Quote:Does opposing gay marriage constitute virulent activist homophobia? Yes, of course it does.
This is absurd on the face of it. Using reasoning like this, opposing partial birth aboriton iis opposing all abortion for any reason, opposing violation of Church and State is opposing religion, opposing murder is opposing self defense, opposing taxation without representation is opposing the government raising any revenues.
No doubt some religious fundamentalists, and not only Christians, oppose gay marriage based on religious beliefs. However, for most of us opposing gay marriage is a simple matter of opposing special rights and/or, for numerous reasons, a personal desire to leave the legal definition of marriage unchanged. Believe it or not, most people who oppose gay marriage do not in any way oppose gays or wish to deny gays any rights enjoyed by all people. Let people choose a different word for same sex unions and let ANY people, gay or straight, avail themselves of protections in a civil union, and almost all opposition will evaporate overnight. Those unwilling to compromise on this issue are construed to have an agenda that goes far beyond simply allowing gays to have the protections they say they want.
Of course many are unwilling to see the fine distinctions here.