Panzade wrote:All in good fun little buddy...

Did I give you the impression I was a Quayle fan?

The only thing funnier than an image of Dan Quayle actually trying to read Gore's book in front of an audience, is the image of Gore just holding up a potato when he finished.
Soz, like I just told Squinney a few posts back, "I barely noticed it when it happened." I don't think it's a big deal at all. But my opinion isn't Kerry's problem anyway. I'm enjoying the debate because of the quality of opposition and I'm amused by the folks holding the seemingly untenable position that he did nothing wrong. Big deal to me? Nope. However, it would appear that it's a much bigger deal to some. Frankly, I didn't bother forming an opinion until it came up again. Once I thought about it, I recognized the error. The more I thought about it, the clearer it became.
I agree with you completely that political pettiness shouldn't have such drastic effects. If people really paid, attention Ross Perot would have eliminated the 2 party stronghold... and we wouldn't have these pathetic choices in the first place. But, muck throwing has probably always been an integral part of campaigns for as long as there have been elections.
I would never have given this a second thought myself. But in retrospect, I'd wager John Kerry's and Bush's team alike probably had their theoretical reactions and counter-reactions to this and hundreds of other trivial details all mapped out in advance. Bush's team won the Big Stuffed Animal when Kerry's team, or possibly just Kerry himself, made a costly error. Don't know if you saw my chess analogy earlier but when one side gives away a piece, it's exploitation time for the other. I agree, it is a sorry state of affairs to see the little things take center stage, but try not to spend too much time shouting at the rain. It's not going to change any time soon.
Neither side really wants it to change
they just want to win. How else do you explain anyone who loves democracy agreeing with legal actions to try to keep presidential candidates off ballots? That is a hypocrisy that really gets my goat.
That is the dirtiest of pool and most everyone is in denial about it. What can ya do?