights' argument is not a rational distinction, it is a cover-story designed to give seeming credence to homophobia. Rather obviously, allowing gays to have the same right (marriage) isn't asking for a special right, it is asking for the IDENTICAL right. Duh.

As to 'redefining marriage'...so what? Why not redefine it? Why not include a category previously disallowed for reasons of cultural bias, precisely as interracial marriages were previously banned (up to only ten years ago in one state)?

And what agenda is construed? My agenda is forwarding of the principles of equality and fairness and inclusion. What other agenda do you think is going on here fox?
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Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 07:41 am
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Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 07:51 am
And what agenda is construed? My agenda is forwarding of the principles of equality and fairness and inclusion. What other agenda do you think is going on here fox?

It was suggested in a previous post than anyone who opposes gay marriage is homophobic. That is an agenda. It was suggested in previous posts that thinking John Kerry's remarks about Mary Cheney were self-serving, ungracious, opportunistic, and mean, is because those who oppose Kerry on that are themselves homophobic. That is an agenda.

My reasons for not changing the legal definition of marriage are the same as George's. I do not want the traditional American family further assaulted, diminished, diluted, or weakened. I want the legal definition of marriage to remain as it is. My agenda here is also fowarding of equality and fairness and inclusion. I do not believe that is accomplished by affording special rights to gays and in fact is preventing the more sane and reasoned population from providing the very protections that the gay community says it wants.

Pick a different word than marriage for a civil union, make it available to all people who need such a civil union, and I'm with you all the way.
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Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 08:07 am
georgeob1 wrote:
For those who wish to make this a debate about "gay marriage" -

Marriage is a contract entered into by two people, almost always male and female, in which they commit to certain mutual restrictions on their sexual relations and to provide mutual support and usually responsibility for the children that might be the result of their union. Historically the contract was between the parties and sanctioned by tribe, or church or community. Or by no one at all, other than the two individuals, as was the case in much of early America. In five provinces here in Canada, homosexual marriages are validated by the state as being precisely equal to heterosexual marriage. Sure, but there is the matter of adoption, or of heterosexual marriages where no children are planned.

There has, over the last few decades been a substantial erosion of the quality and quantity of these benefits - crime is more ubiquitous false, crime statistics are down almost universally and the freedoms parents can safely grant their children much less; the quality of primary and secondary education in most communities is much less than what? how measured? and, given the increased central control of the process by unions and government, what period of time are you speaking of here? you've had universal education there for how long now? educational standards two hundred years ago were very poor - see Hofstadter there is less that local communities can do about it; the intrusiveness and increased vulgarization of the media makes it much more difficult for parents to limit or control the influences bombarding their children; yes, that happens when communities get larger, more complex, more diverse finally our contemporary economic system makes it necessary for both parents in almost all families to seek employment, denying them much of the time once spent on the rearing of children. true - hello consumer culture
We all grew up in an era of continued concern about overpopulation and its effects. The fact is a demographic shift of enormous impact has occurred over the last few decades. Female fertility in the developed world has fallen to levels about 25% below what is required for equilibrium. In most of the developing world it is also falling fast, and in most cases it is also below the equilibrium level (including China, where fertility is about the same as the UK). The bottom line is that the current prediction of demographers is that the earth's population will peak in just a few decades and enter a fairly steep decline after that. It is just as erroneous to rely on this long-term forecast as it was to rely on the old ones (remember Earlich's "Population Bomb"?). However it is worth noting that some assumptions often implicit in our thinking are becoming false, and we must adjust our conclusions accordingly. But how does this relate? Are you suggesting homosexuality is a threat to the continuance of the race? Human depopulation from accepting homos as equals is rather less likely a danger than environmental issues

So how does this apply to the question at hand? "Gay marriage" is OK by me as long as the manner in which it is carried out does not further dilute the already badly eroded structure that sustains parents and their children. That homosexuality diultes marriage is not an empirical claim, it is a supposition with no basis in fact. Further I don't want to see any compulsory indoctrination of the population about the right or wrong in these behaviors and lifestyles. Non-judgmental tolerance is fine by me as long as government is not brought in to the indoctrination of the public (on either side) with respect to what is still an open social and scientific question. Indoctrination does not have to be compulsory, and very often isn't. I was not told by my parents or by my school when I was a child that homos were perverse and unnatural. These are cultural biases that we assimilate and don't question until some event or idea propels such reflection. Of course, the government has a role in protecting those who are the target of injustices and bias, just as they had in ensuring that African Americans could sit anywhere on the bus they wished. The possibility that gay marriage MIGHT have some measureable negative consequence is, of course, no justification for disallowing equality, just as it wasn't a valid justification for disallowing interracial marriage.
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