soz, looking at the others, it would make sense for Rob to try and get Matt to be the last one with him because he really doesn't stand a chance against any of the others. However, Matt is like the wild-card. If it got down to the two of them - he could win this thing!
Care to make predictions about the next to go?
Depends on what happens with the Jenna/Rob thing. I could see that Jenna would be the next to go. Christy doesn't like her, Matt doesn't like her (commented that she was selfish during the letter thing), Rob always had a crush on Heidi, Rob doesn't like being dissed (which she apparently does next episode), Butch will probably go along with it just fine. Leaving Heidi.
It's been physically and/or mentally strong people who have been voted out since the merge, though -- Roger, Dave, Deena, Alex. So if that trend continues, I guess it would be Matt.
But there always seem to be unpredictable twists. (Dumb, dumb Alex...)
I am wondering too if it will be Jenna or Matt.
Or .... they could just blow us out of the water and vote off ..... ROB!
True true nobody trusts him, and he seems to have the most power right now.
I think Jenna and Heidi will be the next two off, with Butch or Christy winning all the marbles.
I don't feel comfortable making a prediction. I've been wrong every time so far. I have to wonder whether the new alliance will last for more than a few days.
And let's remember that Rob has the hots for Heidi. I don't think he wants to get rid of her.
Yeah, I think his little fantasy is just him and Heidi left... MAYBE him and Jenna and Heidi, but I don't think he's
that dumb.
I think everything is up for grabs, alliance-wise. But Christy seems to be falling nicely in the middle -- not too strong, not too powerful, not too nothin'. Fingers crossed. Hope she doesn't make an Alex-ian or Deena-ian wrong move.
Hi all, nice to see all of you again. serious discussions hhuh..!!
yes sozobe, i watched it.. wow.. what a wonderful games this times. for the first time, i feel tired watched the show..!! tired waiting for the commercial break.. in Malaysia, there's too many commercial breaks, sometimes about 5 minutes. i can go to toilet, i can make a coffee for the whole family. i cannot stand it anymore, just could'nt wait for the next..
i think Jenna would be the next to go. Now i admire Matt, he is a good player. he do his job, with Butch and Christy. He don't care what others will say about him..
I wonder whether the Rob's new alliance will last or he will come back to Jenna and Heidi and try to get alliance with somebody else (Matt, butch, Cristy).. but i don't think so... If he do so, meaning 3 vs 3. So far that i can see Rob is the mastermind in this games.
Sozobe and others,
i just can't wait for this friday.. don't forget to update me... please!!
I really think Heidi and Jenna had better get smart and do a job on Rob. The entire tribe is in a perfect position to vote him off - I just hope they realize it. If they all had an alliance just for this week they could oust him. I wonder if they all see that he is 'playing' them.
I think Rob does have the hots for Heidi but I also think he knows she would never give him the time of day, in a romantic sense, and that may turn him against her (love turns to hate?). He may vote her off in a nano-second, just to show her!
Azue, it's lovely to know that someone is hanging on my every word!

I do think this is one of the better "Survivors", if not the best. (We'll see what happens from here.)
Heeven, yeah, Rob's weakness is his insecurity, and I can totally see a "hah!" situation with Heidi. If they don't get him first.
It certainly was a nice twist to have, and I think the game will twist continually from here on in...all depending on immunity as to the outcome I think really.
Would be smart to oust Rob but, he'll probably squirm out of it one way or the other.
I wouldnt make a prediction at this point at all...right now, anything goes.
Its great
finally stopped back by the CBS site....
This Weeks Episode:
Matthew makes an incredible sacrifice so that others can be given the opportunity of a lifetime. But the newfound respect Matthew enjoys makes Rob rethink his new alliance.
Still stung by Rob's betrayal of the alliance, an enraged Jenna tells the entire tribe about Rob's secret plans, revealing his strategies to everyone. Will Jenna's revelations turn the tribe against Rob?
Feeling ostracized and betrayed, Jenna and Heidi refuse to help out around camp. Will this put the final nails in their coffins?
Sounds like Rob may get in hot water..but, that was expected however the girls refusing to do anything...thats not gonna help them out much. Even so, I think immunity plays a big part from here on in....and I couldnt guess at that until I saw what it entailed I guess.
Matthew makes a sacrifice?... maybe he finally uses that big machete and sacrifices Heidi to the Jungle God? that would be a twist!
In the coming attractions last week, it was mentioned that family members would be there. I assume that the winner of the reward challenge would get to spend time with a family member. Maybe Matt wins the challenge and lets someone else visit with a member of the family.
I can't decide whom I dislike the most--Rob, Jenna, or Heidi. One of them will depart tonight.
I'm panting about next week's episode. According to TV Guide, there's a fire that destroys everything in the camp. And someone is sick and wants to leave.
I think this Amazon Survivor even surpasses the first one. I find myself thinking about it during the week.
I gotta get a life.
Hehehehe! I'm so happy it's not just me. I can use the Christy excuse (truly, I identify with her WAY too much), but I do think it's an especially good one.
I had the same thought about Matt's "sacrifice".
Yikes about the fire! Hadn't seen that.
I find you either love Survivor or hate Survivor.
I happen to enjoy it very much!!!
All she had to do was say to Rob "Oh, of course I wouldn't vote for you." That's it.
good morning everybody..
Happy labor day. How was the show? Can somebody update me?