Found a link!
Well, the stay-at-home mom demographic, you know who that is. <Bows deeply.> I made a point of having professional experience before I had a kid, and plan to go back to.. working outside the home. (Yes, the temptation to say "real job" is there for me too, again part of the very stay-at-home demographic that is supposed to be so offended.) I do tend to have less respect for someone who does not work when the kid(s) are at school all day, for example. I know someone who worked briefly before she got married, had kids, and then has been a stay-at-home mom ever since -- though her kids are now all grown. There are many things about professional dynamics that she just totally doesn't get -- I can see how that would be an issue for a first lady for example, a modern first lady at any rate.
In fact I think that may have been a big part of what Theresa was getting at, that Laura is much more in the Ladybird/ Jackie vein of gracious hostess/ ornament rather than the Hilary or even Nancy vein of having the ear of the most powerful man in the world. Laura's not very modern in that regard. Nobody really thinks she has any particular influence beyond "stand up straight and don't scowl."
But Laura has indeed worked, not sure when that was, and I do indeed think that's to her credit. What was she doing before Bush became governor?